30 Days of Love: Towards Racial Justice

We at UULMNJ are excited to be a part of the 2016 Thirty Days of Love campaign, observed from Saturday, January 16 through Sunday, February 14, 2016, culminating on the 7th Annual National Standing on the Side of Love Day! Thirty Days of Love 2016: Towards Racial Justice will lift up the ways Unitarian Universalists and many of our partner organizations are building and organizing by taking bold, courageous action for intersectional racial justice.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for articles on social justice, words to inspire your commitment, and a look at what other UUs are doing across the country to ensure that there is liberty and justice FOR ALL.

Look for the hashtag #30DaysOfLove and this logo in your newsfeed and share the love with YOUR community!

“How We’re Priming Some Kids for College- and Other for Prison” – February 9, Day 25

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Remembering Sandra Bland – February 7, Day 23

#‎SandyStillSpeaks‬ and today, on her birthday, we dedicate ‪#‎30DaysOfLove‬ to her memory and racial justice. ‪#‎SayHerName‬ “I want Sandy to be remembered as an activist—sassy, smart and she knew her rights.” Read more.

“Where is the Love?” – February 6, Day 22

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West Orange 6th Grader on Ellen – February 4, Day 20

Marley Davis is on a mission to collect 1000 books featuring black girls as the main character. Her work caught the eye of funny lady Ellen Degeneres. Watch Marley on Ellen. Read more about Marley and her mission here.

“Does Racism Affect How You Vote?” – February 3, Day 19

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Showing Up and Support: Black Lives Matter – January 31, Day 16

Leslie MacFadyen, Kenny Wiley and Lena Gardner talk with The VUU team about showing up and supporting. The VUU is weekly Church of the Larger Fellowship web program hosted by Meg Riley and Joanna Fontaine Crawford.

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“We Need to Talk About an Injustice” – January 29, Day 14

Spiritual Practices for White Allies – January 26, Day 11

“These are practices that decenter our egos and help us to learn and grow while being compassionate with ourselves and faithful to our values.” A blog post written by Rev. Annie Gonzalez on the practices of radical faith and deep discernment for white people in the times of the Movement for Black Lives.

“I Love Being A Police Officer, But We Need Reform” – January 24, Day 9

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Why America Needs a Slavery Museum – January 23, Day 8

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14 Ways to Mobilize – January 20, Day 5

How can you mobilize? Learn more at http://www.standingonthesideoflove.org/ourstories/fourteen-steps-forward-together-for-americas-third-reconstruction

14 Ways to Mobilize(1)


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.