#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Criminal Justice Reform

UU FaithAction NJ is fortunate to have two passionate new leaders of the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force: first-time Co-Chair Claudia Sanders, and former Board Member, long-time volunteer, and Chair, Tom Moran. Both are drawn to the work because the safety and humane treatment of those incarcerated can positively change lives and impact society as whole, and they enjoy working with a robust coalition of partner organizations.

When asked about their priorities, Moran says, “Being a presence in the regulatory space, making sure laws passed are being implemented, is one way we can make a difference.” Two years ago, New Jersey passed A314, a strong bill that restricted the use of solitary confinement in the state’s prisons, but since its passage there is no way to know if the new law is being implemented.

The recent appointment of Terry Schuster as the new head of the NJ Office of the Corrections Ombudsperson, a position that went unfilled for an extended period, should help with regulation. Schuster, who is new to New Jersey, has already met with the UU FaithAction NJ task force and coalition members and has vowed to enforce the Dignity Act, which is meant to ensure proper treatment of the incarcerated.

“The conditions of abuse at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, with prisoners being beaten and sexually assaulted, is a situation that cannot continue,” says Sanders, who sees the task force role of partnering with Schuster’s office as critical to restoring safe conditions to that facility and all NJ prisons.

In addition, the task force works with coalition members to monitor police practices throughout the state by tracking incidents of alleged malpractice and is gathering information on the issue of removing life sentences for the elderly in certain circumstances.

“There is no shortage of work for the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force, for sure,” says Moran.

This #GivingTuesday, please consider a gift to UU FaithAction NJ, so that we might continue to support the work of the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force, and promote legislation and conditions that affirm the dignity and worth of every person.

Give Today!

If you are interested in joining the work of this task force, email Tom Moran and Claudia Sanders at criminaljustice@uufaithaction.org

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