Registration Open for *Free* Public Protest/Upstander Training Nov. 18

Public Protest/Upstander *Free Training*

Have you ever given thought to how *best* to prepare for taking part in public protest?  Wondered what you could possibly do to help someone being harassed?  Ever considered taking part in an act of civil disobedience?

Knowledge = Power.  Come to find answers to these questions and more at our FREE two-part workshop on how to become a (better) social activist.

Date: Saturday, November 18th, 10:00 am-2:00 pm

TimePart 1: 10 am–12 noon = Upstander Training

Part 2: 12:00 pm–2 pm = Protest and Civil Disobedience Training

 Working Lunch (Bring your own lunch & snack to share!)

Place:  Central Unitarian Church 156 Forest Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey 07652.  Parking is available on site; please consider carpooling to save space and Go Green!

Register: Registration required – Please indicate which training(s) you will be attending.  Space is limited to 60 participants per training so register now!

Click Here to Register

A two part training–come to both or choose the one that fits you best!  (You will indicate your choices on registration)

Part 1 10-12: How to go from being a “bystander” to an UPSTANDER!

What do you do if you see hate-based harassment?  Learn to better predict incidents *before* they happen; how to align with potential targets; de-escalation; safe escape, and much more.

Part 2: 12-2 (Working Lunch, see details above) Veteran activists and newly involved neighbors are invited to participate in an interactive training on how to be an effective and safe person of conscience in today’s political environment.  Topics include: Safety, safety, safety!; Rules of engagement; Finding the types of actions that are right for you; All the what-ifs; and yes, How to get arrested.  (Also, how NOT to get arrested!)

Hosted by UU FaithAction NJ, Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, Hudson Civic Action and American Friends Service Committee. Facilitated by Elena Waldman of Artemis Defense ( . Free will donations taken at the event.

ACTION ALERT: Tell Gov. Christie to Support Prison Phone Justice

average cost of a 15 minute phone call

S1880/A1419 passed both houses of the NJ legislature on June 27. The vote was 57-21 in the Assembly and 35-2 in the Senate. This bill passed both houses in January of this year (S1771/A4576) with votes of 47-22 with 1 abstention in the Assembly and 36-0 in the Senate but was pocket vetoed by the Governor.  The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee reported favorably with amendments on June 6, 2016. The legislation caps interstate and intrastate rates at 11 cents per minute and international calls at 25 cents, and bans commissions, or kickbacks, on calls currently at 50% to 70% in some New Jersey jails. Commissions drive up costs for families with loved ones in jail or prison.
In October, 2015 the FCC voted to drastically lower prison phone rates. Under these rules, a 15-minute prison phone call that used to cost up to $17 will be just $1.65. (View the fact sheet) Some families with loved ones incarcerated at a distance spend $20,000 on phone bills during a prison sentence. A recent study found that more than one in three families with a member in prison go into debt due to the cost of phone calls and visits. For children who know their incarcerated parents only through phone calls the new rates will be life-altering. Studies have shown that regular phone communication drastically reduces a prisoner’s risk of recidivism.
button governor
The substitute prohibits a State department, county, or private correctional facility from accepting or receiving a commission or any other payment from the telephone service provider based upon an amount the provider billed for telephone calls made by inmates in the correctional facility. The substitute also requires the Department of Corrections (DOC), the counties, and private correctional facilities to make available a prepaid or collect call system, or a combination of the two, for telephone services.  Under a prepaid or “debit” system, funds may be deposited into an inmate account in order to pay for telephone calls, as long as the department, county, or private correctional facility is not required to provide for or administer that prepaid system.  The provider of the inmate telephone service, as an additional means of payment, is to permit the recipient of inmate collect calls to establish an account with that provider in order to deposit funds for advance payment of those collect calls.

Now we need Governor Christie to sign the bill. Please write or call the governor’s office, (609)292 6000, today and urge him to sign S1880/A1419.


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

UULMNJ Liaison Training

Save the Date! September 12, 2015

Dear Liaisons and Task Force Chairs.

There is never enough time at our state-wide UULMNJ meetings to do enough training and strategizing.  Yet, this time is crucial to the effectiveness of UULMNJ efforts.  I am inviting you to a UULMNJ training and strategizing summit on September 12 to be held at Washington Crossing.  This is an opportunity for us to get feedback from around the state to see how we can serve our congregations and public policy work better.

You will be receiving training on working with media, Salsa, zoom, bill tracking service and the other tools available to you to do UULMNJ work.  There will also be ample time for task forces to plan, strategize and collaborate with the liaisons.  I am asking at least one representative from each congregation and three leaders from each task force to attend. If you have someone who might be interested in taking more of a leadership role, bring them along.  If you can’t make it, ask someone to come in your stead.  We would like to make this a huge success with full participation from all of our congregations and task forces.

Please mark your calendar and plan to join UULMNJ for this worthwhile and important meeting.   The session will be from 9:30 to 2 pm. Lunch will be served.

Please RSVP by Aug. 30 to

Thank you,


PS: While you have your calendars our, the regular Fall Issues Conference will be held Oct. 17.