NJ Gun Violence Walk-Out this FRIDAY

I hope many of you will take an hour out of your day THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 23rd from 11:30 to 12:30 (see details below) to join the National Strike called in protest of the latest round of school shootings and Congress’ betrayal of our children’s lives in favor of loose—and in many states, effectively no—gun safety regulations and the out-of-control gun lobby.

Below is one more gruesome list: the names of children and adults killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland FL.  Each one of them could still be alive today…if we prioritized children over lax gun laws. (With thanks to Po Murray, mother of a child killed in the Newtown, CT school massacre and chair, Newtown Action Alliance & The Newtown Foundation)

Jaime Guttenberg, 14
Nicholas Dworet
Martin Duque, 14
Meadow Pollack, 18
Cara Loughran
Alaina Petty, 14
Joaquin Oliver, 17
Luke Hoyer, 15
Alyssa Alhadeff, 15
Gina Montalto, 14
Carmen Schentrup,
Alex Schachter, 14
Peter Wang, 15
Helena Ramsey, 17
Track coach Aaron Feis, 37
Teacher Scott Beigel, 35
Athletic Director Chris Hixon, 49
Fifteen others were injured.

Republicans in the US House and Senate have long held the key to effective, sane gun regulation…and up to now they have bowed to a vocal gun constituency and the well-financed, extremist gun lobby.  Enough.  Now even nonpartisan groups like UU FaithAction NJ must be unceasing in our pressure on NJ Republicans who have blood on their hands–those words are written consciously and with due consideration—because of years of inaction on effective and common sense gun/ammunition control.

What: National Walk Out of Parents, Students, and Concerned Residents to Protest at Republican Congressional District Offices

When: Friday, Feb. 23 from 11:30/12 to 1 p.m.

WhereA Republican Congressional office near you.  I and my 12 year old daughter will be joining many protesting outside Congressman Leonard Lance’s district offices in Westfield (425 North Avenue East, Westfield, NJ 07090) while others will be gathering in Flemington (361 Route 31, Unit 1400 Flemington, NJ 08822.)  Protests are also scheduled in Morristown at Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen’s office (30 Schuyler Pl #2, Morristown, NJ 07960) and the Cherry Hill area.

Who: Many parents will be taking their children out of school in protest of the latest round of school shootings.  I will be among them—but everyone needs to show up to ensure we in the majority on this issue are heard and change national gun regulation.

Please note: there are other major gun violence protests happening around the country within the next month or two.  This includes the highly publicized March 24 “March For Our Lives” on Washington DC called for by surviving students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S. in Parkland, FL.  We hope to have a NJ UU presence at that march and will be getting back in touch with you shortly.  You can learn more about that march here www.marchforourlives.com/

Two additional pieces of potentially hopeful news (with thanks from Kathy Allen Roth, UU Beacon/Summit for passing on):

How Banks Could Control Gun Sales if Washington Won’t by Andrew Sorkin (NYT Feb. 21) https://nyti.ms/2BDLBE7

GOP Chairman May Rethink CDC Ban on Gun Violence Research


Finally, I wanted to let you know that UU FaithAction NJ (though under our old name) is signatory to this open letter from the Campaign Against Assault Weapons.  We will keep the pressure on until the American cult worship of weapons of mass murder is exposed and safely curtailed.

In faith, with love, for justice,



February 20, 2018

Dear Governor Rick Scott, Senate President Joe Negron, House Speaker Richard Corcoran, and Senate Judiciary Chairman Greg Steube:

We send you our thoughts and prayers for the loss of your constituents to another heartbreaking mass shooting incident in the State of Florida. Your state is now the home of the two deadliest mass shooting incidents in modern U.S. history.

After the deadly Orlando shooting, you took no action to keep your citizens safe from gun violence and now 17 families from Parkland have been devastated by another senseless and preventable act of gun violence.

The 19-year-old Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter was able to legally purchase Smith & Wesson M&P15 assault rifle in your state to turn a place of learning into a bloody warzone. The same assault rifle was used to kill 12 people and wounded 70 others in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in 2012 and to kill 14 people in a community center in San Bernardino, California in 2015.

