Part Time Position Available

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant  to begin as soon as possible.  Duties of the position include but are not limited to:

  • Administrative support, as requested by the Executive Director
  • Assist with Board, Plenary and issues workshop preparation
  • Organizational data keeping
  • Maintaining organization files
  • Social media maintenance (Facebook)


  • Previous office administration experience
  • Good office organizing skills
  • Knowledge of Facebook and social media
  • Strong computer skillsB
  • Basic computer graphics is helpful

NMust be able to work independently and to meet weekly in Summit, NJ.

Compensation:   $15 /hour, averoge of 10 hours per week.

This is a grant-funded position, with an initial duration of one year, subject to renewal.

Applications should be submitted to:

Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director,
Contact:  (609) 672-7331

Applications may be submitted until March 15, 2012.


Supported in part by a grant from the Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility.

UUME – New Environmental Justice Curriculum

The Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth has created a five-session environmental justice curriculum. Called “Our Place in the Web of Life,” the curriculum was developed to help congregations meet the environmental justice requirement of the Green Sanctuary program. It provides an introduction to environmental justice concepts and a process to identify community needs so that a congregation can develop a local justice project. The curriculum, designed by Dr. Mark Hicks of the Meadville Lombard Theological School, also emphasizes racial and ethnic relationships in doing environmental justice work.

UUMFE, an independent affiliate of the UUA, supports congregations in environmental justice work, including Earth Day activities and providing environmental resources for religious education and worship. (From the InterConnections Tipsheet, posted 2/10/2012)

Reminder:  The first meeting of the Metro NY District’s Environmental Justice Council, originally slated for January 21, has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 14.  Please contact either Dr. Frances Sink, or the Rev. Peggy Clarke at for more information.

A Bit of Good News on HR3590

Here’s a little bit of good news on the immigration reform front. Rep. Chris Smith, a Congressman representing the Fourth Congressional District (Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean County) has agreed to be the first Republican sponsor of HR-3590, a bill that would waive the one-year deadline for Indonesians who have experienced violent persecution.  With a Republican sponsor, HR-3590 can now be introduced in committee.  If this special legislation is passed quickly it could prevent the imminent deportation of hundreds of Indonesian Christians who were invited by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to identify themselves–and soon began receiving orders of deportation. If deported, these Christians would be returned to face almost certain persecution and possibly death.

This cause has been led by congregants and the pastor of the The Reformed Church of HIghland Park, and has been supported by the UULMNJ Immigration Task Force, under the leadership of members of the East Brunswick Unitarian Society.  Many UU congregations around the state joined with other religious organizations to write letters, make phone calls, visit Rep. Smith’s office, and leave voice messages, for more than a year.  We are encouraged to send a note of thanks to: Representative Chris Smith, Hamilton District Office, 1540 Kuser Rd. Suite A-9, Hamilton, NJ 08619.”

Immigration Reform: HR3590 Gains Sponsor


Here’s a little bit of good news on the immigration reform front. Rep. Chris Smith, a Congressman representing the Fourth Congressional District (Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean County) has agreed to be the first Republican sponsor of HR-3590, a bill that would waive the one-year deadline for Indonesians who have experienced violent persecution.  With a Republican sponsor, HR-3590 can now be introduced in committee.  If this special legislation is passed quickly it could prevent the imminent deportation of hundreds of Indonesian Christians who were invited by Immigration and Customs Enforcement to identify themselves–and soon began receiving orders of deportation. If deported, these Christians would be returned to face almost certain persecution and possibly death.

This cause has been led by congregants and the pastor of the The Reformed Church of HIghland Park, and has been supported by the UULMNJ Immigration Task Force, under the leadership of members of the East Brunswick Unitarian Society.  Many UU congregations around the state joined with other religious organizations to write letters, make phone calls, visit Rep. Smith’s office, and leave voice messages, for more than a year.  We are encouraged to send a note of thanks to: Representative Chris Smith, Hamilton District Office, 1540 Kuser Rd. Suite A-9, Hamilton, NJ 08619.”

Webinar – March 27

The Impact of the Citizens United Decision on the Democratic Process
Featured speaker Greg Nagy

The disparity between the rich and the middle class is greater, and upward mobility lower, in the US than in any other major industrialized country in the world. There are now 45 million Americans living below the poverty line, the most in 50 years.  Undisclosed Super Pac spending is already swaying voters in the primaries. Does this sound like democracy in action to you?

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission was a 2010 Supreme Court decision that allowed unlimited corporate and union spending in elections, leading to the creation of so-called super PACs that cannot contribute to candidates but can spend money they raise to support or defeat them.

Recognized expert, published author, lecturer and longtime UU, Greg Nagy was formerly the Legal Director of the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission, where he received its lifetime achievement award.  He also served as Deputy Attorney General, Department of Law and Public Safety.

Please check back for more details on viewing the webinar with your congregation.

Comments on Medicaid Waiver Application

These comments are filed on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ), and address New Jersey’s Section 1115 Demonstration Comprehensive Waiver Application that was made available to the public on September 12, 2011.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) represents the Unitarian Universalists throughout the State of New Jersey. As a faith based community, we believe that access to affordable health care in New Jersey is a human necessity and that Medicaid is an important safety net at all times, especially in these troubling economic times. We believe that any Waiver Application should increase Medicaid recipients and increase coverage and benefits. We believe that recipients should not have any co-pays or out of pocket expenses.

