
May 2019

Liaison Call 5/2/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Kathy Allen (Summit), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Toby Tyler (Morristown), David Reskof (Lincroft)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Liaison/Congregational Updates (7:05 – 7:40pm)

  • Kathy Allen mentioned the recent shootings in North Carolina and Pittsburgh.  She also said Florida recently passed a law allowing teachers to be armed. Apparently there is internal strife in the NRA and their tax-exempt status is being challenged.  She is asking that everyone wear orange on June 2, which is GVP Awareness Day.
  • Joe Houle suggested each congregation job post for their social justice committees.  He suggested it be broken down from “little involvement” to “major commitment”.
  • Middletown town council opposes the police directive to separate local police from immigration police.
  • Toby Tyler mentioned Morristown works closely with RAMP on immigration issues.  There is also strong support on the Green Earth Movement.
  • Toby mentioned the Red Hot Minute as Communications Chair.  He encourages all liaisons to read and distribute to increase awareness of UU FaithAction.
  • Sally Gellert said it is ministerial candidate week in Paramus.

Legislation/Task Force Update (7:35 – 7:55pm):

There is discussion around Sponsorship vs Sanctuary for immigrant detainees.  There appears to be a new “underground railroad” and UUs are needed to meet greyhound buses at NJ bus stations.

UU FaithAction Updates (7:35 – 7:55pm):

  • It was suggested that UU FaithAction needs to beef up our website in terms of UU FaithActions history and impact.  It was also suggested that every UU congregation should be listed on our site and we should be prominent on every congregations website.
  • Rob would like to add the Racial Justice toolkit to our website.
  • Clara is expanding the Information and Resources page to include Ted Talks, podcasts, books and other reference material.
  • Website should also contain a UU FA in the News.
  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, June 6th.

March 2019

Liaison Call 3/21/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Kristen Peck (Summit), Susan MacDonnel (Princeton), Al Stawsky (Palisades), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Criminal Justice Task Force Update (7:05 – 7:35pm)

  • Susan said the process is to look at the Issues and draft bills from those issues.  Currently focused on voting rights, legalizing marijuana, ending isolated confinement and the Rule Change at the DOJ.
  • There are behind the scenes negotiations regarding the legalization of marijuana.  Some considerations are where will the tax profits go? To the State, the county, the town?  Will tax be on the dispensing level or the sales level?  
  • The Drug Policy Alliance is happy with the language of current bills, but we are not in terms of the social and racial justice.  There is no language regarding expungement nor a home-grown component.
  • According to the Institute for Social Justice there is no movement on voting rights.
  • Cape May County does video visitation only, which goes against DOJ regulations.  This is lucrative to the facility as no additional staff is required.

Legislation/Task Force Update (7:35 – 7:55pm):

Jamie Evanini said Washington Crossing is working with Immigrant Justice Groups on Universal Representation.  These groups think that the fund needs to be between 15 to 18 million to be considered full-funded. The budget is currently for 2.1 million.  Current level funding shows 0 appropriated for Universal Representation.

Ted Fetter and Paggy Hayden follow the lead of our immigration partners.  Currently NJ does not have a bond fund.

Jeannine Calyton-Coyne is stepping down as the chair of the Gun Violence Prevention task force. Kathy Allen is willing to co-chair.

UU FaithAction Updates (7:35 – 7:55pm):

  • We requested and received a 10k grant to aid our Immigration Task Force.  We will be hiring a summer intern with this money to work on Immigration Justice initiatives.
  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, April 4th.

June 2019

Liaison Call 6/6/19 Minutes 

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson, Clara Jenkins, Joe Houle (Lincroft), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Anthony Torres (Paramus), Kathy Allen (Summit), Ted Fetter (Princeton)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Check-in and Liaison/Congregational Updates (7:05 – 7:40pm)

  • Mark Williams expressed his excitement on being on UU FaithAction’s Board.  Plainfield is getting an Intern for a few months as AnneMarie has gone to Somerset Hills.  They feel hopeful as they balanced their budget and are making plans to notify the Fanwood/Scotch Plains residents of their location.  The food pantry is vibrant, although they struggle with involvement with social justice issues.
  • Nick Mellis said Washington Crossing is on good financial footing and that they are starting a racial justice initiative.  
  • Joe Houle suggested congregations should “job post” for social justice and for UUFA task forces.
  • Sally Gellert announced they have a new called minster, Rev. Andree Mol (they, their).  Paramus is also starting a capital campaign to renovate the 1956 building.
  • Kathy Allen indicated the first Friday in June is GVP Awareness Day and the whole weekend Beacon will recognize the event.  Thus far, 76 New Jerseyians have been murdered with guns.

Legislation Update (7:40 – 7:55pm):

Ted Fetter, Immigration Justice Task Force Chair, indicated the TF continues it’s work with Let’s Drive NJ and that there will be a big push in the fall.  The legal representation fund was increased from 2.1 million by an additional million. This fund is designed to aid immigrant detainees who would otherwise not be able to obtain legal representation.

Beacon and Princeton are currently set up to offer temporary housing for asylum seekers.  Ted indicated that ICE wants these people to be housed and First Friends of NJ/NY are key partners in this movement.  Both Ted and Peggy Hayden, vice chair, are working on a program whereby UU FaithAction can offer training and then take a larger role in the housing initiative.  The TF is also working on accompainiment where UUs can go to the court, ICE hearings or schools, etc with immigrants so they don’t feel so alone.

Finally, the Immigration task force indicated that they will need volunteers to meet greyhound buses carrying undocumented families to NJ.  These travelers often have no water, food, toys, information, etc. Volunteers would meet the buses and hand out information and sustenance.

The Criminal Justice task force is working on a change to the regulation on video visitation.

The Reproductive Justice task force is pushing hard for the passing of the Adress Confidentiality Bill, which is a UU Faithaction initiative.  The final vote is scheduled for June 10 in the Senate. The Women’s Center in Cherry Hill will join the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the NJ Policy Perspective to advise Gov Murphy on Roe vs Wade.

Kathy Allen is taking over the Gun Violence Prevention task force from Jeannine Clayton-Coyne.  A focus will be on Use of Force in NJ.

The Environmental Justice TF is considering a speaking event on the Green New Deal and carbon dividends.  

  • The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, September 5th.

Virtual Reality Solitary Confinement Headsets

Regarding the solitary confinement Virtual Reality experience, this 6X9 website has more information.

July 2018

Liaison Call 7/5/18 Minutes

7:02 pm Introductions and Welcoming Statements from Rev. Rob Gregson

7:08 – 7:37 Updates from each Congregation: Beacon, Princeton, Paramus, Plainfield, Morristown

1. Anthony Torres and Sally Gellert from Paramus

●  Congregants participated in 6/30/18 Newark March

  • ●  Currently looking for a replacement for Rev. David Horst

2. Mark Williams from Plainfield

  • ●  ​“Queen City Pride​” film festival to be held 7/13/18, 7-9 pm
  • ●  “Church Hurts: Sexuality and Religion​” film festival 7/27/18
  • ●  Participated in the “Keep Families Together” march 6/30/18 in Newark.

3. Toby Tyler from Morristown

  • ●  Rev. Allison Miller participated in 6/30/18 march
  • ●  NPR featured​ a“ Carol from Morristown”​-thinks is a Morristown congregant and should be tapped for involvement with UUFANJ

4. Eileen Bird from Princeton

  • ●  Local Rally for “Keep Families Together”, Carol Haig spoke. Aprox 800 people in attendance
  • ●  In support of the Rainbow Ministry, congregants marched in the NYC Gay Pride Parade with a UU banner
  • ●  Social Justice not meeting June & July

5. Kristen Peck from Beacon

  • Social Justice not meeting remainder of summer
  • Know Your Rights” training held at St. Teresa’s. Eric Paul lead person. Requested a spanish-language version.
  • Vigilfor“KeepFamiliesTogether” 7:37 – 8:00 Executive Director Update

Nationally and locally,​ Immigratio​n is the hot topic “Keep Families Together” has garnered a great deal of press and is picking up steam. There are petitions circulating for NJ to be a “Fair and Welcoming” state, which means NJ would end all voluntary cooperation with ICE.

It must remain forefront in our minds the UU role in immigration. We need to align with truly thoughtful, strong and determined partners and avoid the image of white, suburban liberals “taking over”. We also should be mindful of other participants, in marches and rallies, using our core values regarding equality and racism as our guiding principles. There were two incidences at the Newark rally of concern underlying systemic racism and insensitivity.

There is an Immigration Task Force conference call on Monday, July 9 at 5:30 pm. This is an important call as we will be discussing the 30 million dollar annual Bed Contract between Essex County and ICE. The Essex County Freeholder public meeting ​is Weds. July 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Essex Co. Hall of Records in downtown Newark.​ (Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Board Room Chambers, 5th Floor, Room 506, Hall of Records, Newark.)

Above referenced petitions can be found below Immigration Task Force call information below

Suggested that a ​moral stance on the state budget​ could be a UUFANJ goal. The budget is not a partisan issue as democrats fight democrats and republicans fight other republicans. One issue linked to the budget, which need to be further investigated, is the proposal for a minimum wage of $15 per hour that excludes tip-wage earners. These earners are most often single mothers and minorities. Other states have included tip-wage earners without negatively impacting the businesses.

Look for Action Alerts regarding the “One Fair Wage” movement

Another issues that arose recently: is NJ really a ​fair and equitable education​ state. Segregation still seems to be a major injustice occurring in our schools. There is a link below for you to get more acquainted with this issue.


It is clear that ​marijuana legislation​ is not going to move forward this summer, but indications are that legislation will move very quickly in the fall. It is critical that any bill contains the expungement of prior drug offense related records. The legalized marijuana industry has the potential to be a 50 to 60 million dollar boon for NJ – money desperately needed. It is critical that congregations are made aware of the issues and are prepared and ready for September.

There will be a different approach to this year’s​ Issues Conference​. Convening in September will be Core Group Meetings consisting of interested people and TF Chairs to develop a short list of issues to be discussed at the Conference. We encourage all liaisons to encourage interested congregants to be part of the decision making process by joining these calls.

8:00 Conclusions and closing comments

Important links:

UU FaithAction calendar: ​https://uufaithaction.org

New website ​with special password protected Liaisons page (Password: UuFaLiaison) ​https://uufaithaction.org/congregational-liaisons/

Upcoming Events:

Occupy ICE protest march at the Essex Co. Detention Facility this

Sunday, July 8 11:30-3:30​ Rob spoke with the main organizer for that march, Armando Moritz-Chapeliquin, who is a NYC-based organizer. He felt good about sending folks to that march after speaking with Armando, who is working hard to link up with immigrant-led groups and has been active with others in NYC protesting ICE for a couple of years now. The link to their FB page for more information is:


The Essex County Freeholder public meeting ​is Weds. July 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Essex Co. Hall of Records in downtown Newark.​ (Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders Board Room Chambers, 5th Floor, Room 506, Hall of Records, Newark.)

Sat. July 28-Sun. July 29 Annual Leadership Retreat, Murray Grove Retreat Ctr., Lanoka Harbor, NJ 3 p.m. Sat – 1:00 p.m. Sun.

Sat. Oct. 20 2018 Fall Issues Conference (tentative Beacon Summit location), 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Sat. Nov. 3 Lay Preaching Workshop E. Brunswick 10 – 3:30 Sat. March 9 2019 MUUsicfest UUC Princeton, 2-4 p.m. Sat. April 13 2019 April Plenary (TBA) 10-4

April 2018

Liaison Call 04/05/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Toby Tyler (Morristown), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Diane Finn (Montclair), Sally from Paramus, Debra from Newton, Kristen Peck, Dave Reskoff.

Liaison updates: Morristown May 17th Program about human trafficking

Princeton: April 8th Marijuana Legalization Speaker

Selling UU FaithAction T-shirts at coffee hour. If you would like to sell T-shirts at your congregations please email us at admin@uufaithaction.org.