Military-style semi-automatic assault weapons are designed to efficiently kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time available. There is absolutely no reason for assault rifles, assault pistols, and assault shotguns to be sold to civilians.

Governor Dannell Malloy and the Democratic and Republican members of the Connecticut State Legislature passed the second strongest gun laws in the nation -including a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines – after 20 children and six educators were senselessly gunned down in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Now, Connecticut is ranked 46th for gun death rate – one of the lowest in the nation. Conversely, Florida is ranked 26th for gun laws and 25th for gun death rate.

For the past two legislative sessions, the Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence and the League of Women Voters of Florida have implored you to ban the sale of military-style assault weapons and large-capacity magazines in your state. Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith and Sen. Linda Stewart have introduced bills calling for these bans, but neither have been placed on their legislative committees’ agenda to be heard.

We, the 168 organizations from the Campaign Against Assault Weapons, implore you to immediately put SB 196 and HB 219 on the legislative committee agenda, hold a hearing and work to pass these life-saving measures to keep your constituents safe in Florida. If you fail to take action to honor the lives lost in Parkland and Orlando then we will implore your constituents to hold you accountable on Election Day.


A New Routine for America
All Saints Church Pasadena Gun Violence Prevention Task Force
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
American Federation of Teachers
Anna’s Place: A Franciscan Hospitality Center
Arizonans for Gun Safety
Art = Ammo, Artists Against Gun Violence
Battle Born Progress
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with Million Mom March
Brave New Films
Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition
Broader Representation Advocacy Team- Political Action Committee (BRAT-PAC)
Californians For Gun Safety
Campaign to Unload
Ceasefire Oregon
CeaseFire Pennsylvania
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church
Central Lutheran Church
Chicago’s Citizens for Change, Inc.
Children’s Firearm Safety Alliance
Coalition Against Gun Violence, a Santa Barbara County Coalition
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
CODEPINK Women for Peace
Colorado Ceasefire
Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence
Concert Across America to End Gun Violence
Congregation Kol Ami
Connecticut Against Gun Violence
Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence
Democracy for America
Disarm Hate
Doctors for America
Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, NY
Dominican Sisters of Peace
End the Madness
Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Equality California
Every Child Matters
Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence
Felician Sisters of Livonia
First Church
Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
Franciscan Peace Center
Franciscan Sisters
Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor
Friends Against Violence Everywhere (FAVE)
GAYS against GUNS
Gays Not Guns
Georgetown Against Gun Violence
Georgia Alliance for Social Justice
Georgians for Gun Safety
Global Exchange
Grandmothers Against Gun Violence – Cape Cod
Grandparents Against Gun Violence (MO)
Greenwich Council Against Gun Violence
Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah
Gunsense Vermont
Hands Up for Gun Safety (HUGS)
Hawaii Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
Healing 4 Our Families & Our Nation
Heeding God’s Call
Herndon-Reston Alliance To End Gun Violence
Holman United Methodist Church
Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence
Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
International Health & Epidemiology Research Center
Iowans for Gun Safety
Jessi’s Message
Jewish Women International (JWI)
Joint Action Committee
JPIC Office of the Wheaton Franciscans
Justice, peace and integrity for creation committee
Latin America Working Group Education Fund
League of Women Voters of Florida
Louisiana Violence Reduction Coalition
MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
March For Racial Justice #M4RJ
Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence
Michigan Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
Michigan Gun Violence Prevention Caucus
Mike the Gun Guy
Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought
MoveOn.org Civic Action
Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Council of Jewish Women
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Education Association
National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund
National Medical Council on Gun Violence
National Physicians Alliance
National Women’s Law Center
New Castle Promise
New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence
New Yorkers Against Gun Violence
Newtown Action Alliance
North Carolina Council of Churches
North Carolinians Against Gun Violence Education Fund
Northwest Corner Committee for Gun Violence Prevention
Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Oklahoma Gun Sense
One Pulse for America
Pacem in Terris-Delaware
Physicians for the Prevention of Gun Violence
Pride Fund to End Gun Violence
Progressive Congress Action Fund
Project End Gun Violence
Protect Minnesota
Protest Easy Guns
Rabbis Against Gun Violence
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence
Safe Campus Colorado
San Diegans for Gun Violence Prevention
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sisters of St. Joseph
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA Province
Sravasti Abbey
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Capitol Hill DC
St. Sabina’s Church
States United to Prevent Gun Violence
Step Up, Step Out: End the Culture of Violence, a ministry of Asylum Hill Congregational Church
Stop Handgun Violence
Stop Killing Innocent People (SKIP)
Stop the Violence Coalition, Buffalo, NY
Stop the Violence Prayer Chain, Wilm. DE
Survivors Empowered
Team 26
Temple Micah Gun Violence Prevention Group
The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus
The Connecticut Effect
The ENOUGH Campaign
The Greater Phoenix Million Mom March
The Safe Tennessee Project
The Washington office on Latin America
Theodore Parker Church UU Social Action Committee
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey
Violence Policy Center
Violence Prevention Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
Virginia Center for Public Safety
Virginia Gun Violence Prevention Coalition
Vision Quilt
Washing Ceasefire Foundation
Washington Ceasefire
Washington National Cathedral Gun Violence Prevention Group
We The People For Sensible Gun Laws
Wheaton Franciscans
Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort Ed Fund
Women Against Gun Violence
Women Against the Violence Epidemic (WAVE)
Women’s March
Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice, St. Louis, MO

