“Adiós” from Susan

After 8 years, it’s adiós from me to all of you faithful UUs

Susan MacDonnell headshot
Susan MacDonnell, who for six years chaired or co-chaired the UUFANJ Criminal Justice Reform Task Force

While I am excited for my new life adventure to begin in San Miguel de Allende, and to see what it will be like to more purposefully create my own old-age “story,” there are many people and many qualities about my interactions with so many of you that I will deeply miss.

Thrive NJ statement

Today, Texas’s draconian six-week abortion ban S.B. 8 goes into effect during the most hostile legislative year for reproductive health and rights since Roe v. Wade was decided nearly 50 years ago. Across the nation, nearly 600 abortion restrictions were introduced this year alone — 90 of which have been enacted. In response to today’s news and in anticipation of the Mississippi case before the U.S. Supreme Court, Thrive NJ releases the following statement.

UU FaithAction NJ 2021 Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Meeting

The recording of our 2021 Annual Meeting is now available on our new YouTube channel! Watch and share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

UU FaithAction NJ 2021 Annual Meeting reports are also available for download: