Action Alert June 20, 2014: Fracking Waste Emergency Lobby Day

Help the fracking waste legislation get to the Assembly floor.  Attend an Emergency Fracking Lobby Day this Monday!   See below from our friends at Food and Water Watch.
Emergency Lobby Day to Ban Fracking Waste Dumping!

What:  Lobby Day for Fracking Waste Dumping

When: Monday, June 23 10:30 am – 2:00 pm

Where: State House Cafeteria at 10:30 or meet us in the long hallway that connects the State House and the Annex after10:30 

Who: Community leaders and members of the public who want to protect our drinking water from the oil and gas industry!

Action Alert June 19, 2014: Fracking Waste Ban


We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!!!

Last month we had a really exciting win as the NJ Senate voted to pass legislation that would prevent New Jersey from becoming a dumping ground for toxic and radioactive fracking waste. But right now, the Assembly leadership is undecided as to whether or not it will even consider the bill for a vote.

We need your help to ensure that our voices are louder than any pressure the Assembly may be receiving from the oil and gas industry. We can’t let these dirty polluters win!!</

Call Assembly Speaker Prieto and Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald to let them know that our water is too precious to pollute with toxic fracking waste!!

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto: 877.844.5384

Assembly Majority Leader Greenwald: 856.435.1247

Urge them to make the Fracking Waste Ban bill (A.2108) a priority by passing this bill and sending it to the Governor before the end of June.

Our drinking water and our health depend on it!

Action Alert June 11, 2014: Make a call to keep Fracking waste out of New Jersey


From our friends at Food and Water Watch:

We need your immediate help to keep fracking waste out of our state!

Last month we had a really exciting win as the NJ Senate voted to pass legislation that would prevent New Jersey from becoming a dumping ground for toxic and radioactive fracking waste. But right now, the Assembly leadership is undecided as to whether or not it will even consider the bill for a vote.

We need your help to ensure that our voices are louder than any pressure the Assembly may be receiving from the oil and gas industry. We can’t let these dirty polluters win!

Call Assembly Speaker Prieto and let him know that our water is too precious to pollute with toxic fracking waste!

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto: 877-844-5384

Urge him to make the Fracking Waste Ban bill (A.2108) a priority by passing this bill and sending it to the Governor before the end of June.

Our drinking water and our health depend on it.

Action Alert: June 3, 2014: Register for June 12 Fracking Lobby Day and Rally


Join with people from across the state to ban fracking waste dumping in New Jersey!

Fracking waste containing radioactive elements, heavy metals, and known carcinogens has already come to New Jersey, threatening our drinking water, our environment and public health. The legislature acted to ban fracking waste dumping, but Governor Christie vetoed that bill, and the legislature must act again in the new legislative session. Geological surveys show large shale deposits under portions of Central and North Jersey. Fracking waste produced here in our own state will force millions more gallons of toxic waste on our communities.

Schedule for the Day:

  • 9:00 am Kick-Off Meeting & Briefing
  • 10:00 am Lobby Teams Dispatch Throughout State House
  • 12:30pm Rally on State House Steps

TBD – Potential Vote on NJ Fracking Waste Ban

The Rally Will Feature:

Legislative leaders in the fight for a clean energy future

Grassroots leaders in the fight against fracking and fracking waste dumping

Labor leaders, students, faith leaders, and people from impacted communities that are coming together for a clean energy future.

Before and after the rally you will have a chance to meet with legislators who have the power to pass a ban on fracking waste dumping.

Please RSVP here so we know you are coming:

 This action is being coordinated by the Coalition to Ban Fracking Waste Dumping.

A flyer is available for congregation promotion.  Questions or to get more involved,

Action Alerts May 28, 2014: Fracking Waste Ban/June 12 Lobby Day and Support Senator Bob Smith

The UULMNJ Environmental Task Force has been involved in shaping New Jersey environmental policy and you can help with that work.  Attached are two letters for members to use. The first is a letter that that can be used as a guide to write personal letters to Senator Bob Smith in support of his efforts to sponsor legislation that promotes sustainable energy use and conservation. The second letter can be adapted to mail to your local legislators regarding the ban on the transportation of fracking wastes in New Jersey. Please use these letters over the next couple of weeks prior to our Lobby Day on June 12th.

View Bob Smith support letter

View fracking waste ban letter

The Fracking Waste Ban Lobby Day is June 12th in Trenton.  Encourage all you know to participate.  Read the flyer with details about the Fracking Waste Ban Lobby Day .

If you have any questions, contact Rohn Hein or UULMNJ Executive Director Craig Hirshberg.

Action Alert March 11, 2014: Fracking Waste Ban Hearing on March 17

This just came in from our friends at Food and Water Watch.  Please take some time to make a few calls to prevent fracking waste in NJ.



Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Director

UULMNJ Public Policy Network


Fracking Waste Ban Hearing Scheduled for Monday!

Here is an update on the Fracking Waste Ban. We are making progress on fracking waste dumping, so have some exciting news to report.

First, the Senate Environment Committee is scheduled to hear the fraking waste ban on Monday, March 17 at 10:00 am.  So far, we have recruited 44 bi-partisan cosponsors in the Assembly (A-2108)and Senate (S-1041) since the new bill was introduced in January by Senator Gordon and Assemblyman Gusciora.

