Now, more than ever, we as Unitarian Universalists living in New Jersey, are called to lean deeply into our core values. We are guided by our shared commitments to justice, equity, transformation, pluralism, interdependence, and generosity – all of it centered in love.
In the midst of the flurry of recent executive orders and policy directives that are not only reprehensible but truly dangerous, let us be clear.
We will not be silent.
We will not be deterred.
We will not be erased.
UU FaithAction will continue in the work that has been central to our mission. Yes, elections have consequences, but our democratic process protects, respects, and demands the right to dissent.
We will EDUCATE.
We will continue to side with love as we recommit to work against oppression in all its forms to bring about a more just New Jersey.
In faith and love,
Rev. Charles Loflin
Executive Director