Save the Date: Annual Meeting May 20th!

Our UU FaithAction NJ Annual Meeting will be May 20th, 2023, 10–11:30 AM.  The meeting will be conducted on Zoom.  All New Jersey UUs are encouraged to attend!

Coffee Hour

9:30 AM | Join us for informal fellowship!  Bring your coffee, tea and/or breakfast.  Catch up with friends, or make a new friend!

Meeting Agenda:

10 AM      | Opening & Chalice Lighting
10:05 AM | President’s Welcome & Report
10:15 AM | Executive Director’s Report
10:25 AM | FAIR Youth Leaders Bridging
10:35 AM | Business: Approve budget and induct new board members
10:50 AM | Task Force Reports
11:10 AM | Closing & Chalice Extinguishing
11:15 AM | Optional: Greet your neighbor, Q&A
We will host two informational open forums leading up to our Annual Meeting, to introduce and answer questions pertaining to our proposed budget and slated Board members.  Forum dates TBA.

Our Annual Meeting is free and open to the public.  Mark your calendar!  We hope to see you there.

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