We are expecting the committee to pass this critical legislation, so we dot need all hands on deck in Trenton. It would be helpful for them to hear from you.  Can you please make a call to members of the Senate Environment Committee and tell them to support Fracking Waste Dumping before the end of the week.  When you call, you can tell all of them thank you for supporting a ban on fracking waste dumping and that we need them to do it again, with the exception of Senator Thompson who did not vote at all on the bill the first time.

Bob Smith: 732-752-0770

Senator GreenStein: 609-395-9911

Senator Bateman: 908-526-3600

Senator Thompson: 732-607-7580

Senator Whelan: 609-383-1388

Princeton: Gasland II – March 30

Get a broader look at the dangers of “fracking” in this documentary film as it demonstrates the myths of natural gas as a clean and safe energy source. Learn how fracking impacts our water, air, health, communities, and our democracy, and join in a discussion with a representative of Food & Water Watch.

UU Congregation of Princeton

Action Alert March 3: Prevent Fracking in the Delaware River Basin

It is time to rally the troops again against fracking in the Delaware River Basin.  We are joining Environment New Jersey in the campaign below.  Please link and send a message to President Obama asking him to keep fracking out of NJ.  And then, send this email to as many environmentally concerned people as you can.  Time is of the essence.  The Delaware River Basin Commission is meeting March 11.


Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Director

 Environment New Jersey

The Delaware River Basin Commission is meeting on March 11, and the Obama administration holds one of five key votes on the commission’s decision whether or not to allow fracking in the Delaware River Basin. Will you tell the president to shut the door on drilling in one of our best places?

In January, the Christie administration tried to push forward a proposal for a 15-mile fracked gas pipeline through the heart of the Pinelands.

But we took action, rallying close to 2,000 New Jerseyans in less than a week to pressure President Obama’s top representative on the commission. And that representative voted no on the project — stopping it dead in its tracks by one vote.

Now we need to rally again — but this time, for the Delaware River.

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) is meeting onTuesday, Mar. 11, and the commission could bring up a proposal to lift the moratorium on fracking in the Delaware at any time.  The Obama administration will hold one of five key votes on this issue, and we want to make sure it’s well known that New Jerseyans won’t stand by and watch this happen.

Will you tell the Obama administration to keep fracking away from the Delaware?

It’s no secret: Gov. Christie isn’t a friend to the environment. He pulled New Jersey out of our best program to solve global warming, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. He’s blocked offshore wind development and signed dirty water bills allowing development in environmentally sensitive areas.

So in absence of Gov. Christie’s environmental leadership, we must call on President Obama to do everything he can to protect the Delaware River and its watershed.

Tell Pres. Obama: New Jerseyans don’t want fracking near the Delaware.

If the DRBC voted to open the region up to drilling, we could see close to 20,000 new fracked gas wells drilled in the Delaware River watershed in the coming decades.

The last thing we need is for oil and gas companies to bulldoze their way into our watershed, inject chemical-laden water deep into the ground, and create millions of gallons of toxic wastewater in the same pristine place we get clean drinking water and hike, camp, and fish with our families.

We’ve stood up to fracking before — and won. And with your help, we’ll do it again.

Take action now.

Thanks for all your support,

Doug O’Malley
Environment New Jersey Director

P.S. The Delaware River Basin Commission is meeting on Tuesday, March 11th just outside Trenton. The Obama administration will hold one of five votes on the commission’s decision of whether or not to allow fracking in the Delaware Basin. Will you forward this to 5 friends to get more people to speak up against drilling near one of New Jersey’s best places?

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Action Alert Feb. 18, 2014

The UU Legislative Ministry is asking you to act now! In 2011, Governor Christie announced that he was pulling New Jersey from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a program with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Environment New Jersey has been working exhaustively to ensure New Jersey’s participation in the program.

From Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey Director:

“We took the Christie administration to court to hold them accountable for their illegal removal from the rules setting up the landmark Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)–a program making our air safer to breathe and reducing carbon pollution.

A lot has happened since June of 2012 when we first filed the suit along with the Natural Resources Defense Council. Superstorm Sandy hit, fueled by warmer ocean waters. Every month has seen above average temperatures. And the RGGI program has gotten stronger–even without New Jersey.

It’s time to get New Jersey back into the program.”

Please stand up for the environment with Environment New Jersey, and tell Governor Christie that New Jersey belongs back in RGGI.  We urge you to follow the link provided and add your name to list of advocates for the environment: Sign Here

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) Action Alert Feb. 18, 2014


The UU Legislative Ministry is asking you to act now! In 2011, Governor Christie announced that he was pulling New Jersey from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a program with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Environment New Jersey has been working exhaustively to ensure New Jersey’s participation in the program.
From Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey Director:

“We took the Christie administration to court to hold them accountable for their illegal removal from the rules setting up the landmark Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)–a program making our air safer to breathe and reducing carbon pollution.

A lot has happened since June of 2012 when we first filed the suit along with the Natural Resources Defense Council. Superstorm Sandy hit, fueled by warmer ocean waters. Every month has seen above average temperatures. And the RGGI program has gotten stronger–even without New Jersey.

It’s time to get New Jersey back into the program.”

Please stand up for the environment with Environment New Jersey, and tell Governor Christie that New Jersey belongs back in RGGI.  We urge you to follow the link provided and add your name to list of advocates for the environment: Sign Here