Montclair Update:

  1. Had a Marijuana Legalization panel on March 20th with Blue Wave. Rob was the moderator. Letter from the Coalition for Marijuana Legalization Reform for NJ legislators

7:16 pm  Paramus Update:

  1. April 18th Social Action Film and Discussion : The Reluctant Radical
  2. Talking about Racism program for youth in May

7:19 pm  Newton Updates:

  1. Working on undocumented and DACA issues
  2. Planning a Marijuana Legalization discussion to target delegates to write letters

7:22 pm  April Plenary is around the corner

When: Sat. April 21 11 to 4:30

Where: The Unitarian Society (E. Brunswick)

SPECIAL LIAISON BREAKFAST 10-11 a.m. with Rev. Rob, Board members and fellow liaisons to discuss new delegate and reporting approach (to encourage better congregational “buy in” on final issues chosen), best practices and postcard campaigns.PLEASE RSVP to admin@uufaithaction.org by April 9 so we can plan for food!

7:28 pm  Toby Tyler and the Newsletter


  • Toby Tyler is working on a monthly newsletter following our successes, what’s going on with and what’s coming up from UU FaithAction.

7:30 pm Economic Justice

Lots happening in Trenton around Pay Equity for Women and Earned Sick Leave (and Minimum Wage coming up)

EJTF has its first “issues” meeting via Zoom conference call with new Task Force chair, Jerry Fried (Montclair) and NJ legislative head of NJ Citizen’s Action, Dena Mattola Jaborska, TOMORROW, Fri. April 6 12:30-1:15 p.m.  Here is the link to get on the videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/3422164493

For folks who have never used Zoom before and would like to know how to use the system, look at this:


Or call in on a phone: iPhone one-tap : +16699006833,334652499#

Or Telephone:+1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656

   Meeting ID: 334 652 499

7:33 pm  Immigration

Campaign to expand driver’s licenses to include many without standard documentation

Two bills, one in the Assembly, A1738, the New Jersey Safe and Responsible Driver Act.  Senate bill will take the lead. Message for now: Please support upcoming legislation. Table and ask your congregation to sign the petition being circulated (sent today as an Action Alert, link here to see the petition)

Also next Wednesday, April 11, from 9:30 to 10:30 am in Somerville, advocates meeting with Assemblyman Roy Freiman at his office at 50 Division St., Somerville.  If any of you know Assemblyman Freiman, or if you are ready to join a small group to meet with him let me know and I will pass your name to Dina Mansour of NJAIJ

State Sanctuary Challenge recognition ceremony at Plenary

Is your congregation one of those being presented with our frameable certificate letting members (and visitors!) know you have acted together to support immigrants and undocumented people?  Do you know if the be there to receive the award? Can you get the word out after plenary to alert others in your congregation of your work for immigrants/work towards your own State Sanctuary Challenge certificate?

7:36 pm Reproductive Justice:

Rob and Carol Loscalzo (TF chair) arranging meeting with Asw. Pamela Lampitt, prime sponsor in the Assembly for UU FaithAction signature bill, Address Confidentiality for Reproductive Health Care Clinic Workers (

7:40 pm Al Swatsy from Englwood and Kristen Peck from Beacon join call

7:45 pm Gun violence prevention:

Passed the House Assembly and soon to be scheduled for Senate vote

  • * A1016 (Johnson / Vainieri Huttle / Eustace / Wimberly) – Establishes commission to approve personalized handguns; requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
  •     * A1181 (Jones / Mosquera / Sumter / Downey / Barclay) – Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
  •     * A1217 (McKeon) – Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
  •     * A2757 (Greenwald / Holley) – Requires background check for private gun sales.
  •     * A2758 (Greenwald) – Codifies regulations defining justifiable need to carry handgun.
  •     * A2759 (Greenwald / Murphy) – Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
  •     * A2761 (Greenwald) – Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; exempts firearms with .22 caliber tubular magazines from 10 round limitation.

