#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Reproductive Justice

A Conversation with Carol Loscalzo and Jami Thall, Co-Chairs of the Reproductive Justice Task Force

With the sudden reversal of Roe v. Wade brought on by the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision, UU FaithAction NJ’s Reproductive Justice Task Force has been engaged in protecting and expanding abortion access in New Jersey. While UUFANJ celebrated the passage of the Reproductive Freedom of Choice Act in January, this bill did not include some of the provisions of the original bill, the Reproductive Freedom Act. The RFCA did not include provisions to ensure access for everyone, including the undocumented, under-insured people and those who lack resources to pay for care.

“While the legislature may feel like they’ve done enough, we are not willing to leave anyone behind,” says Jami Thall, co-chair of the Reproductive Justice Task Force. “We view this as our moral obligation as Unitarian Universalists.”

This is what led to the task force organizing a postcard campaign this fall that rallied allies to send legislative leadership post cards urging the passage of the Reproductive Equity Act (S2918/A4350), more comprehensive legislation that ensures not only rights but access for all. “There are too many people who will still struggle to access and pay for abortion care,” Thall continued, “and they are often people of color. It is up to those of us with privilege and power to make sure vital healthcare services like abortion are available for everyone.”

This relates to another issue the task force has prioritized: maternal justice for people of color. Unfortunately, New Jersey ranks very low on health outcomes for maternal and child health and this inordinately impacts mothers and children of color. Last year the task force provided a microgrant for coalition partner Perinatal Health Equity Initiative, an organization dedicated to eliminating health care disparities in black infant and maternal health.

In addition, the task force is also focused on sex education in the state’s public schools, which have been under attack by extremist groups in our state since the approval of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in the Personal Growth and Development Section by the State BOE in June of 2022. “Unitarian Universalists have a long history in this area with the development of our own comprehensive sexual education curriculum, “Our Whole Lives”, created in conjunction with the United Church of Christ,” says Carol Loscalzo. “We know how crucial comprehensive sex education is to human development and we are in a position as people of faith to lead and provide testimony on this issue.” “When it comes to sex education,” says Jami Thall, “ignorance is what you need to be afraid of. Sex education should be affirming and not shaming, and definitely not based in fear.”

With so much on the shoulders of the Reproductive Justice Task Force, it’s a wonder they have time for much else, but they are also working to raise awareness around the issue of menstrual equity. Last spring, they launched an ongoing internal project to make sure that period products were available in the restrooms of all congregations. Now they are turning their attention to the outside world and advocating for legislation in New Jersey to make sure period products are accessible to all those who menstruate, including those whose situations make affording and acquiring these necessary products difficult or impossible.

This #GivingTuesday, with so much on the line under the umbrella of reproductive justice, a steadfast, faith-based voice in the policy debates is more important than ever. Remember, every dollar you give up to our $10,000 goal will be matched and have double the impact in our work for reproductive justice. Thank you for considering UU FaithAction NJ this #GivingTuesday. Together we give. Together we make a difference.

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If you are interested in joining the work of this task force, email Carol Loscalzo and Jami Thall at reprojustice@uufaithaction.org

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