COVID-19 Update/Ltr. from Exec. Director

After a two week virtual shutdown here at UU FaithAction NJ, I am at last able to be back in touch with all of you, our family of supporters.  I’d like to explain why I have been so silent in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, explain how we go about our work together going forward and provide an update about the previously scheduled Sat. April 25th Annual Meeting. Please also see information at the bottom of this email outlining 2 actions–one happening TODAY—to support detainees and release them and other vulnerable inmates in NJ ASAP.

March 11th to Today

As some of you will already know, I tested positive for COVID19 after experiencing my first clear symptoms on Weds. March 11 (though those symptoms did NOT include a fever–an important point as we begin to see a surge in cases here in NJ.)  I began self-isolating that same day and immediately notified all those with whom I had been in close and sustained contact over the previous week–including some of you.

After receiving a positive result 4 days later, I was asked by hospital staff to stay in self-isolation until at least Monday, 3/30.  I have been recovering slowly but surely.  I am especially pleased to report that my two children have been off-site over the past 2+ weeks, show no discernible symptoms and remain well.
To date only one other person has tested positive for the virus among those 100+ people with whom I had been in relatively close and sustained contact 10 days prior to showing obvious symptoms; it is worth noting that that person shared an hour car ride with me carpooling to a UUFANJ event.
The Board and Task Force leaders have fully supported my recovery for which I am very appreciative.  I will begin working from home on a part-time basis as my recovery progresses, though I have to take it more slowly than I would wish.  Please know that I appreciate your patience and many thoughts and prayers as we make this adjustment together. UU FaithAction NJ continues on!
One additional reminder: we have not had an office administrator since Feb. 28th and most likely will not hire another one for the time being so communications in the short term will likely be more sporadic than usual.  Thanks again for your continued understanding.
Rescheduling the Annual Meeting
Update your calendar!  The Board has voted to changed the date for the Annual Meeting from April 25th to Sat. June 6.  We expect this will be a VIRTUAL meeting via conference/video call; more details will be sent out as soon as possible.

The Annual Meeting is necessary to UU FaithAction NJ since it is there that we carry out the mandated annual business of the organization. In particular we are required to pass the official budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year; we also need to offer candidates for election to the Board of Trustees, and vote on those nominees.

There is a UUFANJ Board working group charged to determine the particulars of the Annual Meeting. If you would like to offer suggestions or otherwise assist this group in planning the June 6 Annual Meeting, please reach out to Tom Moran (UU Morristown):   Mobile: (973) 960-2346

You may also contact Board Vice President, Nick Lewis (

Social Justice Actions Now

We are all aware that nothing is “business as usual” these days; still, there remains much that we CAN do which in itself is cause for hope and renewed vitality even while we deal (sometimes chafe) with the stressors of self quarantine, the knock-on effects to our employment and income streams, and general worries about the illness making its way through our families, congregations and state.
There are 2 immediate actions we are asking you to take:
Two immediate ways to help support Federal migrant detainees as well as some of most vulnerable inmates (the elderly, those with preexisting medical conditions that make them especially prone to COVID!19, etc.) still being held in coronavirus-prone cellblocks in our county jails and detention centers.
1) Sign this  Open Appeal to Governor Murphy to immediately release a select group of inmates, including Federal ICE detainees, who pose no immediate threat to public safety.  The letter is on behalf of the coalition group, NJ Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement (NJ CAIC) of which UU FaithAction through our Criminal Justice Reform Task Force (sign up here!) is a part.


2) Consider joining a “drive through” protest TODAY (NEARLY NOW) at Bergen Co. jail campaign in support of the inmate hunger strikers asking for similar help during the COVID19 outbreak.
There remains much we can and are called to do.  We’ll get through this together, as we have done before and will do again. I’m lighting a virtual chalice here at “Office #2” (aka my living room) for each one of you and for this organization as we channel our grief, anger, worry and uncertainty into a future-oriented hope.  It’s how we will make it through this current crazy rip-tide, with the understanding that we mean not only to survive these times but to be part of the wave demanding a better way of living for all God’s/the universe’s creatures.  Now we gotta help make it so.