7:50 pm Criminal Justice Reform:

Solitary Confinement bill kick off 2/25: Still waiting for Intro to Assembly

Voting rights for prisoners/probationers/parolees)

8:03 pm Postcards for GVP to send to representatives and Governor Murphy

8:09 pm Assembly Legislative Hearings coming up


  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: Central Jersey Saturday, April 14, Middlesex County College, Edison, 10:00 am
  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: South Jersey Saturday, April 21, Rowan University, Glassboro, 10:00 am
  • New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus Hearing: Atlantic City Tuesday, April 24, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Second Baptist Church 110 Rev. Dr. Isaac Cole Plaza Atlantic City, NJ 08401
  • New Jersey Assembly Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations Committee Hearing: North Jersey Saturday, May 12, Bergen Community College, Paramus, 10:00 am

Marijuana/Cannabis Reform: Multiple panels: (Englewood Feb., Montclair March, UU Princeton April 8 12:30 p.m.

New website with special password protected Liaisons page (Password: UuFaLiaison) https://uufaithaction.org/congregational-liaisons/

Website walk-through video introduction especially for UU FaithAction leadership:

Topic: Website Walkthrough

Date: Feb 27, 2018 11:47 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Click here to download or view your recording:


Recording-1 (334 MB):


Audio Only-1 (27 MB): https://zoom.us/recording/play/0CvrBQAS0epMhzIDHLYrkUK_qXQEE1aS2cT1-QVAGtQTI7yTHDssigargY04gkf0


September 2018

Liaison Call 09/06/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Georgiana Hart (Montclair), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Mark Williams (Plainfield), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Dave Reskoff (Lincroft).

Welcome and Introductions (7:02 – 7:08pm): Rob Gregson

Liaison updates (7:09 – 7:27pm):

  • Sally mentioned area schools with current multicultural/diversity programs are attending a racism workshop hosted by Central Unitarian Church in Paramus on October 15.
  • Sally indicated Hudson County reported a “path to exit” for their ICE contract by 2020.  She also indicated a 5 million dollar infirmary was to be built at the Elizabeth Detention Center.
  • Georgiana mentioned the Montclair congregation held a Social Justice Action overview spearheaded by Johanna Foster and Teresa DeSousa.  The goal is to be more viable, detailed and organized. They will be working in conjunction with the Poor People’s Campaign. Ms. Hart indicated interest was high.
  • Georgiana has been out for a while recovering from an illness.  Good to have her back!
  • Joe and Dave indicated Lincroft had a meeting last evening (9/5/18) regarding Gun Violence Prevention and Criminal Justice Reform in efforts to align their Congregation with the efforts of UUFANJ.  
  • Dave said there was a discussion regarding the Solitary Confinement Bill.  He indicated that there is a planned national prison strike – aware of but not participating in.  He also mentioned upcoming legislation on campaign finance reform.
  • Mark Williams said member of the Plainfield Congregation marched in the 9/6/18 Driver’s License Rally in Trenton.  He said that the march began slowly and by 11 had built up momentum as bus after bus arrived.  The speakers were not audible and spoke primarily in Spanish.
  • Mark also said the Plainfield Congregation is actively working on disseminating mail-in voter information.

Agenda Items (7:28 – 8:04pm):


  • Rob attended a Reproduction Rights Rally in Trenton 9/6/28.  Not widely covered as Gov. Murphy was in East Brunswick at a meeting regarding $15 minimum wage.  Is unclear if residents of NJ realize how close they are to seeing Roe v Wade overturned.   Rob indicated a “pledge of non-support” was being circulated among NJ legislators.


