After a two week virtual shutdown here at UU FaithAction NJ, I am at last able to be back in touch with all of you, our family of supporters. I’d like to explain why I have been so silent in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, explain how we go about our work together going forward and provide an update about the previously scheduled Sat. April 25th Annual Meeting. Please also see information at the bottom of this email outlining 2 actions–one happening TODAY—to support detainees and release them and other vulnerable inmates in NJ ASAP.
March 11th to Today
As some of you will already know, I tested positive for COVID19 after experiencing my first clear symptoms on Weds. March 11 (though those symptoms did NOT include a fever–an important point as we begin to see a surge in cases here in NJ.) I began self-isolating that same day and immediately notified all those with whom I had been in close and sustained contact over the previous week–including some of you.
The Annual Meeting is necessary to UU FaithAction NJ since it is there that we carry out the mandated annual business of the organization. In particular we are required to pass the official budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year; we also need to offer candidates for election to the Board of Trustees, and vote on those nominees.
There is a UUFANJ Board working group charged to determine the particulars of the Annual Meeting. If you would like to offer suggestions or otherwise assist this group in planning the June 6 Annual Meeting, please reach out to Tom Moran (UU Morristown): Mobile: (973) 960-2346
You may also contact Board Vice President, Nick Lewis (
Social Justice Actions Now
2) Consider joining a “drive through” protest TODAY (NEARLY NOW) at Bergen Co. jail campaign in support of the inmate hunger strikers asking for similar help during the COVID19 outbreak.
![]() There remains much we can and are called to do. We’ll get through this together, as we have done before and will do again. I’m lighting a virtual chalice here at “Office #2” (aka my living room) for each one of you and for this organization as we channel our grief, anger, worry and uncertainty into a future-oriented hope. It’s how we will make it through this current crazy rip-tide, with the understanding that we mean not only to survive these times but to be part of the wave demanding a better way of living for all God’s/the universe’s creatures. Now we gotta help make it so.
In faith, with love, for justice, Rev. Rob Gregson, The Board and Task Force Leaders of Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ |