Invitation to March Together at #RiseUpOctober

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UULMNJ allies!  Here is an opportunity to join other UU’s and stand together for racial justice.  Please join members of the Fourth Universalist Society, All Souls Unitarian Church’s Racial Justice Initiative, and First UU Brooklyn at the #RiseUpOctober March on Saturday, October 24th.  We will join with protesters from around the country in resistance to the mass incarceration and continued violence against people of color at the hands of law enforcement. Together, we will affirm that #BlackLivesMatter.

We will wear our Standing on the Side of Love gear and gather at the south east corner of Washington Square Park, near the Bobst library for the opening rally beginning at 11 am.  The march is scheduled to begin at 1 pm and end at 4pm near Columbus Circle.

For more information about marching with us, contact Rachael Hayes (  And for more information about #RiseUpOctober, see the call to action on their website, here:

To show your support for the Black Lives Matter movement, change your social media profile photos. It’s and easy way to show your support and start a conversation with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Concerts to Benefit UULMNJ

Dreaming Tree Coffeehouse is a contemporary folk music series at the Old Stone Church. Sponsored by the First Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hunterdon County, Dreaming Tree Coffeehouse spotlights nationally renowned musicians playing in a historic building with superior acoustics. The concert series will benefit organizations that promote social justice. The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ will be the beneficiary of two concerts this year!

The Appleseed Collective – October 16, 2015  7:30 (doors open at 7:00)

Formed in 2010, The Appleseed Collective has become a force of nature powered by their local community and developed by a strong sense of do-it-yourself drive. In an age of corporations and climate change, the band’s commitment to buying & selling local, eating from gardens, and being their own bosses has led to the kind of success that feels simply organic. According to Aarik Danielsen of the Columbia Daily Tribune, “Young Love sweeps out the various corners of American music, taking a long look at both the sublime and the strange. The group explores both dark and light in a way that other string-band revivalists haven’t touched.” Advance tickets are just $15! Get yours now!

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Pat Wictor – March 18, 2016  7:30

“…Pat Wictor walks onstage and sits down.  He places a Guild DV-52 flat across his lap and begins playing slide guitar.  The sounds are snaky and sizzling….”
–Richard Cuccaro, Acoustic Live

Pat Wictor first burst on the folk and acoustic scene as an innovative slide guitarist known for doing fresh and memorable versions of traditional and contemporary songs.   He’s become a well-regarded singer and songwriter, writing material grounded in the rural country, gospel, and blues traditions of our nation.   In the past year he’s been touring nationally as one third of Brother Sun, the powerful harmonizing trio with Joe Jencks and Greg Greenway, garnering festival bookings and a #2 CD on the Folk DJ charts. Tickets not yet on sale.

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YUUR Voice in Trenton: August 2015

Town Hall with Senator Cory Booker On Tuesday August 11, UULMNJ Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, sat on an expert panel with Senator Booker, US Attorney Paul Fishman, Rev Charles Boyer, and Jiles Ship (NOBLE) to discuss criminal justice, race and faith. Moderated by NJTV News anchor Michael Hill the two hour long program took place at Christ Church in East Orange where 400 people packed the pews. Read more.

UUs Showed Up to Affirm “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” Thank you to all who came to Newark for the Million People’s March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice, and Economic Inequality. We had roughly 150 UUs from New Jersey and some more from New York, with 13 NJ congregations represented! View the photos and tag the people you know!

UULMNJ Stands with Planned Parenthood The UULMNJ Healthcare & Reproductive Justice taskforce has released a statement in support of Planned Parenthood. On July 14, 2015 the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress launched a smear campaign on the women’s healthcare provider aimed at shutting them down. At the Unitarian Universalist Association 2015 General Assembly the delegates passed a Reproductive Statement of Conscience. Supporting Planned Parenthood and standing together when any of the groups standing for reproductive justice is attacked, is essential to protecting the basic human rights at the core of reproductive justice. Read the statement here.


Three important pieces of legislation passed by both houses on June 25, 2015.

S2381/A3723 was signed by Governor Christie on August 10 and allows drug court participants to complete or “graduate” from drug court programs while using medication-assisted treatments to conquer their addictions.