  • As so many handouts and links were attached to the agenda, it was determined to prioritize the information given to the congregants:



  1. “Social Justice” Lay Preaching Workshops.  Part 1: October 20 9-11 (just prior to Issues Conference) and also at the Ridgewood and Lincroft congregations.  Part 2 on Nov 10 at E. Brunswick congregation from 2pm -5:30p.  Attendees must attend both sessions.
  2. Sept. 2018 Immigration Fact Sheet (with thanks to Peggy Hayden, Immigration Reform Task Force V. Chair and Ted Fetter, Chair, for compiling)
  3. Murray Grove Homecoming Weekend Sept. 29-30 with Rob leading a 1-hr. “Advocacy at NJ District Legislative Offices” workshop https://www.murraygrove.org/homecoming-1


  • UUFANJ is currently looking for 4 Board members to replace current and expected vacancies.  Please spread the word!
  • Climate Change Rally this Saturday.  Apparently there are regional marches, not just the one in Morristown.  https://riseforclimate.org/#map shows all the locations and times of rallies and marches.
  • Rob indicated that Gov Murphy is willing to sign an End-to-Solitary/Isolated Confinement bill but that it will have to be reintroduced and moved out of the various committees to end up on the Governor’s desk.  Tricia Idrobo (Beacon/Summit) is UU FA point person on this issue working through the Criminal Justice TF.
  • 1844 No More: An effort being led by NJ Institute for Social Justice (Newark) to restore voting rights to “returning citizens” – formerly incarcerated individuals.  So although “…In New Jersey, any person who is no longer in prison, on parole, or on probation as a result of a felony conviction can register to vote. See N.J.S.A. 19:4-1. Thus, any ex-felon who has satisfactorily completed the term of his or her sentence can register to vote in New Jersey.” it is apparently a difficult and largely unpublicized process.  The proposal asks for it to be done automatically upon release.
  • Rob brought up the Hayes Prison for Girls and Jamesburg Boys Prison.  There is talk about a rally on October 14 to call for the end to the Hayes Prison for Girls in Bordentown.  Here is a link highlighting the issues. http://www.njisj.org/institute_releases_bring_our_children_home_a_prison_to_school_pipeline_for_new_jersey_s_youth
  • 3 Hours, 3 Saturdays – In an effort to inform residents of every candidate currently on the ballot and to aid them in registering to vote, Montclair is hosting a 3 Hour, 3 Saturdays grassroots effort – volunteers will meet face-to-face with residents and go over the candidates and issues with them in a strictly non-bipartisan effort.  It is critical to not only encourage them to vote, but to educate people on the issues.
  • UUFANJ has a table at this year’s Anti-Poverty Network Summit on October 26 from 8:30 to 3 pm at Rutgers.  There are 4 seats remaining. Please reach out to Rob if interested.
  • UUFANJ is seeking a Chair for the Development Committee.  Does not need to be a UU.  Must have strong financial background.
  • Rob is available to preach one Sunday a month with advance notice to member congregations.
  • Retired professor Mike Wilson (UU Washington Crossing) is offering an adult RE course on “Steps to Strengthen Democracy”.  He is also available to preach on the same theme.  Mike can be contacted at drmikewilson@yahoo.com

Reminder: The liaison call for October has been RESCHEDULED for MONDAY October 1, 7:00-8:00 pm.  Please note it on your calendars.


October 2018

Liaison Call 10/1/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Toby Tyler (Morristown), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing), Debra Kaiser (Sussex), Sally Gellert (Paramus)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rob Gregson

Liaison updates (7:05 – 7:27pm):

  • Debra Kaiser shared that swastika’s were being painted on public buildings.
  • Joe said Lincroft has a Social Justice Committee that is active.
  • Toby indicated that Morristown has welcomed their 3rd immigrant family, staying with a member of the congregation.  They have successfully launched two families. He mentioned RAMP is increasingly vocal about (anti) marijuana legalization.
  • Jamie said that Washington Crossing has an “Action Table” providing information to their congregants. They also have a gathering every other month to provide emotional support when people take civic action.
  • The perennial question of how to motivate people to join in and take action.  
  • Action Alerts – a question was raised as to the number and frequency of these alerts. Suggested that AA be categorized along our 6 Task Force objectives only.
  • Eileen said their congregation’s first Social Justice meeting was occuring the 2nd week of October.  Once all renovations are complete, they expect to be a sanctuary congregation.

