MIFE Decision Response

By Jami Thall and Carol Loscalzo, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chairs

Unitarian Universalists unequivocally support the right and access to abortion care for all. Our faith tradition calls us to advocate and fight for reproductive justice, and all reproductive health care, including access to abortion care, for everyone.

We stand firm in our opposition to any legislation or judicial decision that interferes with private reproductive health care decisions. We should all be free to exercise our right to bodily autonomy. These decisions should be made by individuals and their trusted medical professionals, without interference from legislators or judges.

We know that the recent decision by the North Texas U.S. District Court to block the use of mifepristone, a FDA approved medication that has been used safely for over 20 years, and in over 60 countries, is a blatant attempt to usurp the right to make our own reproductive health care choices. While this case works its way through the appeal process we know that opponents of abortion care will stop at nothing to impose their will on the rest of the nation.

We also know that the people who are most adversely impacted by this decision, and all of the many restrictions on abortion care that have been put in place since the Dobbs decision are those with the least access to care. The most vulnerable, people who are uninsured or underinsured, BIPOC & Indigenous people, young people, and our rural neighbors are the ones for whom abortion access is often impossible. It is our moral duty as Unitarian Universalists to speak out against these discriminatory policies and to advocate for change.

The UU FaithAction Reproductive Justice Task Force stands in solidarity with all who are working for a future where reproductive justice is available for all.

This is a rapidly changing situation, and we continue to closely monitor developments. Please be on the lookout for an Action Alert from the Reproductive Justice Task Force, as we are partnering with other reproductive justice organizations to determine our next steps.

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