By Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chair
As we all know, the only thing we know about reproductive justice, and in particular abortion access, in 2023 is that it is constantly changing at a mind-boggling pace. We, and probably you too, are getting a lot of information all the time. We hope you find the news, information and resources below helpful as you work with your individual reproductive justice committees and others.
Sex Ed
Sex Ed continues to be under attack here in NJ, most recently in Ocean City. Many thanks to our Administrator, Meera Rao, who facilitated an alert to UU folks in Ocean City so they could attend the meeting.
Check out the Euki app: It is a sexual health app that is totally private, chock full of factual information. We encourage you to pass it along to everyone, especially youth and young adults.
This is a terrific resource about how to speak up for comprehensive sex ed: https://www.educateusaction.
org/get-involved/your-guide- .to-speaking-up-for-sex-ed/ -
Sex Ed Committee is actively seeking members; please reach out to Jami or Carol at if you have interest.
Abortion Access:
While we await the decision from the mifepristone case in Texas these articles are worth a read:
Anti Abortion Centers aka “Crisis Pregnancy Centers”:
No matter what you call them, they are anti-abortion, and disseminate inaccurate and misleading information.
The NJ Attorney General has put out a consumer alert to raise awareness about the deceptive nature of these organizations. This is a terrific first step. Please share widely!
CONSUMER ALERT Crisis Pregnancy Centers |
The Associated Press has revised their style guide to reflect the true nature of these organizations, take a look:
topical_most_recent -
Walgreen’s boycott: sign the petition here: https://act.weareultraviolet.
org/sign/pharmacies_abortion/? t=2&ak_proof=1&akid=52552% 2E3045790%2EpiBNOZ
Texas women fight back:
03/07/texas-women-abortion- lawsuit/ -
Another horrific Texas lawsuit, this time targeting people who helped a friend have an abortion:
2023/03/10/texas-abortion- lawsuit/
Thank you to everyone who supports reproductive justice in many areas across the state!