Po Murray
Chairman, Newtown Action Alliance & The Newtown Foundation


P.O. Box 3325, Newtown CT 06470


Reproductive Justice: Interfaith Letter to Congress

View Interfaith Letter to Congress here: 2017426FaithGroupsforPPFINALLetter

Information provided by Carol Loscalzo, Reproductive Justice Task Force Chair

Additional note from Glenn Northern, Domestic Program Senior Associate, Catholics for Choice:

The final interfaith letter that is being sent to Congress tomorrow morning.  The faith community came out in force.  Thank you very much. We are proud to stand together with you.   More than 60 national, state and local organizations signed onto the letter demonstrating their support for Planned Parenthood.  That might be the new reproductive health interfaith letter record!

Catholics for Choice is going to amplify very publicly that faith support as well as our own support for Planned Parenthood and we would encourage others to amplify our joint efforts as well.   As part of our amplification we will be using social media.  First thing tomorrow morning I will send a toolkit  that contains various resource that we are happy to share including our branded material.  If folks have capacity to use any of this material or need additional material please be in contact.  In the meantime, we would love to have the letter shared with your networks, websites etc. Thanks once again for all the work you do around these important issues.


Rev. Rob Gregson with former NJ Governor Jim Florio and UULMNJ Gun Violence Prevention Task Force chair, Jeannine Coyne

Honored to speak with former NJ Governor Jim Florio and UULMNJ Gun Violence Prevention Task Force chair, Jeannine Coyne at the UU Congregation of Cherry Hill on halting gun violence in our country. Gov. Florio was instrumental during his term at banning military style assault rifles in the Garden State–for which he deservedly got a standing ovation from the congregation. — at Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill. Sunday April 2nd, 2017


FEBRUARY 26, 2017

Seventy-eight (78) people signed in and probably more participated without signing in. There were eleven tables of six or seven people and a few people sitting in chairs on the side.

Rev. Rob Gregson, the Director of UULMNJ, provided an inspirational overview of the six (6) UULMNJ Task Forces (in alphabetical order):
1. Criminal Justice Reform
2. Economic Justice
3. Environmental Protection
4. Gun Violence Prevention
5. Immigration Reform
6. Reproductive Justice

He mentioned that UULMNJ also provides direct resources to congregations and our coalition allies in the areas of Local Policing/Black Lives Matter Congregational Toolkits. This project is aimed at education local law enforcement and correctional communities about antiracist, violence-and bias reduction agenda.

