Post Abortion Care Kit Events—Coming to NJ Congregations This Fall!

Post Abortion Care Kit Events
Coming to NJ Congregations This Fall

By Jami Thall, Reproductive Justice Task Force Co-Chair

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade in 2022, many UU’s who support access to abortion care have been reaching out to ask how they can help.  Organizing, contributing to, or participating in a Post Abortion Care Kit Event is a meaningful way to support abortion patients.

Post Abortion Care Kits (“PAC Kits”) are a collection of small comfort items recommended by providers for patients.  They include practical items like menstrual pads, comfort items like fuzzy socks, and handwritten notes of support.  We know from our provider partners that these notes are extremely impactful.  Abortion care still carries a tremendous amount of shame and stigma for many people.  Words of affirmation and care can make a big difference to patients, especially people lacking the support of family or friends. 

The PAC Kit Project gives our abortion providers a lift.  They are very appreciative of the support the kits provide to their patients.  The PAC Kit Project also seeks to raise awareness about the current state of abortion access here in NJ.  By participating in a PAC project you’ll also get updated information on reproductive health legislation pending here in NJ.

So reach out to the Repro Justice or Social Justice team at your congregation and ask if they are planning to organize a PAC Kit event in the fall.  If not, you can team up with another congregation or take the lead on your own project.  The Reproductive Justice Task Force has put together a handbook outlining everything you need to know to have a successful event.

Questions? Suggestions? Please reach out to Carol Loscalzo and Jami Thall, Co-Chairs of the UU FaithAction NJ Reproductive Justice Task Force, at

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