Morristown: Restore Democracy! Get Money Out of Politics!

Restore Democracy! Get Money Out of Politics!

        What’s Happening and What You Can Do NOW –

Thursday Sept. 11, 2014 at 7:30PM

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship

21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, NJ 07960

The following leaders of New Jersey for the Overturn of Citizens United (NJOCU), a statewide coalition of 27 organizations, will speak on severa issues in the rapidly growing national movement to remove the corrupting influence of money on our elections.

Susannah Newman, Founder/Coordinator, NJOCU Coalition

Mark Doenges, Founder/Webmaster, NJOCU Coalition

  • Proposal by Congress for a US Constitutional Amendment to restore campaign finance regulation and government by the people, inparticular, the status of the “Democracy for All” amendment (SJR19) currently pending for a vote in the full Senate *
  • Where do NJ Congressional candidates and incumbents stand on an amendment and the NJOCU“Ask”Campaign?
  • Resolutions passed by NJ municipalities in support of an amendment,and what can be done to gain the support of more NJ municipalities
  • Government by the PeopleAct (SB20 )federal legislation for public financing of congressional campaigns that can broaden participation by small donors
  • MAYDAYSuperPAC to help elect lawmakers who are committed to fundamental reform which would diminish the influence of big donors in elections

This free program is sponsored by Seeds of Peace ,a social justice committee of the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship (MUF).  Co-sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Montclair (UUCM), the North Jersey Public Policy Network (NJPPN) and BlueWaveNJ (BWNJ).

*UPDATE!  Before leaving for August recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed for cloture on the Democracy for All amendment (SJR19). THE CLOTURE VOTE (which ends debate thereby ending McConnell’s filibuster) IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, SEPT.8!! For instructions on what YOU can do NOW in support of a Senate YES vote on cloture as well as on this US Constitutional Amendment, go to the NJOCU website at [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link” size=”” border=”false” pull=”” color=””]

Action Alert: New Information & Registration for the People’s Climate March!


On September 21, 2014, people from all over the world will converge on New York City for the People’s Climate March in advance of the United Nations Climate Summit. Unitarian Universalists and people of all faiths will be marching. So will UULMNJ!  Here is your opportunity to join other Metro District UU’s in NYC!  We will be meeting in Central Park at the Columbus Circle Entrance at 10:30 a.m.  The march will begin at 11:30.  Be sure to wear the yellow Standing on the Side of Love t-shirts, hats or whatever you have so we can recognize each other amongst the thousands of other attendees.  Below is more information from the organizers:

RSVP as part of the Unitarian Universalist contingent! All UU attendees are requested to RSVP here so we can keep an accurate count and everyone remains up to date as information becomes available. The Unitarian Universalist Association, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Metro NY District of the UUA, and many other UU groups are endorsers of the march.


Wednesday to Saturday: People from all over the world converge on New York City. Many events are being planned all around the city by many groups. See below for details.

Saturday, 10pm: Raucous but Reverent: Interfaith Young Adult Worship Service with Tim DeChristopher at Fourth Universalist Society, 160 Central Park West. All are welcome.

Sunday 11:30am: People’s Climate March!“The largest climate march in history.” March will leave from Columbus Circle and end at 11th Ave. between 34th St. and 38th St. Click here for more info.

Sunday 3:30-5:30pm: Unitarian Universalists Unite: Debrief at Community Church of New York, UU, 40 East 35th St.

Sunday, 6pm: Interfaith Worship Service at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, located on Amsterdam Avenue at 112th St., one block east of Broadway. Doors will open for the event at 5:30 pm. This public multifaith celebration will include government officials, activists, scientists and artists, and will be held in conjunction with the World Council of Churches and Religions for Peace as well as other institutional partners in building momentum for a decisive U.N. Climate Summit.  Seating and standing areas will be offered on a first come first serve basis, with special sections reserved for guests that have registered in advance . Please watch your email the week before the event for additional details related to your registration.