He also discussed UULMNJ Legal Advocacy Project (LAP) to move legislation that reflects UU values through NJ Legislature such as the current bills to support confidentiality for women’s reproductive health care workers and clinicians. Another legislative effort from the Environmental task force is efforts to move through the Senate S-1707, the Renewable Energy Transition Act (RETA). RETA would by year 2050, require 80% of all electricity generated in the NJ to be from renewable energy sources: solar, wind, and methane gas from landfills.

Another newer initiative from the Immigration Reform Task Force is Sanctuary Congregations/cities project to educate UUs and allies to respond to harsh regulations on undocumented immigrants in NJ.

Purpose of the Conference:
The purpose of the conference was to solicit UUCP congregants’ ideas on the question: “In the age of Trump, what actions do you most want UULMNJ Task Forces to be prepared to take?” Clara S. Haignere helped direct this effort. Each of the participants was instructed to write down their ideas in response to this question on a 4X6 card without discussing it with others. Then each small group made a master list from their table’s ideas and selected the one action they designated as was most important and wrote that action area on one of the three white boards.

2017 Annual Meeting – April 8th – 9am-3pm – Register Now

The “General Assembly” for UULMNJ and supporters from across New Jersey: Saturday, April 8 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, 113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood NJ

Keynote Speaker

The Rev. Charles Boyer, African Methodist Episcopal minister, inspirational speaker and NJ legislative activist 

Theme for the day

“All that UULMNJ CAN do to push for justice and stand against the inequities of Trump and Congress’ plan for America”

Task Force meetings

Immigration Reform, Gun Violence Prevention, Criminal Justice Reform, Environmental Justice, Reproductive Justice, and Economic Justice

Liaison and Newcomers Training Opportunity

Why come to the UULMNJ April Plenary?  

Simply put: because we already have a clear VISION, TRACK RECORD, and UU-inspired ORGANIZATION up and running, ready to champion our dearest values and hopes in the public square.  UULMNJ focuses entirely on the most important issues of the day that excite (and rile up) UUs and our allies across New Jersey.  So come on DOWN, share in that energy and spirit that draws us to this faith and will propel us forward, together, through whatever is to come.  

For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact Regina: admin@uulmnj.org
There will be vegetarian and gluten-free lunch options.

3rd Annual New Jersey MUUsic Festival


Join in a celebration of our faith, equality, compassion and justice through song. Music ensembles from congregations across the state will showcase their finest and come together for a UU All-State performance! Our 3rd Annual event will be at the UU Congregation of Paramus.

You don’t want to miss this inspiring event!

button buy tix
Tickets go on sale February 1st and seats are limited!

We Need Your Help to Address the Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice System!

It may come as a shock to some that New Jersey has the highest rate of racial disparity in the nation when it comes to sentencing and incarceration. The Sentencing Project, a national research and advocacy organization, found that African Americans are incarcerated at five times the rate of whites. In New Jersey the ratio is even higher: 12 to 1. In fact, in New Jersey in 2014, one in 31 of all African American adult males was in prison. New Jersey has the highest black/white disparity in its prisons among the states, even though we have reduced our overall prison population in general over the last several years. African Americans make up approximately 13% of the state’s population — yet they compromise over 61% of the state’s prison population.

We ask for your help to address this glaring and unfair racial disparity in New Jersey’s criminal justice system. Bipartisan legislation recently passed the NJ Senate and will soon be considered in the Assembly. The legislation – Senate Bill 677/Assembly Bill 3677 – authorizes racial impact statements for proposed criminal justice policies. This approach would be similar to environmental and fiscal impact statements, assisting legislators to detect unforeseen policy ramifications before they happen.