S2003 builds on previous efforts to reform the system with a focus on helping to rehabilitate juveniles and make communities safer was also signed by the Governor on August 10. The law will raise the minimum age to waive a child into the adult court system, also raise the age to transfer adolescents and children from juvenile detention centers to adult facilities, and the law will impose limits according to age on the amount of time a juvenile could spend in solitary confinement, known as room restriction in the juvenile justice system.

Bill A4218, which would require dangerous domestic abusers to turn in their guns before they have the chance to do more harm, still awaits Governor Christie’s signature. Please email the governor or call the governor’s office at 609-292-6000 today and urge him to sign this legislation.  Learn more.

This year’s calendar is set. Mark your personal and congregational calendars now!

  • September 12, 2015: Training and strategizing for task force leadership and congregational liaisons at the UU Church at Washington Crossing in Titusville.
  • October 17, 2015: UULMNJ Issues Conference in Summit.
  • March 12, 2016: 2nd Annual NJ MUUsic Festival in Lincroft.
  • April 16, 2015UULMNJ Plenary and Annual Meeting in Cherry Hill.

Addressing Institutional Racism in New Jersey will be a major emphasis for UULMNJ this coming year. A new group is forming to explore how best UULMNJ can assist congregations in fostering education, discussion and action.  If you have suggestions or comments about a UU response to racism, please send them to Rev. Craig Hirshberg, UULMNJ Exec. Director

UULMNJ has joined NJ United for Marijuana Reform. At the 2015 Spring Plenary the Board released a statement supporting marijuana legalization. This is a bold step for a faith community. UULMNJ does not endorse the recreational use of marijuana, just as it would not endorse the recreational use of tobacco or alcohol.  The UULMNJ position is based on the concern for social justice. The current drug policy laws and the resulting incarcerations for minor drug possession adversely affect life opportunities for many young people, and especially young black men and women. Read the statement on Marijuana Reform. Read more.

2015 Fall Issues Conference

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Join other people who want to make a difference by putting their FAITH into ACTION!

Saturday, October 17, 2015   9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Unitarian Church in Summit, 4 Waldron Ave, Summit, NJ

Anyone interested in the work of Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ is encouraged to attend. We will identify UULMNJ focus issues for the coming year for each of our task forces: economic justice, reproductive justice, criminal justice reform, immigration reform, environmental justice, and gun violence prevention. You will have an opportunity to meet with justice leaders from other New Jersey Congregations while learning how to mobilize UULMNJ in your home congregation!

Special Guest, Keynote Speaker, Janice Marie Johnson, Multicultural Ministries and Leadership Director, UUA

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Janice Marie Johnson has served on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee Board of Review, as a trustee of The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, as a trustee in our UU United Nations Office, on the Commission on Appraisal, and as president of DRUUMM (Diverse and Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries). At UUA General Assembly 2006, Ms. Johnson was presented with the President’s Award for Volunteer Service.

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Check-in starts at 8:30am with coffee and bagels; the program will begin promptly at 9:00am.

There will be a working lunch provided. Donations will be collected at the conference to help cover costs.

Parking Notes from the Unitarian Church in Summit

We encourage our members, friends and visitors to use public transportation and city parking lots. When driving to UCS, please keep the following in mind:

  • Utilize Summit Downtown Parking sites as your first choice.
  • Be mindful of neighbors’ driveways when parking. Remember that we share this community and want to continue to be good neighbors.
  • Be mindful of others who also need to park. How much room do you actually need? Can another person park in front or behind you?

Police enforce parking regulations in Summit. If you block a driveway, you will get a ticket or get towed. There’s nothing we can do!

The Funeral Home next door spaces are not available for parking at any time. Unless otherwise noted by the UCS office, all unauthorized vehicles will be towed.

Download a low ink flyer       Download a color flyer

Criminal Justice Reform Panel with Senator Cory Booker and Rev. Craig Hirshberg


Close to three hundred people gathered at Christ Episcopal Church on Tuesday evening, August 11, 2015. They came to hear a panel of experts discuss race, mass incarceration, and the role of faith in addressing these issues. Providing the keynote address and sitting on the panel was U.S. Senator Cory Booker.

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Also sitting on the panel were U.S. Attorney for the District of NJ, Paul Fishman, Rev. Charles Boyer of Bethel AME Church, President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Jiles Ship, and our own executive director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg.