Satellite Events

A multitude of events are being planned by many groups surrounding the march. Here are some events that may be of particular interest to UUs:

Saturday, 6:30-9:30 p.m.: Global Climate Treaty: Why the U.S. Must Lead Ethical Culture Society, 2 West 64th Street (at Central Park West).

Wednesday, Sept. 17: Our Voices – Faiths for Climate Action; a Galvanizing, Energizing Festival with Inspiring Speakers, Music, and Eco-Spirituality The United Nations Church Center, 44th St. & First Ave.,  An incredible, day-long festival featuring energizing speakers, challenging presentations, music, and passionate stories of belief in action for the Earth. This event is the global kick-off of Our Voices, an international, multi-faith campaign for a strong climate treaty. Find more information and a preliminary schedule here.

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 7 p.m.: Climate Conversations: Why the UN’s Climate Summit is Important to All of Us Featuring Bill McKibben, Church of the Holy Trinity, 316 E 88th St.


We are working to connect people with housing options. If you can offer home hospitality, or if you need some, please fill out this googledoc.

Commit2Respond: Join the UU Movement!
Our participation in the People’s Climate March will mark the launch of a brand new UU initiative to address climate change. A collaboration of the UUA, UUSC, UU Ministry for Earth, UU Ministers Association, and other groups, Commit2Respond is a movement of UUs taking action for climate justice in 2014-2015 and beyond. Be a part of the movement! Sign up to Commit2Respond to climate change.


Check out for more details about the march and frequently asked questions.

Action Agenda: Justice for Michael Brown & Criminal Justice Reform


UULMNJ Criminal Justice Reform: Ending the New Jim Crow Task Force,


Justice for Michael Brown & Criminal Justice Reform

Recent events in Ferguson, Missouri are exposing more than ever the continued oppression and killing of people of color by police and vigilantes and the injustice of a broken policing and criminal justice system.

Many varied religious, grassroots and advocacy groups across the country are responding with actions calling for justice and meaningful change.  A call for a national  “Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation” in October has been issued by the “Stop Mass Incarceration Network” (  Some New Jersey UU Congregations have already planned responses to this call.

We believe that vigorous advocacy and educational activity is vital to create the basis for far reaching legislative change for social justice.  This is our way of Standing on the Side of Love and of our Unitarian Universalist faith.

There are many ways you can respond.  Here are a few:

  • Have an October service on the New Jim Crow and the spiritual practice of action for social justice.
  • Sponsor a film showing about criminal justice and mass incarceration such as “Broken on All Sides” or “The House I Live In”.
  • Write a letter to the local paper expressing UU concerns on the issue.
  • Initiate or join with other groups or faiths in local events.
  • Participate in statewide events such as the ‘Moral Monday’ demonstration in Trenton (Oct. 27) and the rally at NJ State prison (Oct. 11) or the National Day of Protest on October 22.
  • Light a candle during service for Michael Brown and the other victims of police and vigilante violence.
  • WEAR ORANGE during October in solidarity with the victims of unjust and racist incarceration.  Be prepared to explain why to those that ask.
  • What are your ideas? Share your ideas with everyone on our Facebook page or on Twitter @UULMNJ.

Task Force members are exchanging ideas and resource information.  If you wish to be part of this ‘Info Exchange’ please contact Susan MacDonnell at

For further information on Task Force activity contact Al Stawsky, Chair, at

Time for the UULMNJ 2014 Fall Issues Workshop

Let YUUr Voice BE HEARD  in Trenton in 2014-15!

Time for the UULMNJ 2014 Fall Issues Workshop!

Saturday, September 27, 2014
Hosted by the Central Unitarian Church
156 Forest Park Avenue, Paramus, NJ

This will be a working session to:

  • Listen to informed speakers and get up to date information on our task forces
  • Determine and discuss UULMNJ task force focus issues for the coming year
  • Learn how to MOBILIZE UULMNJ action in your home congregation
  • Meet with justice leaders from other congregations

Be INSPIRED by keynote speaker, Udi Ofer, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey. In his first year and a half at ACLU-NJ, Mr. Ofer has co-founded an unprecedented campaign to win the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in New Jersey, and also played a leading role in the passage of the New Jersey Dream Act.

