Action Alert July 9, 2014: Reproductive Justice Demonstration This Saturday at Hobby Lobby in Totowa


You are invited to participate:

Religious Liberty Demonstration  Sat., July 12th

For the purpose of drawing attention to the injustice that allows employers to privilege their own religious beliefs over those of their employees, and to show support of such employees.

In front of the newly opened Hobby Lobby at  465 US Hwy 46 in Totowa, NJ from 1-3pm   .

While we are frustrated, angry, and deeply concerned about the outrageous ruling handed down by our nation’s highest court on June 30th, this demonstration will be peaceful and civil.  We will gather as Americans of differing religious backgrounds, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and abilities, who value the right of religious liberty for human beings and not corporations.  We will hand out condoms that are donated for this event and all are welcome to bring signs that show support of employees and their right to the contraception of their choice.  Other sign ideas are Ginsburg quotes:  “The court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield” “The cost of an IUD is nearly a month’s pay for min. wage workers” and other general talking points  such as “Corporations do not exercise religious beliefs” “My body. My business.”  “My right to religious freedom has been taken away and given to corporations”.

We know there’s strength in numbers so let’s do this together!

Action Alert July 7, 2014: Tell Gov. Christie to Ban Fracking Waste in NJ

Thanks to your hard work bill S1041 was passed by both houses on June 26!

This important piece of legislation would prohibit the treatment, discharge, disposal, application to roadway, or storage of wastewater, wastewater solids, sludge, drill cuttings or other byproducts from natural gas exploration or production using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. This bill now awaits Governor Christie’s signature.

Won’t you sign this petition urging Governor Christie to protect New Jersey water by signing this bill into law TODAY!

Sign the petition here then share it with all of your friends!  An easy way to boost UULMNJ’s visibility and get the governor to take notice!

YUUR Voice in Trenton: June 2014

Save the date for our 2014 Fall Issues Conference!  Udi Ofer, Executive Director of ACLU of New Jersey will be our Keynote Speaker on September 27, 2014.  This year’s conference will be held at Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, NJ.

June has been a very busy legislative month.  Here is a brief look at some of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ’s activities:

  •  After first being introduced to the Assembly on January 16, 2014 and to the Senate on January 27 bill A 2006 was passed by both houses on May 22, 2014 by a vote of 44-34.  The bill introduced sought to reduce maximum capacity of ammunition magazines from 15 to 10 rounds. Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee reported favorably March 13, 2014 and was passed by a 46-31-0 vote on March 20, 2014.  It was then referred to the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee where it was reported favorably after a 3-2 vote on May 5, 2014, with amendments.  The amended bill also designated a semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds as a prohibited assault firearm. The amended bill was passed by the Senate on May 12, 2014 by a vote of 22-17.  The 2nd reading was presented to the Assembly on May 15.
  • UULMNJ is also working with New Jersey Together, urging municipalities to only purchase guns from safe and responsible manufacturers and distributers.  For more information contact Diane Finn, task force chair,
  • An important bill for our new Criminal Justice: End the New Jim Crow task force, A1910/S946 was passed by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 5, 2014.  This bill implements a constitutional amendment providing for pretrial detention of certain criminal defendants; establishes non-monetary bail alternatives for release; and authorizes Judiciary to revise fees for certain legal programs and services.  The bill was passed out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee on June 12th. A number of amendments are expected and the bill will be on its way to the Governor’s desk.
  • Senate Bill 2124, better known as “The Opportunity to Compete Act,” passed the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 5, 2014.  As amended “The Opportunity to Compete Act” provides job applicants who have a criminal record with certain protections when they seek employment.  The bill specifically prohibits employers from inquiring about a job applicant’s criminal record during the initial employment application process.  1 in 4 New Jerseyans has a criminal record, many for non-violent crimes.  It is time to “ban the box” and give these citizens an opportunity to compete.
    Both A1910/S946 and S2124 bills have support in both houses and there is a strong possibility that they could be passed through this session.  For more information contact Task Force Chair Al, Stawsky
  • The time to visit your legislators regarding affordable housing is NOW!  June 5 was lobby day for poverty and affordable housing in Trenton.  Current key issues include the distribution of Sandy Relief Funds to help renters and to deal with vacant homes and homes on the verge of foreclosure.
  • June 12 was Fracking Waste Ban lobby day, with events taking place in Trenton all day. UULMNJ Exec. Dir. Rev. Craig Hirshberg was the opening speaker at the rally on the State House steps.   Contact Assembly Speaker Prieto at 877-844-5384 and urge him to make bill A2108 to ban the transport of fracking waste through NJ a priority before the end of this session.