How You Can Help

Step 1: Call and Email Members of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee

· Chairman Daniel Benson (phone: 609-631-0198 email: AsmBenson@njleg.org)
· Vice Chairman Joe Danielsen (phone: 609-847-3500 email: AsmDanielsen@njleg.org)
· Honorable Arthur Barclay (phone: 609-847-3500 email: AsmBarclay@njleg.org)
· Honorable Michael Patrick Carroll (phone: 609-847-3400 email: AsmCarroll@njleg.org)
· Honorable Annette Chaparro (phone: 609- 847-3500 email: AswChaparro@njleg.org)
· Honorable Erik Peterson (phone: 609-847-3400 email: AsmPeterson@njleg.org)
· Honorable Nancy J. Pinkin (phone: 609-847-3500 email: AswPinkin@njleg.org)
· Honorable David P. Rible (phone: 609-847-3400 email: AsmRible@njleg.org)
· Honorable Shavonda E. Sumter (phone: 609-847-3500) email: AswSumter@njleg.org)

  • Edit/personalize the form email. It makes your message more effective. Also, confirm you are a constituent of one of the Committee members here. If so, be sure to mention that too.

Use the following sample script: “As a New Jersey resident, I ask you to cosponsor Assembly Bill 3677, which authorizes racial impact statements for certain bills and regulations that affect sentencing. The measure helps address fairness in the New Jersey criminal justice system.”

Other talking points:

  • New Jersey has the highest rate of racial disparity among African American and white prisoners.
  • Fairness dictates the use of racial impact statements in considering proposed sentencing laws.
  • Other states: Connecticut, Iowa, and Oregon have adopted racial impact statements.
  • Assembly Bill 3677 will contribute to better policymaking. Racial impact statements provide lawmakers with information prior to deliberating on proposed sentencing laws.


Step 3: Spread the Word

  • Forward this email to your family members, friends, and colleagues and ask them to TAKE ACTION.
  • Share your calls and the call-in information on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks for all you’ve done already and for all you continue to do to make New Jersey fairer!

In faith and abiding hope,
Rev. Rob Gregson, Executive Director

Interview with Rev. Rob Gregson of UULMNJ at Rally – Protesters Call on Mayor to Make New Brunswick a ‘Sanctuary City’

Demonstrators are calling on the city administration to refuse to enforce President Trump’s executive order on immigration
Rev. Karen Johnston from the East Brunswick congregation was also interviewed at our post behind the Standing on the Side of Love banner.

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ACTION ALERT: Ask Gov. Christie to Restrict Solitary in NJ!

In January, President Obama put major limits on solitary confinement in federal prisons. But New Jersey is still lagging far behind.

The Governor currently has a bill on his desk, the Isolated Confinement Restriction Act, that could change that. The Senate bill, S51, passed by a vote of 23-16 on June 23, 2016. The bill passed the Assembly, A547, on October 20 with a vote of 45-26-1.

take action button

This bill, S51/A547, would dramatically limit when New Jersey subjects people to extreme isolation for long periods of time and create a total ban on the practice for vulnerable populations who suffer most from it.

This bill would:

  • Require facilities to use isolated confinement only as a last resort, when less restrictive treatment would pose too much of a risk;
  • Prohibit isolation for more than 15 consecutive days or 20 days in a 60-day period;
  • Ban isolation for members of vulnerable populations, such as people who have mental illnesses, pregnant women, and people with various disabilities;
  • Require medical clearance and daily evaluations when a prisoner is held in isolation.

Solitary infographic(1)Long-term isolated confinement poses extremely harmful effects on any prisoner, but especially members of vulnerable populations, such as people with mental illnesses, pregnant women, people under 21, and people over 55. It can worsen existing mental illnesses and inflict psychological trauma where it didn’t exist before. Alternatives to isolated confinement have proven to be successful, because they don’t come with the socially destructive side effects that result from psychological torture.

Most prisoners will re-enter society once they’ve served their time. Once they emerge, who do we want those people to be? Most likely your answer does not include someone whose time in isolated confinement has left them more psychologically wounded and socially ill-equipped than before they entered prison or jail.

This bill won’t eliminate isolated confinement if it’s deemed necessary. But it will put much-needed protections in place to make sure that its use is humane and rare.

Learn more about solitary confinement in New Jersey

Read our Criminal Justice Task Force’s Solitary Confinement Statement.

Learn more about our Criminal Justice Reform Task Force

Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.