New Report on the Cost of Fracking

Environment New Jersey Research has released a report documenting a wide range of dollars and cents costs imposed by dirty drilling.  As documented in The Costs of Fracking, fracking (hydraulic fracturing) creates millions of dollars of health costs related to everything from air pollution to ruined roads to contaminated property.   While the report documents a wide range of costs imposed by fracking, Environment New Jersey is particularly concerned about the impact of fracking waste on New Jersey’s waterways.

See for more information on this hepful resource and to download the report.

Worship Arts Festival – Feb. 22-23, 2013

The UU Church in Cherry Hill is hosting the Joseph Priestley District’s 2013 Worship Arts Festival on February 22-23, 2013.  Peter Bowden, UU growth, outreach, and media consultant, will be the featured presenter. The annual event features a plenary session and workshops for anyone involved in the art of creating meaningful UU worship experiences.  For more info:

October 20 – Fall Issues Workshop

Fall Issues Workshop Saturday, October 20, 2012

9am to 3pm at the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood 113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood, New Jersey
( for directions)

This gathering will be a working session to:

  • Discuss the current issues in our Task Force meetings
  • Learn how you can work with UULMNJ in your home congregation
  • Hear a special presentation on Poverty in New Jersey by Allan Lichtenstein, Legal Services of New Jersey Poverty Research Institute
  • Gather and celebrate at a reception for the presentation of the Spirit of Humanity Awards

Who should attend?

  • People who want to make a difference by putting their faith into action
  • Anyone interested in the work of UULMNJ
  • Congregational liaisons, action team members, leaders and staff
  • Task Force members

To register go to by October 16, 2012.

For details, talk to your congregational liaison.

Post a flyer at your congregation.

We look forward to seeing you on October 20 in Ridgewood!

Welcoming Congregation Bulletin – New From UUA

The Welcoming Congregation Bulletin ( is a new monthly newsletter published by the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Ministries.

It will keep readers connected to the work of building a Beloved Community where all people can bring their full authentic selves. Each two-page issue offers a tool to increase your welcome, an action to live it loud and proud, a story for inspiration, and news to share.

June 23: Join UUs in Sending a Message From Justice GA

At General Assembly in Phoenix, UUs from across the country are sending Sheriff Arpaio a message tonight.  See how you can join them.

Tonight: Tent City. Thousands strong, we will lift our voices against the inhumane conditions at this place that Sheriff Joe Arpaio himself calls a “concentration camp.” What is Sheriff Arpaio’s response to our peaceful candlelight vigil at Tent City? To put Maricopa County jails on lockdown, and prevent inmates from receiving visits from friends or family for 24 hours. Indeed, Arpaio plans to punish those who are already subjugated.
Friends—it’s time for us to raise our voices together, all across the country, and demand, unequivocally, that the federal government Shut Down Tent City! Tent City represents the worst of a culture of cruelty perpetrated in the name of the U.S. government and is a shameful component of the federal system of mass detention and deportation. Help us shine a light on these egregious human rights abuses here in Arizona and across the nation!

Read more from the national Standing on the Side of Love campaign manager Dan Furmansky.

Ban Fracking Waste in New Jersey


Over 200 rallied at the State House in support of the bill to ban fracking waste in NJ on June 14.  Fifteen percent (30 persons) were Unitarian Universalists – including nine UU ministers!   For a relatively small network, we certainly carry a lot of impact.  Reverend Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director of the UULMNJ testified at the Environment Hearing in favor of a bill banning fracking waste in NJ. The bill was passed out of committee.  Here’s where your help is needed:

CALL  Senate President Sweeney: (888) 793 – 4597 and Assembly Speaker Oliver: (866) 582-4813 to request that A575/S253 be posted for a vote this week!  The NJ Legislature will take summer recess beginning June 30.


–       As a legislative leader we need you to lead on protecting NJ’s waterways from fracking by posting A575/S253 for a vote and making sure it passes.

–       Fracking waste treatment is a threat to our drinking water and should be banned.

–    Radioactive fracking waste has been discharged into Pennsylvania’s waterways and we can’t allow it here.

Keep the GARDEN STATE   green!

Justice GA Begins June 20

Justice General Assembly (GA) 2012 begins June 20 in Phoenix AZ. Some 3800 UUs are expected  to attend.  Read more. For those not able to attend GA 2012, 16 events will be covered by live streaming video, including the opening and closing celebrations, plenary sessions, a moderator candidates forum, the Service of the Living Tradition, the Ware Lecture, and several worship services.