Where to Join the UU Climate Justice Revival in New Jersey

UU FaithAction NJ is a proud sponsor of the UU Climate Justice Revival: “Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era.” The Revival builds on decades of faithful and visionary UU climate and environmental leadership and is designed to equip congregations to collectively reimagine a spirit-filled and liberatory future. More than 350 UU congregations from 40 states will be participating in the Revival next weekend, September 28-29.

UU FaithAction NJ is a proud Revival Sponsor

Through multigenerational activities, dialogues, worship, and advocacy, the Revival aims to catalyze a shared vision and purpose, build capacity and skills, nourish relationships and connections, and elevate ideas and actions that advance justice in our communities.

Together, we can move past systems and cultures of extraction, to usher in a new era with love and justice at the center of our actions.


In New Jersey, several congregations will be hosting Climate Justice Revival events, and you’re invited!  Check out the Revival at your nearest congregation:

  • UU Ocean County Congregation | uuocc.org
    Sept 29th @ 10:30 a.m.
    431 North Main Street, Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 (Murray Grove)
    & on Zoom
    Program: Climate worship service, video & discussion following service, Get Out the Vote mailings action
    Contact person: Peggy Middaugh
  • Central Unitarian Church & The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood | cucwestwood.org & uuridgewood.org
    Sept. 29th @ 10:30 a.m.
    113 Cottage Place in Ridgewood, NJ 07450
    & on Zoom
    Program: Central Unitarian Church & The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood will join forces for a combined service on Sept. 29th at 10:30am in-person in Ridgewood at 113 Cottage Place and online via Zoom.
  • Beacon UU Congregation in Summit | summitbeacon.org
    Sept. 29th @ 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m., 12 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
         4 Waldron Ave, Summit, NJ
    & on YouTube
    🙌 “Repair and Recognition: A Faithful Response to the Climate Crisis” — Services at 9:30 a.m. & 11 a.m., in-person or online.
    🤝UU Climate Revival Program — 12:00 p.m to 5:30 p.m. Come for a portion or the entire program.

    1. Film: Here’s the Story: The Green Amendment. Film screening will be followed by a question and answer period with Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, who is the major force behind the amendment, while we write postcards urging NJ legislators to pass the Green Amendment.
    2. Eco-focused hands-on activity:
      **Outdoor Learning Project: Native Plants and Local Flourishing
      **Art Build Project for all ages
    3. Panel on environmental justice issues facing New Jersey, followed by breakout discussion groups on Creating a Congregational Environmental Focus.
    4. Interfaith service: Renewing our collective commitment to repair and protect our Earth.

Contact person: Cynthia Gutierrez-Bernstein

  • UU Church in Cherry Hill | uucch.org
    Sept. 29th @ 10:15 a.m.
    401 Kings Highway N., Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
    & on Zoom
    Program: Worship service: “A Climate Justice Vision for 2050.” As part of the Climate Justice Revival, the Environmental Justice Team shares a vision of what we hope our world will look like in 2050—which depends on our actions now! Our Social Justice teams and UU Faith Action NJ have collaborated to guide our priorities and inspire our actions. Organizing Hour, following the service, will feature UU the Vote tables and a facilitated discussion titled, “Talking About the Election: Sharing Stories and Learning Strategies on How to Navigate Conversations.”
    Contact person: Sharon Hardy
  • UU Congregation at Montclair | uumontclair.org
    Sept. 28th, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. & Sept. 29th, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
         67 Church Street, Montclair, NJ 07042
    : On September 28th, we will host a Climate Justice Revival. Through conversations, lament, joy, centering, and advocacy, we will work together to realize climate justice and collective liberation in our communities. This is a multigenerational opportunity.
    On September 29th, we will hold Climate Justice Revival Worship. Our WelcomeFest, following the service, will feature opportunity for collective action.
    Contact person: Cil Knutsen
    Registration Requested
  • Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton | UUPrinceton.org
    Sept. 29th @ 10:30 a.m.
    50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton, NJ
    & via Zoom or YouTube
    Program: Worship service: “Climate Change and Human Change.” Together, in an all-ages service, we’ll imagine how we can make changes that create more a more sustainable climate and just world.
  • The Unitarian Society — East Brunswick | unitariansociety.org
    Sept. 29th @ 10:30 a.m.
    176 Tices Ln, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
    & via Zoom
    Program: Worship service: “Transforming Toward Interdependence: The Joy of Climate Justice” led by Rev. Lyn Cox.  Together, in an all-ages service, we’ll imagine how we can make changes that create more a more sustainable climate and just world.
    In the spring (date TBD), The Unitarian Society plans to offer the full Climate Justice Revival curriculum

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