On the minds of many of the people in attendance was the recent spotlight on police brutality and the daunting statistics that indicate a culture in which minorities, particularly black men, are being unjustly charged, arrested, and incarcerated. “We can not arrest our way out this problem,” commented Director Ship. It was recognized by all on the panel that as a religious community, as a community of compassion it is up to us to engage and strengthen the reentering prison population to reduce the likelihood of recidivism. Rev. Boyer said “if anyone can help people get back into society, it is the religious community.”

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A champion of prison and criminal justice reform in his first term as the junior senator from New Jersey, Cory Booker has sponsored several pieces of legislation, including the REDEEM Act which would expand expungement laws, particularly for incarcerated youth.  Seeking to cut government spending on incarcerating non-violent criminals, Senator Booker calls on his colleagues to “redirect resources into community policing and public defense” and a radical expansion of federally funded human services programs.

When asked “what can I do to help?” Rev. Hirshberg calls us all to “be a collective voice for justice” while Rev. Boyer suggests “we need a radical embrace” of the newly released prison population into our communities.

The panel was moderated by NJTV News anchor, Michael Hill who broadcastef live at the beginning of the event. View his interview with Senator Booker and Mayor of East Orange, Lester Taylor here. Were you there? See photos from the event and tag your friends!


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

ACTION ALERT July 29, 2015: Tell Rep. Smith and Garrett to Rescind FADA support!

A bill has been introduced in the US Congress, the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which would allow entities, such as universities, to receive federal benefits even if they discriminate against people in same-sex marriages. On June 26, 2015 we all celebrated as the Supreme Court of the United States made same sex marriages legal in all 50 states. This bill would legalize discrimination and two New Jersey congressmen have signed on as sponsors.

We must let our representatives know that we continue to stand on the side of love. Call Congressmen Chris Smith (732-780-3035) and Scott Garrett (201-444-5454) and ask them to rescind their sponsorship of this bill. Below is a suggested script:

“I’m a New Jersey resident, and like so many others in this state, I’m a strong supporter of equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. The First Amendment Defense Act is legalized discrimination. As a Unitarian Universalist, the first principle of my faith is the belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, which applies to people of all sexual orientations. As a person of faith, I call on Congressmen (Smith or Garrett) to rescind his co-sponsorship and come out against this hateful piece of legislation.”

Or you can email Rep. Smith’s Press Secretary, Jeff Sagnip, and Rep. Garrett’s Communications Director, Chris Carofine, and tell them to rescind their support of this hateful legislation:



Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg Joins Criminal Justice Panel

Please join Senator Cory Booker and esteemed guests for a stimulating Forum on Criminal Justice Reform. The event will take place on August 11th from 6PM – 8PM at Christ Church in East Orange, NJ. Please feel free to share the invitation with your networks. Additional details available in the flyer below.  Please RSVP and submit a question for our panel.

The program will feature a panel, that will include UULMNJ executive director, Reverend Craig Hirshberg.


Join us in this important conversation as we learn what it means to “stand on the side of love” for this issue.

Cory Booker Town Hall

Responding to Attacks on Planned Parenthood


UULMNJ Reproductive Justice/Health Task Force Responds to Attacks on Planned Parenthood

Summit, NJ, July 21, 2015

As Unitarian Universalists we are called to protest violations to basic human rights and support reproductive health/abortion clinics that are experiencing intimidation and spiritual or physical violence. The current attack on Planned Parenthood is deeply disturbing, troubling and misleading. Anti-abortion activists from a group called the Center for Medical Progress recently released a video showing Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical research talking to people she believed were representatives of a biotech company. She was describing how Planned Parenthood handles tissue donation from aborted fetuses.

This video is deceptive on many levels. The group who secretly videoed Nucatola edited a 150 minute meeting (60 page transcript) down to eight minutes of detailed medical description. The group is led by David Daleiden, formerly of the anti-abortion group Live Action. Live Action typically releases videos that have been heavily edited to cast abortion providers in an unflattering light. Out of context, the video of Dr. Nucatola can be disturbing for people to hear, however from all of the recent commentary, it is clear that the video in no way represents the work of Planned Parenthood. Dr. Nucatola was discussing the legal donation of fetal tissue to biomedical research laboratories.