Let this year’s workshop be a congregational TEAM BUILDER.  Bring 6 people from your congregation, enough for each task force to have a representative from your home congregation.  This way your congregation gets first hand information on ways to move our Unitarian Universalist principles into key legislation!

Should I come to this workshop? Are you:

  • a person who wants to make a difference by putting their faith into action
  • interested in the work of UULMNJ or the state legislative process
  • a congregational liaison, action team member, social action chair, minister or staff
  • a UULMNJ Task Force member?

If you identify with any of these statements then YES!  You should join others like you in Paramus!

A working lunch will be provided.  A donation is asked to cover this cost.

Register NOW through September 22.

Join UULMNJ Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, for a round table discussion after the day’s programming.  Learn more about our new cable access series, currently in production!

Don’t forget to follow UULMNJ on Facebook and Twitter!

Action Alert August 1, 2014: Bail Reform Action Needed by Monday 8/4; Call ASAP

We are happy to report that the senate passed SCR128 (the vote was 30 – 0) along with an acceptable version of S946 (the vote was 28 – 5!  But our work is not over.

Our coalition partners are joining to pressure the Assembly to also act.  It’s extremely important that we continue to apply pressure on the Assembly Speaker to post an acceptable version of A1910 without delay.  The last day for real, comprehensive bail reform to pass is MONDAY, AUGUST 4.  Therefore, please call the Speaker’s office again per the instructions below:

Please express your excitement with the senate’s action today and encourage the assembly to follow suit.  Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto can be reached at 201-770-1303, please respectfully:

  • Urge him to join his senate colleagues and pass historic bail reform in New Jersey.
  • Encourage him to post the constitutional amendment (ACR177/SCR128) along with an acceptable version of the bill (A1910/S946) without further delay.
  • Emphasize that an acceptable version of the bill would mean amending A1910 to mirror the latest version of S946.
  • Explain that real bail reform removes money as the primary mechanism of pretrial release, requires the use of risk assessments on arrestees with higher level charges, authorizes the release of low-risk individuals under the least restrictive conditions possible, and permits the absolute detention of those who are truly dangerous.
  • Reiterate your support for comprehensive bail reform which moves our broken bail system away from money towards pretrial decisions based on risk.
  • Conclude your call by stating that you’re hopeful that he will do what’s in the best interest of public safety and justice.

When making the phone call, please:

  • Ask to speak with the Assemblyman’s Chief of Staff or Legislative Aide.
  • State your name, where in NJ you live and if applicable, the organization and/or congregation you represent.
    • If you, your organization and/or congregation are located in the Assemblyman’s district, please make sure to state that up front during your call.  The following municipalities are in his district: East Newark, Edgewater, Fairview, Guttenberg, Harrison (Hudson county), Kearny, North Bergen, Secaucus, and West New York.
  • Please try to call during normal business hours, but if not, make sure to leave a detailed message.
  • Follow-up your call with an email to the Speaker’s office detailing your discussion and reiterating your position urging him to take legislative action on bail reform.  Please send your email to

Please notify all of your friends, family and colleagues in New Jersey of this call to action so we can make the biggest impact possible!

Thank you for your help.

Action Alert July 29, 2014: Fracking Waste Bill Twitter Storm

We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!!!

Governor Christie has until August 11 to sign the fracking waste ban. Join our friends at Clean Water Action for a Twitter Storm encouraging the governor to sign this important piece of legislation.

More details can be found here

Thunder Clap is a tool that will allow us to send mass tweets and Facebook posts at a coordinated time to have an even bigger impact. We have to get to 100 people to use the Thunder Clap tool, so please sign up to use it! You can sign up for the Thunder Clap here:

You can also share this meme on the Food & Water Watch NJ Facebook page: StopFrackWasteMeme

Now is the time for action!

