Annual Fall Issues Conference held on October 19, 2019

The UU FaithAction NJ annual Fall Issues Conference was held on Saturday, October 19 at Central Unitarian Church in Paramus.  This well-attended event featured a panel of criminal justice experts.  If you were unable to attend, you can still read the reports by clicking on the link below.

Get Conference Packet Information Here:

Maria and her two children are safe (for now)

ICE wants to deport our friend, Maria Gomez Ramos, caring mother of two US citizen children. Her 4 year old son suffers from a rare form of hemophilia. If Maria is deported, her son Josue would either be separated from his mother or sent to a country where he would not receive the treatment that keeps him alive.

It is no secret that many are mocking and maligning those who have come to the United States with the simple desire to work honestly and contribute.

Two Sundays, Two Awesome Conferences

On Sunday, February 3rd, UU FaithAction held the first Justice Policy Update Conference, which featured Professor Meghan Sacks, Criminal Justice Program Chair at Fairleigh Dickinson University.  Professor Sacks talked very knowledgeably and passionately about the legislation that created mass incarceration, the current efforts to amend some of these policies, and the injustice these policies perpetuate.  As one seasoned conference attendee stated, “It was the BEST speaker she had ever heard on this topic.”  Professor Sacks recommends that anyone interested in mass incarceration watch the films 13th and Riker’s Island: An American Jail.

On Sunday, February 10, UU FaithAction held the second Policy Update Conference at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton.  Our guest speaker was journalist and WNYC on-air correspondent Matt Katz.  Matt Katz has become, over the past three yeas, a leading investigative reporter on immigration, detainees, protective status and refugees in America.  His talk was informative and riveting.  Prior to his deep dive into Immigration, Matt reported on former Gov. Chris Christie and was part of a team of journalists who earned a Peabody award for their reporting.

UU FaithAction Honors Sally Pillay

On Sunday, February 10th during the Justice Policy Update Conference, UU FaithAction honored First Friends Director, Sally Pillay.  First Friends of New Jersey and New York’s mission is to uphold the inherent dignity of any immigrant who has been detained as well as any asylum seeker.  They coordinate volunteer visitation, aid with resettlement and are active and vocal advocates of the immigrant/asylum seeker community.

Sally Pillay, departing Director of First Friends and Ted Fetter, Chair, UU Immigration Justice Task Force

Sally Pillay is the out-going Program Director and has been with First Friends for over a decade.  Ms. Pillay is from South Africa and is required to return to her country of birth due to the current immigration policies.  First Friends, and Sally, have been strong partners in our efforts to advance immigration justice reform.  She will be missed!

Stand with UU FaithAction at The People’s State of the State

Stand up in support of economic, political, and social justice at The People’s State of the State!

New Jerseyans are still waiting for movement on critical issues like a $15 minimum wage for all workers, drivers licenses for all, marijuana legalization, environmental justice, and a tax code that ensures the wealthiest pay their fair share.

We deserve lawmakers who share our sense of urgency and recognize that now is not the time for politics as usual. Now is the time to create a stronger and more-inclusive state for all residents, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

Together we can create the fairer and more-just New Jersey we all envision. Join us on January 10th outside the State House Annex!

WHEN:  January 10, 2019 at 10am – 12pm
WHERE:  State House Annex
131 W State St
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States