Coming to a UU congregation near you—our Reproductive Justice Task Force has launched a Postcard Campaign for Reproductive Equity, and we need all-hands-on-deck to distribute, sign and stamp postcards!
Postcard campaigns build a steady, strong voice to back a stagnant piece of legislation. The Reproductive Equity Act (S2918/A4350) is a top priority of reproductive justice advocates across the state. To move this legislation forward, we don’t need an urgent, one-time action: we need a steady, incessant stream of support.
Pre-printed postcards addressed to Senate Majority Leader Scutari and to Assembly Leader Coughlin have been mailed to each of our congregations, along with stamps, instructions, and a bill abstract. If you do not see our postcards at your coffee hour, please inquire with your congregational liaison or church administrator! We need volunteers from every congregation to step-up to help facilitate this statewide action.
In short, we are asking congregants to:
- Take two postcards (one addressed to Scutari and one to Coughlin)
- Write your name, home address, and signature on each card
- Add a stamp (provided by UU FaithAction NJ)
- Return the cards to your postcard station volunteer
Questions? Please contact with logistical questions or to request additional supplies. Contact with questions about the Reproductive Equity Act.
Would you like to make a donation towards the cost of stationary and stamps? Please visit:
Photo Op! Please take photos of the campaign in action (with the permission of your photogenic activists). Send your photos to, or tag us @uufaithactionnj on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!
Reproductive Equity Act Abstract
Senate Bill S2918
Assembly Bill A4350
The bills we are asking you to advocate for by signing our postcards will increase abortion access in NJ. While NJ has always been a “safe” state for people to obtain abortion care, in January 2022 a bill was signed by Gov. Murphy that codified into state statute a strong declaration of reproductive rights with no restrictions.
The bills now proposed by Senator Theresa Ruiz ( D) and Assemblywoman Mila Jasey (D) protect and expand abortion access for all people here in NJ, regardless of income, insurance or immigration status. They provide financial support to provide abortion care for the uninsured & under-insured, thus making the law more equitable. The bills also strengthen protections for health care providers.
The bills currently include the following stipulations:
- Creating licensing procedures for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and midwives to perform abortions
- Requiring health insurance companies to cover the cost of abortions in New Jersey
- Strengthening privacy protections for abortion seekers
- Creating a $20 million Reproductive Health Access Fund, providing funds for training, security, and grants for reproductive healthcare facilities