Agenda Items (7:28 – 8:00pm):


  • The Annual Fall Issues Conference, though well attended, fell short of the number of attendees from last year.  Senator Lesniak gave a inspirational keynote address and all Task Forces were able to determine their areas of focus for 2018/19.
  • The lay-preaching workshop, hosted by Rev. Karen Johnston (E Brunswick UU) was also well-attended.  The 2nd part is scheduled for November 10 from 2:30 to 5:30 at The Unitarian Society (E. Brunswick).
  • There was a Liaison Breakfast prior to the Issues Conference, hosted by the UU FaithAction Board.  It was nice seeing many of your faces there!
  • Marty Rothfelder has accepted the position of Chair of the Development Committee.  We are still looking for 3 to 4 Board Members.
  • Rob and several other UU’s, including Ted Fetter, Eileen Bird and Clara Haignere, attended a rally at the State Assembly on Monday, October 29 to support an initiative to allow undocumented immigrants the privilege to hold NJ driver’s licenses.
  • Rob attended the Anti-Poverty Network’s annual Summit on October 26.  Nick Lewis, Board President, was also in attendance.
  • As a reminder, our UU FaithAction Community Calendar is your Community Calendar!  If your congregation is hosting a film, a speaker, a meal, etc that is open to the public, let us know by sending the details to admin@uufaithaction.org


Next Liaison call November 1, 7pm-8pm


November 2018

Liaison Call 11/1/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Rev. Alison Miller (Morristown), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Georgianna Hart (Montclair), Liandra Pires (Palisades), Peggy Middaugh (Ocean County), Kristen Peck (Beacon)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Clara Jenkins for Rob Gregson

Information Given to Liaisons (7:05 – 7:30pm):

  • Development Chair is now Marty Rothfelder (Beacon)
  • Brief recap of this year’s Fall Issues Conference.  Energetic, informative and stimulating. Not as well-attended as in the past, but attendees agreed it was, in the words of one, “the best conference ever.”
  • Red Hot Minute was received by everyone.  It is hoped it will be printed and placed on a bulletin board/central location within their congregations.
  • The Board has revised the Congregation Affiliation Document, which is a formal agreement between each congregation and UU FaithAction.  Once finalized, it will be presented to each of the congregations to be signed.
  • Rob held a “Filling you Justice Tolbelt” workshop to promote social justice advocacy.  It was held in Philadelphia on Saturday, November 3rd.
  • UU FaithAction mentioned moving to text from e-blasts.  It was pointed out that emails are much less cumbersome to forward to others, as opposed to a text message.
  • As a reminder, our UU FaithAction Community Calendar is your Community Calendar!  If your congregation is hosting a film, a speaker, a meal, etc that is open to the public, let us know by sending the details to admin@uufaithaction.org

Liaisons Update (7:30 – 7:40pm):

  • Joe discussed the Virtual Solitary Confinement headsets, which will be tested out soon and Joe will provide us all with feedback.
  • It was asked that liaison call reminders be emailed at least a week prior to the call.
  • Rev Miller suggested that each congregation could include a UU FaithAction update either in a weekly or monthly congregational e-blast or once a month in the Order of Service.  
  • It was suggested that each congregations website should have a brief blurb on UU FaithAction and a hyperlink to the UU FaithAction website.  Clara will research.

November 9 UU FaithAction initiated Rally for Jorge Chajon (7:40 – 8:00pm):

UU FaithAction is leading and directing a rally on Friday, November 9 at 11:30 pm at the Federal Immigration Court located at 970 Broad Street, Newark.  This rally is in support of Jorge Chajon, who is facing what may be his final appeal that day.  We have sent email blasts highlighting this campaign and we hope to see many of you there. You can read more and sign-up at our FB page.  

Dr. Kristen Peck mentioned there will be a vigil following the rally.  Dr. Peck is being called as an expert witness on behalf of the Chajon family and will testify about the psychological and emotional damage incurred in separating a father from his wife and children.  

Press is expected to be there to cover this event.

