75,000+ March to End Fossil Fuels

Unitarian Universalists joined protestors representing a broad coalition of climate activists and communities of faith in the March to End Fossil Fuels on Sunday, September 17th, 2023.

In anticipation of to the September 20th “UN Climate Ambition Summit” in New York, people took to the streets to cry out for a fossil-free future.  Marchers called on President Biden—leader of the world’s largest producer of oil and gas—to stop oil and gas projects, phase down drilling, and declare a climate emergency.  Add your voice—sign the March to End Fossil Fuels petition.

Members of UU FaithAction NJ joined the multi-faith worship service in the street before the march, where worship leaders representing diverse traditions led the gathered assembly in song, ritual and prayer to invoke our Spirit of many names and affirm our common commitment to climate healing.

Organizers estimate that over 75,000 people marched on Sunday, making it the largest demonstration pressuring Biden since he took office and the largest climate mobilization since the start of the pandemic.

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Sign the petition to amplify march demands — Tell President Biden: #EndFossilFuels Now.

We call on President Biden to:

  1. STOP FEDERAL APPROVALS for new fossil fuel projects and REPEAL permits for climate bombs like the willow project and the mountain valley pipeline.
  2. PHASE OUT FOSSIL FUEL DRILLING on our public lands and waters.
  3. DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY To halt fossil fuel exports and investments abroad, and turbo-charge the build-out of more just, resilient distributed energy (like rooftop and community solar).
  4. PROVIDE A JUST TRANSITION to a renewable energy future* that generates millions of jobs while supporting workers’ and community rights, job security, and employment equity.

*our renewable energy future must not repeat the violence of the extractive past. Justice must ground the transition off fossil fuels to redress the climate, colonialist, racist, socioeconomic, and ecological injustices of the fossil fuel era.

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