UULMNJ Welcomes New Administrator and Summer Interns

  • UULMNJ is excited to announce the hiring of a new office administrator.  Laurice Grae, a member of the Montclair congregation, joined the staff June 1.  Laurice brings a great deal of talent and energy to the position.  She can be reached at
  • UU College of Social Justice has coordinated two interns for UULMNJ this summer.  Richelle Perry, from Missouri and Elana Cohen from Washington state will be living with local families and will be working on  task force research, rapid response development, and the development of an educational public access TV series.

UULMNJ is on Facebook and Twitter!  Get the most current information and help mobilize your favorite causes by following and “liking” us today!

Action Alert June 20, 2014: Fracking Waste Emergency Lobby Day

Help the fracking waste legislation get to the Assembly floor.  Attend an Emergency Fracking Lobby Day this Monday!   See below from our friends at Food and Water Watch.
Emergency Lobby Day to Ban Fracking Waste Dumping!

What:  Lobby Day for Fracking Waste Dumping

When: Monday, June 23 10:30 am – 2:00 pm

Where: State House Cafeteria at 10:30 or meet us in the long hallway that connects the State House and the Annex after10:30 

Who: Community leaders and members of the public who want to protect our drinking water from the oil and gas industry!

Action Alert June 20, 2014: Call the Governor


As we enter into the last week of this NJ Legislature Session,  your voice is needed to move some things along:

Call the Governor’s office, (609) 777-2500 and ask him to sign two pieces of legislation:

  • Reducing ammunition magazine rounds to from 15 to 10 rounds,  and
  • Sign the tax lien bill, a priority of our Anti-Poverty Network coalition.  The bill does the following:
  1. Helps towns generate revenue when the tax liens are redeemed by the current owners. Fines and interest will be collected by the town NOT investors.
  2. If liens are not redeemed, the town that owns the property can sell or put into its land bank for redevelopment.

Gives the town the flexibility to forgive fines and interest for a lower income homeowner.

Action Alert June 19, 2014: Fracking Waste Ban


We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!!!

Last month we had a really exciting win as the NJ Senate voted to pass legislation that would prevent New Jersey from becoming a dumping ground for toxic and radioactive fracking waste. But right now, the Assembly leadership is undecided as to whether or not it will even consider the bill for a vote.

We need your help to ensure that our voices are louder than any pressure the Assembly may be receiving from the oil and gas industry. We can’t let these dirty polluters win!!</

Call Assembly Speaker Prieto and Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald to let them know that our water is too precious to pollute with toxic fracking waste!!

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto: 877.844.5384

Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald: 856.435.1247

Urge them to make the Fracking Waste Ban bill (A.2108) a priority by passing this bill and sending it to the Governor before the end of June.

Our drinking water and our health depend on it!

Action Alert June 11, 2014: Make a call to keep Fracking waste out of New Jersey


From our friends at Food and Water Watch:

We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!

Last month we had a really exciting win as the NJ Senate voted to pass legislation that would prevent New Jersey from becoming a dumping ground for toxic and radioactive fracking waste. But right now, the Assembly leadership is undecided as to whether or not it will even consider the bill for a vote.

We need your help to ensure that our voices are louder than any pressure the Assembly may be receiving from the oil and gas industry. We can’t let these dirty polluters win!

Call Assembly Speaker Prieto and let him know that our water is too precious to pollute with toxic fracking waste!

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto: 877-844-5384

Urge him to make the Fracking Waste Ban bill (A.2108) a priority by passing this bill and sending it to the Governor before the end of June.

Our drinking water and our health depend on it.

June 2014


Wednesday June 4, 2014

Liaison Conference Call Minutes

In Attendance:
Nick Mellis (Titusville), Richelle Perry (UULMNJ intern), Diane Finn (Montclair), Frances Prestianni (Princeton), Lorraine Wearley (Summit), Jeri Doherty (Newton Fellowship),
Ann Perry (Somerset Hills), Elaine Nigam (Princeton), Al Stawsky (Englewood), Toby Tyler (Morristown), Margaret Wood (Wayne), Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.



