A Statement of Recommitment from Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ

A Statement of Recommitment from Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ

In the midst of a wider culture paying attention to voices of the #MeToo movement, as well as Unitarian Universalists’ growing attention to white supremacist patterns present in unbidden, yet nevertheless, true ways, the Board and staff of UU FaithAction NJ is taking action in “our own house.”  Even in the midst of our ongoing and deep commitment to social justice, we are aware that we have not always been doing our own work around race and gender dynamics.

More specifically, in recent years we have lost female board members. This has prompted our attention and in examining this pattern, we learned that sexist and patriarchal patterns within our organizations have been, in large part, to blame.

The Board and Executive Director express our sincere regrets for this.  We are in the midst of an ongoing process of examination and discernment about power dynamics around race and gender. In continuing to be a vibrant presence on the social justice scene in New Jersey and within our faith movement, we re-commit to embodying and enacting our best Unitarian Universalist ideals as they are understood in the 21st century.

We are posting this statement on our website in order to remind ourselves and others of the ongoing vision and mission of the Board and staff, of our commitment to our beloved UU community and with all those seeking the common good.

As ever,

With love and for justice,

President of the Board: Nick Lewis

Board members: Tim Catts (VP), Rev. Karen G. Johnston (Secretary), Bill Slezak (Treasurer), Tom Moran, Mia Morse, Anthony Torres

Executive Director: Rev. Rob Gregson

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