emissions rising from factory smoke stacks

Call to Action: NJ&’s Cumulative Impacts Bill (S232 / A2212)

The NJ Senate passed a landmark Environmental Justice bill (S232/A2212, Singleton/McKeon) in June. Governor Murphy made a public announcement of support on Juneteenth. However, Speaker Coughlin canceled a final vote on July 30th just hours before it was to occur.

Now it is past time for the Assembly to act.

A2212 will:

  • Protect communities hardest hit by COVID & pollution
  • Tackle the legacy of environmental racism in NJ
  • Ensure communities of color & low income communities do not continue to get
    dumped on
  • Expand the right of residents to weigh in on decisions
  • Promote green, clean business over dirty, toxic industries
  • Make NJ a leader in the fight for environmental justice

The NJ Assembly must pass NJ’s Cumulative Impacts Bill (S232 /
A2212) without any weakening amendments by the end of August.

Take Action

Virtual Panel on Exploring Restorative Justice in New Jersey

Does our criminal justice system serve all people? Or can we build a better system of public safety?

It is said that you cannot create what you cannot imagine. As individuals and groups call for an end to mass incarceration and new visions of how to achieve public safety, we need to imagine together.