In the unedited video of the meeting Nucatola points out repeatedly that donations are only done with consent of the woman receiving services. These women are described happy to do something that contributes to medical research that might one day find a cure for serious diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, AIDS, dementia, diabetes or heart disease. Nowhere was this presented in theedited video. As was stated in a press release from Planned Parenthood, “…we do [tissue donation] just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.” The small amount of money that Planned Parenthood receives from tissue buyers ($30 – $100) covers the cost of storing and shipping samples.

The controversy concerning this hoax is problematic on many levels. Planned Parenthood has a 100 year history as a health care organization serving women who need reproductive health services. Three percent of Planned Parenthood’s services are legal abortions. The remainder of provided services are reproductive health services such as cancer screenings, pelvic exams and contraception and abortion care. The patients served by Planned Parenthood are often those who would have difficulty affording the cost of these services in other medical facilities.

The current discussion focuses on the lies that have been perpetrated by a discredited group instead of the very real issues that women face in getting appropriate reproductive health care. Unfortunately, this discussion ignores the core issues of the reproductive justice movement – the right to have children, to not have children and to parent children in safe and healthy environments. This is a basic human right and at the core of reproductive justice. This right is grounded in the particular experiences, values, priorities and leadership of women of color. It includes accessibility to the complete spectrum of reproductive health services, including legal abortion. Today this right is under attack. As Monica Simpson of SisterSong, a national reproductive justice collective said recently, “The simple fact is that the people who are out there perpetuating myths about abortion providers are not doing so because they care about ensuring the availability of high quality health services. This is about doing whatever it takes, including spreading lies in order to make it so that women can’t get an abortion when they need one.”

At the Unitarian Universalist Association 2015 General Assembly the delegates passed a Reproductive Statement of Conscience. This statement, a culmination of three years of study by local congregations (Congregational Study Action Issue 2012-2016) calls on UUs to “center the experience of the most vulnerable, and to bridge the gap between reproductive rights and other social justice movements.” Supporting Planned Parenthood and standing together when any of the groups standing for reproductive justice is attacked, is essential to protecting the basic human rights at the core of reproductive justice.


For Further Information, Please Contact:

Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director

Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey

4 Waldron Avenue, Summit, NJ 07901


Latest News on the Million People’s March

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Will you be one of the New Jersey UUs in Newark this Saturday?  So far we have 12 congregations being represented! Here is the latest information:

  • The March will begin with speakers at 12:00. The march will step off at 1:30 PM. It will be followed by more speakers at the end. If you have trouble standing for long periods of time and don’t intend to march, you may want to bring a portable folding chair;
  • If you would like to march with UU’s from around the state, meet on the corner of University Ave. and West Market Street.  We will begin gathering at 11:00.  We will have the UULMNJ Black Lives Matter banner and signs for you to carry or you can get inspired and create your own. Be visible! Wear your Standing on the Side of Love gear if you have any. Please bring paper tube rolls (like from wrapping paper) to post and carry the signs. Also bring water, sun block if needed, and sustenance;
  • The actual march will be 3 miles in length —1.5 miles to the Federal Building at 970 Broad Street and back.  You can join all or half of the event. If you would like a map of the area and route click here for a PDF;
  • If you are taking the train to Newark Penn Station (highly recommended), the site is approximately a 6 block walk from Penn Station on Market Street;
  • Another option is to park at the Grove Street Park & Ride lot in Bloomfield then take the Light Rail from Grove Street to Washington Street. This station is two blocks from the monument. Daily parking rates at the Grove lot are $2. Light rail fair is $1.50 adult and $0.70 senior one way;
  • If you plan to drive there is paid parking throughout the neighborhood. Bus parking has been designated in Lot A on West Market Street. To get to the neighborhood using a GPS system use 303 University Avenue (Essex County College) or 50 West Market Street (Veterans Courthouse);
  • Just a reminder, this is a grass roots effort.  There are no corporate sponsors or celebrities.  It is truly power to the people by the people.  Accordingly, there will be a voluntary collection taken before the march to help defray costs.  So if someone approaches you with a bucket for contributions, please help out.
  • The latest information will be here on this website;
  • Please help us count the UU representation and register!

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