YUUR Voice in Trenton: July 2014

Thank you! It has been a busy and successful legislative year for the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ. We thank all of our advocates for their hard work and dedication over the past months. We have two bills that have passed both houses and await the Governor’s signature:

  •     The Opportunity to Compete Act was passed on June 26 by both branches of the NJ Legislature.  This bill will allow the estimated one in four New Jersey adults with a criminal record to fairly compete for work based on merit by requiring the majority employers to wait until after the first interview to ask about an applicant’s criminal background. With the Governor’s anticipated signature, New Jersey will become the thirteenth state to pass such a law.
  •     The Fracking Waste Ban bill, S1041 still needs our help! This bill would prohibit the treatment, disposal, and storage of waste produced by hydraulic fracking in the state of New Jersey. Contact Governor Christie today and tell him to keep New Jersey water clean and safe!

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to have S946, a bill reducing gun magazine capacity from 15 to 10 rounds. The bill was passed by both houses but was vetoed by the Governor.

GA Workshop: UULMNJ Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, was a speaker for “Tools for Organizing,” a State Advocacy Networks workshop at General Assembly in Providence, Rhode Island. The workshop and materials were organized by UULMNJ in conjunction with other State Advocacy Networks (SANS). Rev. Hirshberg serves on the national SANS steering committee.

Legal Advocacy Project (LAP). The mission of the LAP program is to advocate through the New Jersey State and Federal Courts to advance cases that are consistent with the seven UU principles and that generally encompass at least one of the subject matters of the UUMNJ taskforces. Gary Nissenbaum has generously agreed to be our first legal director. UULMNJ would like to express its appreciation and gratitude for his inspiration and leadership!


UULMNJ ISSUES CONFERENCE IS September 27th at Paramus. Mark you calendar!

PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH is September 21 in New York City.

Watch UULMNJ notices for more information on both of these events.

ARE YOU SIGNED UP? Do you want to get more information about upcoming events, educational events, local legislation, and action alerts? Join our mailing list at today! Also follow us on Facebook @UU Legislative Ministry of NJ and Twitter @UULMNJ!

Update on Affordable Care Subsidies

Many of us have been concerned about the recent court rulings concerning health care.  We would like to share some insight from our friends at Families USA:

Court Ruling Withdrawing Affordable Care Act Premium Subsidies from Low- and Moderate-Income Families ‘Will Never Go Into Effect’ Court Ruling Likely to be ‘Stayed’; Rehearing by Full Appeals Court Probable and Likely to Reverse Decision; and 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Also Expected to Dismiss Lawsuit
[Last week], in a 2-1 split decision, a three-judge panel of the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that low- and moderate-income families, residing in 36 states with health insurance marketplaces run by the federal government, should be denied Affordable Care Act tax-credit premium subsidies. The following is the statement of Ron Pollack, Executive Director of the consumer health organization Families USA, about today’s court decision:

“It is most likely that today’s split decision, which would take away premium subsidies for almost five million low- and moderate-income people, will never go into effect.

“It will inevitably be placed on hold pending further proceedings; will probably be reheard by all of the 11-member active D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals members, who predictably will reverse it; and runs contrary to an expected ruling on a similar case in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Today’s decision represents the high-water mark for Affordable Care Act opponents, but the water will recede very quickly.

“The likelihood that today’s decision will not be implemented does not obscure the harm it could cause. It would eliminate help fot almost five million low- and moderate-income people who currently receive subsidies so they can afford health insurance. Millions of other low-income families, who are also entitled to such assistance but have not yet received it, would also be denied help.

“It is ironic that the law’s opponents are invoking the very statute they are trying to destroy for the proposition that Congress intended to withhold premium subsidies for families in states with federally run health care marketplaces. That proposition clearly contradicts congressional intent.

“The chairmen of the committees that crafted the legislation (Senators Baucus and Harkin, and Representatives Waxman, Levin, and Miller) made this clear in a court brief they submitted, saying that this  ‘assertion is inconsistent with the text and history of the statute, and with its fundamental purpose – to make health insurance affordable for all Americans, wherever they reside.’

“We expect that future court decisions will look at the entire statute, and clear congressional intent behind it, and dismiss this desperate attempt to destroy the Affordable Care Act.”

Families USA is the national organization for health care consumers. It is nonprofit and nonpartisan, and its mission is to secure high-quality, affordable health coverage and care for all Americans.