Sussex County – Stop the Waiver

The Green Sanctuary Committee of the UU Fellowship of Sussex County sent a letter to Senate President Sweeney advocating for the passage of SCR59 to stop the NJ Department of Environmental Protection waiver rule, saying, “This DEP waiver rule goes well beyond legislative intent and would actually break the law.  The citizens of New Jersey are counting on our lawmakers to protect our clean air and water.”  Three members attended a public hearing in Hardyston Twp. on December 3 and read the letter at the microphone.  A number of other northwest NJ environmental groups also sent representatives who made statements.  The Waiver Rule establishes circumstances under which DEP may waive compliance with certain Department rules.

Monmouth County Responds to Hurricane Sandy

The UU Congregation of Monmouth County (Lincroft NJ) responded to Hurricane Sandy through the efforts of the congregation’s minister, the Rev. Virginia Jarocha-Ernst, and the congregation’s “caring neighborhoods.” Writes Rich Held, congregation president, “Two things we know for sure: the UUCMC is a caring community, and our support of the recovery from Sandy has just begun.”

Skylands – Hurricane Relief

Disasters have a way of bringing out the best in people, and it’s really quite amazing what a difference just a few people can make. In only one and a half weeks’ time, two members of the Skylands Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and a group of committed volunteers organized and staged a benefit concert for Hurricane Sandy relief. “Sky to Shore,” held Thanksgiving weekend at Skylands UU Fellowship, netted more than $2,000 in cash and carloads of personal care items for people at the Jersey Shore struggling to put their lives back together.

[This article was written by Michael Dalzell, a member of the UU Church at Washington Crossing, part of an ongoing series for  See Mike’s past articles and subscribe at]

BUURG – Hurricane Relief

The Bergen UU Relief Group (BUURG), formed by congregations in Englewood NJ, Paramus NJ, and Ridgewood NJ, held a highly successful benefit concert on December 1 to raise funds for three local non-profits providing relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy. Eight bands and performers donated their talents for free, and all production costs, food, beverages, and artists’ CDs were fully donated as well. Nearly $9,000 was collected. BUURG continues to organize volunteers in the field providing storm relief.  Read more about BUURG .

Choose Compassionate Consumption

From the UUSC – Choosing Compassionate Consumption

During the holiday season, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee encourages us to shop with our values in mind.  UUSC’s online store offers ethically sourced gifts that you can feel good about buying; they offer fair-trade and sweatshop-free items, and net proceeds benefit their human rights work.

Affordable Housing Action Alert – Nov. 28

Fighting Poverty With Faith Building Opportunity Through Affordable Housing for All

Call to action

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

NJ State House Annex, Committee Room 4 
155 West State Street, Trenton NJ

For millions of Americans, safe and decent housing is unaffordable and unavailable. The faith community cannot stand idly by as too many of our neighbors are forced to make impossible choices among necessities such as food, rent, and medicine. We recognize the importance of decent shelter as a core necessity to overcoming poverty and will educate our communities about this issue and work to increase the supply of, and expand access to, housing for low income families and individuals.  We can make a difference by speaking out collectively as representatives of New Jersey’s Multifaith Community

We take up the call of our religious traditions to bring focus and attention to the need for housing that is affordable in our communities.

Conveners: NJ State Assoc. of Jewish Federations, NJ Catholic Conference, Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry NJ.
UULMNJ is a co-sponsor of this call to action.

Post a flyer in your congregation.

Come to Trenton!
Check with your liaison or contact for more info.

Somerset Hills – Microcredit Fundraising Dinner

The UU Congregation of Somerset Hills will hold the 2nd Annual Microcredit Fundraising Dinner to Benefit Under-Privileged Women in Nepal on December 1.The funds raised by this dinner and a silent auction will be combined and donated to Friends of Nepal, New Jersey, which helps hundreds of people every year. Every $100 donated can provide a loan for a needy family to buy a new tool, a machine, or buy two goats – millions of the world’s poor people have taken advantage of small loans to improve their lives.

Hunterdon County – Sacred Wisdom Discussion Series

The First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County is holding a “Sacred Wisdom Discussion Series.”   A book of profound spiritual or religious significance is discussed at each session at Clinton Bookshop. They are open to the general public as well as FUUFHC friends and members. Admission is free, but each month you are encouraged to purchase the book directly from Clinton Bookshop. Next session is on November 29, 7pm: “Being Peace” by Thich Nhat Hanh.  Rev. Bob Janis-Dillon will lead the discussion on one of his favorite spiritual writers.