UU FaithAction Supporting Driver’s License Initiative

Executive Director Rob Gregson, center, at the NJ State House

On Monday, October 29, Executive Director Rob Gregson, along with fellow Immigration Task Force Chair, Ted Fetter, and Eileen Bird (Princeton), Clara Haignere (Princeton), Jasmine Ueng-McHale (Washington Crossing), Hannah Gallo, and Barbara Jensen attended a rally at the New Jersey State Assembly to show Unitarian Universalist support of issuing undocumented immigrants a New Jersey driver’s license.


There is a strong state-wide effort to move this issue the back-burner to the forefront of lawmakers’ minds.

Gov. Phil Murphy has said he supports the idea. However, Legislation has been introduced but has yet to receive a hearing.  Governor Murphy and Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, D-Middlesex, have publicly stated that the top issues on their fall agenda are a $15 minimum wage and marijuana legalization.

Jasmine Eung-McHale, of the Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing, said most tasks of basic living in New Jersey require a car.  “And I think that it’s important that we allow undocumented residents, our neighbors here, to be able to have that freedom,” Eung-McHale said. “It’s often one way they get flagged by law enforcement when in fact they’re just trying to live their lives.” (exerted from NJ 105.5 )

Twelve states currently permit undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

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