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We believe that we should act with justice, equity and compassion in all human relations, and that we must speak for those without a voice. We believe that we must act with compassion towards our most vulnerable residents, so that they may receive the care they need; a level of care that should be provided to everyone in a civil industrialized modern society….

Full text of comments [tt_vector icon=”fa-file-pdf-o”] submitted on January 30, 2012.

Health Insurance Exchanges Testimony

On February 6, 2012 task force chair Carolyn Baldacchini  presented testimony at the Assembly Health and Senior Services committee meeting on  A2171, pertaining to the creation of the new Health Insurance Exchanges.

The creation of Health Insurance Exchanges is the next step in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  States must come up with their own exchange or the Federal Government will create one for them. New Jersey will receive money to create these exchanges.

The Health Care Task Force is concerned that the exchanges be organized so that, among many other aspects, the Exchanges:

  • Are consumer and patient friendly
  • Are transparent
  • Have boards that have equal advocacy representation as industry representation
  • That, in creating the exchanges, NJ do more than what is required by law.


My name is Carolyn Baldacchini.  I am a volunteer and represent the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey.  I am also self-employed.  Health Insurance exchanges will be wonderful for our state and for everyone in New Jersey.

In the interest of brevity, I would like to say that we support Ray Castro’s comments.

The cost of health insurance for the self-employed and small business owners is prohibitive.  Because of this, few New Jerseyeans can afford to start a small business. Because of this, many innovative and creative small business ideas, as well as science and technology innovations, have been lost to our state.  These are innovations that would have benefitted our state and our state’s economy.

Consultants, making up the vast majority of the self-employed, cannot afford the high cost of an individual health insurance policy.  The youth of New Jersey, graduating from college, cannot afford start a consulting business because of the cost of health insurance.  And, that SAT tutor?  Cannot afford health insurance.

With the Health Insurance Exchanges, these businesses will be able to go forward.  We will see a rebirth of creativity and innovation in business.  Our downtown family owned businesses will be able to invest more money and we will be able to fill our downtown Main Streets with wonderful stores.

I am a self-employed businesswoman.  In the fall of 2010 was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I had no insurance.  It was a frightening moment when I felt the lump in my breast.  I could not get a mammogram without a referral.  Because I could not afford doctor visits, I had no doctor to give me a referral.  It was thanks to the compassion of a wonderful doctor who saw me and gave me a referral that I was able to have a mammogram.  I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey hopes that, with these health insurance exchanges, no man, woman or child will ever again have to face cancer without insurance. The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey supports A2171 with certain suggested recommendations:

  • That there be two or more consumer health care advocates on the board of directors.
  • We notice that there is an amendment that establishes an Advisory Board.  The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey would like to see an equal number of health care advocate groups to the other groups on this board.
  • That the term “provider” be defined as only one doctor in only one location, not one doctor in multiple locations.
  • The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey supports only Health Benefit Plans certified by the Boards, Boards with 50% representation by health care advocacy groups.
  • We support the inclusion of a Basic Health Benefits Plan in this Bill.
  • We support the inclusion of a larger pool, with business up to 100 employees and businesses over 100 employees.
  • And that any and all communication be at a sixth grade reading and comprehension level.

I thank you for this opportunity to speak.

Marriage Equality Passes

Congratulations!  As you have probably heard by now, after prevailing in the Senate earlier this week, marriage equality legislation passed the Assembly 42 – 33 yesterday.  This was a huge victory for several reasons.

It withstood incredible pressure and backroom lobbying from the governor’s office, and  it gives us two years to find the votes needed to override a veto.  But most importantly, there is a court case pending questioning the equality of civil unions.  When the court considers the legality of a legislative action, it tries to interpret the intention of the legislature.  This has provided a clear statement about the intention of the legislature which should dramatically help the court case.  So, we have two fronts on which to pursue Marirage Equality in New Jersey.
Yesterday, several people had told me how wonderful Unitarian Universalists were.  I was told that legislators commented on our letters and emails.  I don’t know how many letters, emails and petition names we gathered, but I’m sure it was in the thousands.
Again, I want to thank everyone who helped build this historical time in the history of New Jersey.
UU’s are awesome!
With great appreciation,
Rev. Craig

Ridgewood: Evening About Immigration – Feb. 24

Friday, February 24, at 7:30 at the Unitarian Society of Ridgewood: an evening about immigration, planned and carried out by immigrants. The event includes a preview screening of a video-in-the-making about the life of Elias Garcia, one of our immigrant friends from North Bergen; and made by Juan Pablo Morales Estrada.  The dance performance is by a group of Guatemalan workers who have gotten together to present the story of the Guatemalan hero, Tecun Uman, in a traditional stylized dance/declamation format.

We are all excited about this unusual opportunity for cross-cultural sharing.  We’re available to take the show on the road, too!Download a flyer for more information

Princeton: Health Insurance Exchange Forum – Feb. 26

What is the NJ Health Insurance Exchange and What Does It Mean for You?

A Forum on NJ Health Insurance Exchanges will be held on Sunday, February 26 after the second service at 12:30 pm in Fahs Theatre at the Princeton UU congregation.  The national Affordable Care Act requires the implementation of an Exchange in each state during 2014 to assist individuals and small employers in purchasing health insurance.

This Forum will discuss what a Health Insurance Exchange is and how it operates.  An Exchange gives the opportunity for lowering health care costs and allowing consumers to make better decisions on their health insurance.  Learn what the options are for states and the actions that NJ is taking.

The Forum is sponsored by the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey in cooperation with the NJ Citizen Action Health Care Campaign.