Introduction of new staff and interns: Rev. Craig introduced Laurice Grae, the new administrator from the Montclair Congregation, and Richelle Perry, the summer intern from Jefferson City, Missouri. Richelle will work 25 hours a week this summer.

Congregations Check-in:
  • Diane (Montclair)reported that Montclair has been doing letter collecting for the environment and mass incarceration. They have a Congregational meeting on Sunday for planning.
  • Frances (Princeton) reported that bail letters were signed in Princeton and two action alerts, on the bail issue and fracking rally, have been sent to congregational mailing list.
  • Jeri (Newton) mailed Craig bail reform letters and sent follow up email to Congregation. Fracking alert was emailed to the environmental group.
    Frances reported action alerts only went to liaison.
  • Craig asks that liaisons distribute action alerts to their congregations at this time while the new administrator updates SALSA and the transition between administrators eases.
Task Force Updates:
  • Fracking : Thursday, June 12 is lobby day, with events taking place in Trenton all day. Craig is the opening speaker at the rally at 12:30. We need people to be present. Action alert has gone out to register. Frances: Sent alert to congregation, got a response saying it was difficult to register. Registration is via Facebook.
  • Bail Reform:   Al: Current issue of a bill meant to change discriminatory bail reform system in NJ. Detainees who can’t afford bail end up stuck in the system for up to a year awaiting trial. The bill would provide non-monetary options based upon risk assessment. Al will not be in Trenton on June 5. Bills went through judiciary and are in Senate Budget Committee on June 5 with a hearing at 1:00. It is suspected that changes have been made to the bill, making it less effective than the original version. Drug Policy Alliance called for people to testify before the budget committee.
    Opportunity to Compete Act addresses the restrained opportunity for employment for previously incarcerated people. “Ban the Box” seeks to eliminate the question regarding criminal background on initial employment applications. Background checks could only be conducted after a job offer is given, with some exemptions. 1 of every 4 New Jerseyans has a criminal record.
    Both bills have support in the legislature and therefor a possibility to get them passed.
    Craig testified last week regarding the constitutional amendment required for bail reform. Currently the New Jersey constitution gives everyone the right to bail. There is concern that the current wording, “released as soon as possible”, could lead to abuse later. There are likely changes now that have not been seen.
    Diane suggested a possibility for minimal bail options to avoid the constitutional amendment.
  • Gun Violence: Diane: Bill to reduce magazine cartridges from 15 to 10 passed the senate and the assembly. Gov. Christie is the big obstacle, likely to veto. Now is the time for letters and phone calls to the Governor. Diane will be working on drafting a letter for the congregations. Plans to begin work with New Jersey Together organization, urging municipalities to only purchase guns from safe and responsible manufacturers and distributers. Craig hopes to get a letter on SALSA by weekend.
    Diane rewrote webpage information on Tuesday.
  • Economic Justice: Encourage people to visit their legislators at this time regarding affordable housing. Craig and Lorraine Wearley met with Assemblyman Bramnick and Senator Kean (both of District 21) who were both responsive. Thursday, June 5, 2014 is lobby day for poverty and affordable housing in Trenton. Sandy recovery funds and ways to deal with vacant homes and homes on the verge of foreclosure are key issues. Possibility for the creation of a land bank between community municipalities and developers.
    Citizens United materials are still available. On the national stage, support for a referendum supported heavily by the Democratic party to limit campaign finance contributions.
  • Immigration: Drivers license and wage theft will likely not come up until the fall
New Business
  • Mark your calendars! September 27, 2014 conference in Paramus. Udi Ofer, Exec. Director of New Jersey ACLU will be the guest speaker.
  • General Assembly: Thursday June 26, State advocacy network workshop 10:15-12. 5:30 UULM reception in the Omni UUA Reception Room. Liaisons all invited.
  • For more information regarding the New Jim Crow task force, contact A Stawsky.
  • Any interest in Princeton cable access show, contact Nick Wellis. Working on half hour presentations with a study guide as an educational/outreach tool in congregations.

There will be no Liaison conference call in July.  Our next conference call will be Aug. 6 at 8 PM.

