By Michael Skelly, Environmental Justice Task Force member
Following hours of impassioned testimony on Monday, March 11, New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Chairman Bob Smith suddenly called a Thursday meeting of the Environment and Energy Committee. Advocates and the media were taken by surprise by the swift action.
Three bills had made it onto the agenda as the result of a lengthy and arduous process of public meetings, study, and modifications that had stretched through the last two years and into 2024. At stake was whether the bills would be approved and released for further consideration to possibly become law or be defeated in committee.
The three bills: a substitute bill S237, “New Jersey Clean Energy Act of 2024,” establishes a 100% clean electricity standard and directs the Board of Public Utilities to establish a clean electricity certificate program; S258 requires electric public utilities to develop and implement grid modernization plans and appropriates $300 million; and SCR43 proposes a constitutional amendment “Green Amendment” to make the State trustee of public natural resources and guarantee the people other environmental rights. These bills affect many of our Environmental Justice Task Force top priorities for this year.
The Environmental Justice Task Force of UU FaithAction NJ has submitted written comments and formal letters of our positions, has appeared in-person at committee hearings, and has rallied outside the Statehouse with our coalition partners to shape and move each of these bills forward. This was a major milestone in our efforts to improve our health, reduce climate change, and aid the web of life of which we are a part.
On Thursday, March 14, the Committee room on the upper floor of the Capital was packed with people who had worked on these bills for years. Senator Smith opened the meeting. After one final statement on behalf of the NJ Business and Industry Association opposing two of the three bills, the Committee took votes on each of the bills. Some Committee members voted in opposition.
However, ALL three bills were passed and released for further action. This was a huge step on our journey towards environmental justice.
Senator Smith closed with a warning message: these bills had been approved and released from committee, but environmental advocates would need to get ready for the next stage. It will be an uphill battle to see these bills through to adoption into law.
The Environmental Justice Task Force welcomes new volunteers! Ready to get involved in Clean Energy, Forestry, Education, the Green Amendment, Food Security/Regenerative Agriculture and a future with environmental justice for all?
If you’d like to know what’s going on or be a part of our dynamic team, please contact Task Force Chair Peggy Middaugh at
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