After 8 years, it’s adiós from me to all of you faithful UUs

While I am excited for my new life adventure to begin in San Miguel de Allende, and to see what it will be like to more purposefully create my own old-age “story,” there are many people and many qualities about my interactions with so many of you that I will deeply miss.
Over the nine years I’ve been active with my congregation in Princeton– and the 6 or so years of chairing or co-chairing the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force, I have met dozens and dozens (and dozens) of wonderful, energetic, interesting UUs who continue to believe in the power of collective action to bring about social, environmental and racial justice. I consider myself fortunate beyond measure to call so many of you friends and colleagues.

As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Setting down my UU roots here in NJ, and being deeply involved in the work of once-UULMNJ and now-UUFaith ActionNJ has given me countless opportunities to remind myself that small victories can be as rewarding as the big ones. And that in truth, the small victories are probably the only ones that we can truly count on to finally get us over the finish line. I’d be lying if I said I’ve always been one who believed in the “small changes” model. Theoretically sure, but really?!? Working all these years with UU activists, and the many other partners throughout NJ with whom we collaborate on important social justice issues, has finally taught me that it’s true. Much has been accomplished… and, yes, so much more to be done. I fully expect to find new challenges, causes and compadres in Mexico!
As the Dos Equis guy says, Stay thirsty, my friends.
May there be love, peace, joy, and a covid-free future for all of us!
—Susan MacDonnell
Feeling called to the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force, or to any volunteer position with UU FaithAction NJ? Contact or call (908) 376-6535 with questions and to express interest.
Big shoes to fill. Thank you again, Susan.
Dear Susan, You are such a wonderful inspiration person. God bless and keep you. I want to keep in touch so please keep me in your loop. Peace and blessings, gretchen