Action Alert: June 3, 2014: Register for June 12 Fracking Lobby Day and Rally


Join with people from across the state to ban fracking waste dumping in New Jersey!

Fracking waste containing radioactive elements, heavy metals, and known carcinogens has already come to New Jersey, threatening our drinking water, our environment and public health. The legislature acted to ban fracking waste dumping, but Governor Christie vetoed that bill, and the legislature must act again in the new legislative session. Geological surveys show large shale deposits under portions of Central and North Jersey. Fracking waste produced here in our own state will force millions more gallons of toxic waste on our communities.

Schedule for the Day:

  • 9:00 am Kick-Off Meeting & Briefing
  • 10:00 am Lobby Teams Dispatch Throughout State House
  • 12:30pm Rally on State House Steps

TBD – Potential Vote on NJ Fracking Waste Ban

The Rally Will Feature:

Legislative leaders in the fight for a clean energy future

Grassroots leaders in the fight against fracking and fracking waste dumping

Labor leaders, students, faith leaders, and people from impacted communities that are coming together for a clean energy future.

Before and after the rally you will have a chance to meet with legislators who have the power to pass a ban on fracking waste dumping.

Please RSVP here so we know you are coming:

 This action is being coordinated by the Coalition to Ban Fracking Waste Dumping.

A flyer is available for congregation promotion.  Questions or to get more involved,

Action Alert May May 28, 2014: Bail Reform Phone Campaign


Dear UUMNJ Family,

As you know, the month of June can become rather hectic as the legislature strives to complete passed legislation before its summer recess.  Bail reform is one of those pieces of legislation.  One of our coalition partners, Drug Policy Alliance, has asked for help.  Could you please make calls and send this out to anyone who is concerned about bail reform and mass incarceration and ask them to do the same.  Please read the information below thoroughly and call those indicated to voice both your support and concern.


Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Director
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ
4 Waldron Ave.
Summit, NJ 07901


In case you missed my email before the holiday weekend, we need your help to ensure real bail reform is achieved in Trenton.  As you know, the New Solutions Campaign coalition has been working diligently on bail reform legislation thatpromotes both safety and justice.  Now that we are only a few weeks away from the legislative summer recess, time is of essence and we need your help:

1)     As the legislature considers bail reform (as early as next week) and amends the final legislation, it’s extremely important we have a strong presence at the statehouse to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens don’t get left behind.  Please let me know ASAP if you’re available on June 5th and June 12th to come to Trenton to fight for real bail reform.  As usual, DPA staff is available to assist you with drafting testimony and helping you prepare for the hearing.

2)     It’s crucial that elected officials hear from New Jerseyans regarding how important real bail reform is to them!  Legislators need to know that we won’t accept “reform” that does nothing to improve fairness or public safety, disproportionately impacts minorities, and discriminates against poor people.  Per my instructions below, please take a few minutes to call members of the Senate Budget Committee (names and phone numbers listed below).

3)     We need to spread this call to action across the state so that we can make the biggest impact possible!  Please forward this email to your friends, family members, and colleagues in New Jersey.  If you are affiliated with an organization, please post this information to your website.  If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, please encourage advocacy on bail reform through social media.


The Senate Budget Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday, June 5th and there is a possibility that the bail reform legislation (S946/A1910) we have been advocating for will be considered.

Unfortunately, we have reason to believe that the version of “reform” under consideration does nothing to improve fairness or public safety, disproportionately impacts minorities, and discriminates against poor people.  It’s possible the bail bill could be amended to benefit the for-profit bail industry which will hurt our families and communities.  Therefore, we need to make sure the committee members support REAL bail reform and hear from us THIS WEEK

Real bail reform legislation requires three major components:

1)     Replace the current bail schedule with non-monetary release options

2)     Establish pretrial service units to supervise defendants who need supervision while on release pending trial

3)     Mandate use of a validated risk assessment instrument on all arrestees

Please contact the sponsor of the legislation and members of the budget committee to express your support for Real Bail Reform but your deep concerns with any amendments that would continue to prioritize resources over risk in our bail system. If you don’t have time to call all the members, please prioritize those italicized below.