In faith, with love, for justice,

Rev. Rob Gregson, The Board and Task Force Leaders of Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ


Interactive Map of 2020 UU social justice organizations

What Does the UU Social Justice Universe Look Like?

If you’ve ever wondered at the “alphabet soup” of Unitarian Universalist justice organizations that crop up in our own email alerts, and no doubt find their way independently into many of our supporters’ inboxes, here is a useful tool!

Immigration Justice Prayer, Feb. 26 (Ash Wednesday) 2020

Pilgrimage by Rev. Rob Gregson

“Spirit of Life and Love,

Amor sin fronteras ni paredes…love without borders or walls

We gather and we march with strength and determination to call out evil actions

while holding fast to our faith that no one is forever outside the circle of amor sin fronteras ni paredes.

Neither migrants nor the undocumented, not Jews nor the police.

Not African-Americans nor gays, lesbians or transgendered people.

We pray that our strength today builds and grows along the path we walk, the same one named by so many prophets across time and tradition: Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Mother Theresa.

In the words of contemporary Buddhist monk and teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, written the day after the 9/11 attacks that took place just across the harbor from us here today, we call on that same prophetic tradition,

…So that we can hold in our arms the suffering of America as a nation, the suffering of humanity as a family–[una familia]–the suffering of the earth as a home for all of us. 

We need their energy so that we can become lucid and calm, so that we will know exactly what to do and what not to do in order not to make the situation worse.

We know that…responding to hatred and violence with hatred and violence only makes the hatred grow one thousand-fold.  Only with compassion can we disintegrate hatred.’

We recommit ourselves today to standing up to hatred with a thirst for la justicia: for justice informed by love.”

A Statement of Recommitment from Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ

A Statement of Recommitment from Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ

In the midst of a wider culture paying attention to voices of the #MeToo movement, as well as Unitarian Universalists’ growing attention to white supremacist patterns present in unbidden, yet nevertheless, true ways, the Board and staff of UU FaithAction NJ is taking action in “our own house.”  Even in the midst of our ongoing and deep commitment to social justice, we are aware that we have not always been doing our own work around race and gender dynamics.

Major Rally to Support Driver’s Licenses/Push Back Against ICE Immigration Regime

Sept. Rally Save the Date – Thurs. Sept. 6th 2018

UU FaithAction, along with many of our immigration rights allies, faith and human rights groups, will come together at 12 noon on Thurs., Sept. 6 in front of the Statehouse in Trenton to protest the continuing harsh “crackdown” on undocumented immigrants in NJ and across the US.

One important protection we can offer here in NJ is legislating a legal process (as they have already done in California, D.C. and elsewhere) for people with limited documentation to prove who they are, take the driver’s exam, purchase insurance and get back out on our roads safely and LEGALLY.

With a valid license, residents with an otherwise unblemished (or very minor) record can’t be detained and deported–simply because of a routine traffic stop.

We hope many of you will join us on Thursday, Sept. 6th at 12 noon at the NJ Statehouse.  Buses will be leaving from various locations across the state to help make transportation there and back easier–more information on that will be forthcoming.

Mobilizing for Electoral Change: UU Association (UUA) Webinar

From our “Love Resists!” partners at our denominational HQ, the Unitarian Universalist Association and UU Service Committee, this webinar series.

Please join us on Thursday, July 12th at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT for a Webinar on UUs Mobilizing Towards Electoral Justice: Strategizing for the 2018 Mid-Terms & Beyond.You will hear from Adam Eichen, democracy strategist and activist and co-author of Daring Democracy (Beacon Press 2017), one of this year’s UUA Common Reads. UUA justice staff, UU State Action Networks, and UUSJ (UUs for Social Justice: Your Voice in the Capitol) will join him. Please RSVP here