Virtual Press Conference: “State of Solitary” Report Launch

Virtual Press Conference
“State of Solitary” Report Launch
October 1st, 6 PM

Next Tuesday, October 1, our NJ Prison Justice Watch coalition will release our new report: “Isolated Voices: The State of Solitary in NJ 2024.”

Join us for this important press conference, and bring critical attention the ongoing affront to human rights in New Jersey prisons.

UU FaithAction NJ joined with allies in the New Jersey Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement (NJ-CAIC), to protest the inhuman use of extended solitary confinement (“no-touch torture”) in our prisons, and advocate for reform. Our campaign successfully led to the passing of the New Jersey Isolated Confinement Restriction Act (ICRA) in 2019.

Following passage of the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act, our coalition reconstituted itself as New Jersey Prison Justice Watch (NJPJW), to monitor compliance with the new legislation.

However, testimonies from incarcerated persons, corroborated by an October 2023 report by the NJ Office of Corrections Ombudsperson, tell a story of noncompliance and inhumane treatment.

The virtual press conference event will feature live testimonies, statements from advocates working on ICRA implementation, and recommendations for humane and effective changes to correctional policy.

We urge you to join us Tuesday at 6 p.m., to support the survivors of our New Jersey prison system, and to be a witness for justice and Love.

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