RJTF Supports Newly Introduced Legislation

The Reproductive Justice Task Force supports newly introduced legislation that will expand access to abortion and reproductive health care here in NJ. We were on hand in Trenton for a press conference with Senator Ruiz & Senate President Scutari. The RJTF partnered with our colleagues at NCJW to craft a joint statement expressing interfaith support for access to reproductive health care.

“On behalf of the National Council of Jewish Women, Essex, Bergen, Jersey Hills, West Morris and Metro Jersey Sections and Unitarian Universalist Faith Action New Jersey, we applaud the introduction and support for the passage of this reproductive health insurance bill – another step forward in breaking down the financial barriers to accessing abortion care and the full range of reproductive health care options.

Many faith communities share the belief in bodily autonomy, in respect and dignity for the decisions we choose to make, and in the right of everyone to both reproductive and religious freedom in making those decisions.

So many of our respective faiths center equity and justice in our texts and teachings. In the Torah, for example, we are instructed to never forget those who live in the shadows, whose opportunity and freedom are not guaranteed. We are commanded to pursue justice.

Unitarian Universalist principles also call upon us to work toward justice, equity and compassion for everyone. In accordance with this commitment to justice, we must affirm the right of all people to have access to abortion care and all other forms of reproductive health care. This is a fundamental belief, that we all must be free to follow our conscience when making decisions about our health.”

The RJTF also issued the following statement as part of the Thrive NJ press release in support of this legislation.

“UU Faith Action fully supports the introduction of legislation expanding insurance coverage for reproductive health care. As Unitarian Universalists we affirm the right to bodily autonomy, which includes access to abortion care and the full range of reproductive healthcare options. Breaking down all barriers to care must be accomplished for everyone in our State. It’s a matter of health, of safety, of religious freedom, and, most importantly, of justice.”

Carol Loscalzo & Jami Thall, Co-Chairs UUFANJ Reproductive Justice Task Force

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