NJ Wind Works Rally: Photos 🌊

On Saturday, June 10th, representatives of our UU FaithAction NJ Environmental Justice Task Force gathered with numerous coalition partners to march, sing and shout in support of offshore wind!

Peggy Middaugh, Chair of our Environmental Justice Task Force, was a lead organizer for UUs attending the rally, and reports “it was a great event!”  Organizers estimate 300 were in attendance.

“UU Faith Action NJ supports utility-scale offshore wind projects as a practical, economical, and relatively fast way to make a meaningful cut in our reliance on fossil fuels,” commented Rev. Charles Loflin in the joint press release.  “In the name of social justice we must take action to reduce the causes of climate change which harm our health and damage natural systems that we depend upon for life and which impact poor communities and communities of color disproportionately.”

Vocal public support for harnessing offshore wind energy is critical in the face of a vocal, organized opposition.  Protestors calling to stop or delay the offshore wind projects most frequently cite whale deaths linked to offshore wind projects, although evidence does not support this claim.

Why Wind Energy Matters for New Jersey

From our partners at NJ Sierra Club

The climate crisis is putting our oceans and NJ communities in danger, and one of the best ways we can fight climate change is through the equitable and safe development of renewable energy, including offshore wind projects.  Responsible offshore wind energy projects can spur economic development, create jobs in coastal communities, improve energy security, and cut climate-destabilizing pollution.  But to protect their own interests, the fossil fuel industry is doing everything it can to delay the development of offshore wind—including spreading misinformation about offshore wind to stall our transition to clean energy.  Fossil fuel opponents to clean energy are putting personal greed over the health of us all.

The climate crisis is here and NJ is on the frontlines of sea level rise, flooding, increased temperatures and storms.  The destruction and disruptions we face are not enough to stop wealthy fossil fuel interests from trying to stop progress on what can help save us—a transition to clean renewable energy.  We need a clean energy transition NOW, and offshore wind is NJ’s best defense against climate change.  We need YOU to make your voice heard in support of offshore wind and a clean energy and safe climate future for NJ.

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