Charles Loflin

Fall Issues Conference: Agenda & Registration
The Fall Issues Conference is at the heart of our ministry together as UU social justice advocates in the state of NJ. Register today to let us know that you will be there!

Reparations Workshop at UUC Cherry Hill

UUFANJ Annual Meeting
June 12th, 2021 from 10:00am — noon
Online via Zoom
More details including a registration link are coming soon!

DRUUMM Worship Gathering
All are invited and welcome to experience, return, and give to the BIPOC community. Join for worship!
Wednesday, May 19th, 2021
8:30 pm Eastern via Zoom
Registration link: http://bit.ly/may19druumm

Criminal Justice Reform: Take Action to Expand Re-entry Services
As UUs we know that our entire society is improved when everyone has a chance to change and grow. Expanding reentry services and insuring that those released from incarceration receive timely and effective help will go a long way towards supporting them to develop their gifts and talents, and become contributing members of their community.

Our 2021 Gala Gift Baskets Auction is now OPEN for bidding!
The 2021 Justice Gala includes an online auction of social justice themed gift baskets donated by individual UU congregations. While we encourage everyone who can to attend the online Gala, the basket bidding is open to all.
Bidding will be open from 7:00am on Tuesday, February 16 until 12:05pm on Wednesday, March 3. There are 13 baskets, so please be sure to scroll all the way down the page, so you don’t miss what could be your favorite!

Tell Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee members that you support A4685 to provide re-entry services
Here in New Jersey, we continue the important work of undoing decades of mass-incarceration. We know that the over-reliance on punishment and retribution, including harmful policies like mandatory minimum sentencing, has led only to over-crowded prisons nationwide, and devastated families and communities in their wake.

Support the Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848)
Tell lawmakers that now is the time to protect the fundamental and constitutional right to full reproductive freedom. The Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) will expand and protect access to reproductive health care for all New Jerseyans.

Support Restorative and Transformative Justice for Youth
If passed, the Restorative and Transformative Justice for Youth and Communities Pilot Program (A4663/S2924) will establish pilot programs in Paterson, Newark, Trenton and Camden. These pilot programs will assist young people after they are released from juvenile facilities, and will also focus on keeping young people from entering the criminal legal system in the first place.
Wraparound services for youth after release would include mental health services, substance use disorder treatment, and life skill supports– all with the goal that they will get a fresh start and fully develop their potential in a positive direction. The second part, centered on keeping youth out of detention and/or the adult system, establishes “restorative justice hubs” where youth and their families can heal, build healthy relationships, and, if necessary, address any harm to individuals or community through dialogue, accountability, and repair.
Help us now by sending a letter to members of the Assembly Law and Public Safety committee and the Senate Judiciary committee to urge their quick action on this bill. The Assembly will hear the bill this coming Wednesday, so please take action quickly.