Next Liaison call December 6, 7pm-8pm


December 2018

Liaison Call 12/6/18 Minutes

Liaisons on the Call:   Rob Gregson (ED), Clara Jenkins (Asst. to the ED/Outreach Coordinator), Eileen Bird (Princeton), Toby Tyler (Morristown), Joe Houle (Lincroft), Georgianna Hart (Montclair), Al Stawsky (Palisades), Sally Gellert (Paramus), Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing), Jamie Evanini (Washington Crossing)

Welcome and Introductions (7:00 – 7:05pm): Rev. Rob Gregson

Liaisons Update (7:05 – 7:30pm):

  • Toby Tyler said the Morristown Congregation has been quiet lately.  They have increased involvement in Immigration and Environmental Issues with RAMP, other churches and other non-profits.
  • Jamie Evanini spoke about their letter writing campaigns orchestrated from their Social Action Table.  All letters are printed and ready to go – congregants stop to sign and the SA team does the rest. People are excited about the SA table, which is stocked with calls to action, hot topics and information about other progressive organizations.  
  • Georgianna participated in the 11/9 Jorge Chajon rally and was happy to see so many UUs there.  Montclair has since rachetted their involvement – getting signatures and mentioning the case in both services.  Waiting to hear what happens next.
  • Joe Houle indicated an issue with connection congregants to the work of UU FAithAction NJ and feels like he is just moving info.  He asked for suggestions on making this a more direct, hands-on informative role.
  • Eileen Bird said Princeton is working with First Friends on a “Stamp Out Despair” campaign – they are making kits of stationary, phone cards and letters of encouragement given to 80 detainees.  First Friends indicated the most pressing need is money – the detainees are charged for everything, including 15 cents for a ketchup packet and that juveniles have been moved into areas housing adults.  On January 20, during their MLK service, they will collect socks, toiletries and money and assemble gift bags.
  • Al Stawsky said he would like to find more relevant, not widely publicized information on the UU FaithAction website regarding bills and their status, how to write effective advocacy letters.  He also mentioned that as part of the NJ Racial Justice Task Force, sponsored by the Essex County YMCA, they are looking to bring together other organizations to work on issues, community policing in particular.
  • Sally Gellert attended the anti-gerrymandering rally and is part of ClimateFest and is working on the NJ $15 minimum wage.

Legislation Update (7:30 – 7:55pm):

  • Ted Fetter informed us two bills have been introduced regarding the Driver’s License Initiative.  He indicated they are very elegant bills and is enthusiastic of their progression. They are A4743 and S3229.  We will be sending an Action Alert out on actions to take and will focus on the Assembly – Speaker Coughlin is a hold-out and we want to apply pressure to get this bill done.
  • UU FaithAction NJ has been invited to join the ACLU and Legal Services of New Jersey, among others, to determine how to get and best use money for indigent detainees – to aid them in getting legal counsel.  United, we will launch a program entitled “Universal Representation Campaign”.
  • The Jorge Chajon rally was incredibly moving – it was the first UU FaithAction led rally during Rob’s tenure.  Approximately 60 people as well as the press were in attendance. UU FaithAction will be sending out a holiday message with a special ask for a $10 donation to be given to the Chajon family.
  • Criminal Justice Reform is booming!  Susan MacDonnell has been busy testifying, working on op-ed’s and pushing legislation through.  The CJR Task Force is concentrating their efforts on the marijuana legalization bill and the reduction of use of solitary confinement in NJ prisons (pushed out until Jan 26).  We are committed to a racially and socially just bill. Currently the marijuana bill includes expungement, but not reparations. We want to be sensitive to medical and mental health workers and respectful to the wide-range of opinions on this issue.
  • On the Environmental Front, Nadine Saperman and Ann Perry are working on a coalition to get NJ Off Fossil Fuel.
  • Economic Injustice 101 Workshop is to be held January 5 at The Unitarian Society in New Brunswick.  Clara sent a flyer to you under separate cover.

Other News (7:55 – 8:00pm):

  • The UU FaithAction Office will be closed December 23rd – January 2.  Have a safe and peaceful holiday!!

The next Liaison Call is scheduled for Thursday, January 3rd.