1.     Senator Donald Norcross (Sponsor of bail bill): (856) 547-4800

2.     Senator Paul A. Sarlo (Senate Budget Chairman): (201) 804-8118

3.     Senator Sandra B. Cunningham: (201) 451-5100

4.     Senator Nellie Pou: (973) 247-1555

5.     Senator Brian P. Stack: (201) 721-5263

6.     Senator Peter J. Barnes: (732) 548-1406

7.     Senator Jennifer Beck: (732) 933-1591

8.     Senator Anthony R. Bucco: (973) 627-9700

9.     Senator Linda R. Greenstein: (609) 395-9911

10.  Senator Kevin J. O’Toole: (973) 237-1360

11.  Senator Steven V. Oroho: (973) 300-0200

12.  Senator M. Teresa Ruiz: (973) 484-1000

13.  Senator Samuel D. Thompson: (732) 607-7580

14.  Senator Jeff Van Drew: (609) 465-0700

Below my signature are some talking points and tips for making a call.  Once again, please forward this call to action to all your friends, family and colleagues in New Jersey!

This is your opportunity to go the extra mile and make sure we don’t leave New Jersey’s most vulnerable citizens behind!  Thank you for all that you do! 



Meagan Glaser, MPAP |Deputy State Director, New Jersey
Drug Policy Alliance

16 West Front Street, Suite 101A | Trenton, NJ 08608
Voice: 609.396.8613 | Fax: 609.396.9478
Think the drug war is doing more harm than good? Join us!

Tips on Making a Call

Most legislators’ staff answer their phones during the session and log all of the messages. The call will only take a minute!

  • Be courteous, positive, and brief.
  • Identify yourself and mention that you are a New Jersey resident
  • Ask to speak with the legislators’ Legislative Aide or Chief of Staff if the legislator is unavailable
  • Ask that the legislator support REAL bail reform and oppose any amendments to Senate Bill 946 that would prioritize resources over risk when the bill comes before them for a vote. 
  • Leave a message if you are calling after business hours.

What to Say:

When the receptionist in the legislator’s office answers the phone, politely say something like: My name is [NAME], may I please speak with [LEGISLATOR’S NAME].  If the legislator isn’t available (which is most likely the case), politely ask to speak with his or her Legislative Aide or Chief of Staff.

When you get the appropriate person on the phone or when leaving a message (if none of these individuals are available), politely say something like: I’m calling to urge [LEGISLATOR’S NAME] to support real bail reform.  It’s important that they oppose any amendments that do nothing to improve public safety or fairness, disproportionately impact minorities, and discriminate against poor people.  New Jersey needs real bail reform not more of the same broken system.

Politely follow-up this statement with something like: Do you know where [LEGISLATOR’S NAME] stands on this issue?  I am hoping [LEGISLATOR’S NAME] will support real and comprehensive bail reform.

Talking points re real bail reform & possible amendments that would undermine S946/A1910

  • Thousands of New Jerseyans awaiting trial for nonviolent charges are sitting in jail simply because they can’t afford to pay their bail.  People with money can buy their freedom but those without are stuck behind bars, often for months on end, just because they can’t afford as little as a couple thousand dollars for their bail.
    • S946/A1910 must be REAL bail reform which requires the following components:

1)     Replacing the current bail schedule with non-monetary release options

2)     Establishing pretrial service units to supervise defendants who need supervision while on release pending trial

3)     Mandating use of a validated risk assessment instrument on all arrestees

  • Please oppose any amendments to S946/A1910 that base pretrial release decisions on resources rather than risk.  Such amendments jeopardize public safety and will do nothing to improve fairness, disproportionately impact minorities and discriminate against poor people. 
  • The NJ Supreme Court recently released the report of the Joint Committee on Criminal Justice calling for significant changes to the current bail system including a move away from a resource-based system to one reliant on risk by prioritizing nonmonetary conditions of release, requiring all defendants to undergo a risk assessment before their initial bail hearing, establishing pretrial services agencies to supervise and monitor those released, and permitting the absolute detention of truly dangerous individuals.  Please consider these recommendations when voting on S946/A1910.

For more information visit:


After you call these legislators it would be greatly appreciated if you shared your conversation with me.  Please e-mail and/or call 609-496-3497 and let me know how the committee members felt about bail reform.  Do they support all three components of REAL bail reform?  Are they planning on opposing any harmful amendments to the legislation?  Do they need more information to make a decision?