Congregational Liaisons

Member congregations act, along with the task forces, as the action groups for UU FaithAction education and advocacy activities.

Our aim? For every congregation to have an active social justice liaison passing along essential information and serving as the key “point person” for UU FaithAction and their home congregation.

A congregational liaison will:

    • Attend monthly (one-hour) congregational liaison calls on Zoom.
    • Bring the work of UU FaithAction NJ to their home congregation, by relaying information and by coordinating a regular presence at coffee hour, Sunday morning worship, and/or congregational events.
    • Bring social action news from their home congregation to our statewide network.
    • Mobilize congregants by connecting them with our Task Forces, First Fridays Action Hour, and social action opportunities.
    • Collaborate with their congregation’s Social Action Team (or Social Justice Committee), minister(s) and others to coordinate efforts.
    • Notify our staff of changes in congregational leadership.
    • Attend key annual events—the Fall Issues Conference and the Spring Annual Meeting—in-person or on Zoom.

Current Congregational Liaisons:

Baptistown  First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County
Liaison: Andrea Cavallaro

Bordentown  Dorothea Dix Unitarian Universalist Community
Liaison: John DeMasi

Cherry Hill  UU Church in Cherry Hill
Liaison: Rohn Hein

East Brunswick  The Unitarian Society: A UU Congregation
Liaison: Cheri Tibberts

Hackettstown  Skylands UU Fellowship
Liaison: Jen Palmer

Lanoka Harbor, Unitarian Universalist Ocean County Congregation
Liaison: Barry Bendar

Lincroft  UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Liaison: Judy Stevens

Montclair  The UU Congregation at Montclair
Liaison: Georgiana Hart

Morristown  Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
seeking liaison

Newton  UU Fellowship of Sussex County
Liaison: Christine Dunbar

Orange  First UU Church of Essex County
Liaison: Bill Slezak

Paramus  Central Unitarian Church
Liaison: Sally Gellert

Pomona  UU Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Liaison: Kaulette Johnson

Princeton  UU Congregation of Princeton
Liaison: Suzanne Apel

Ridgewood  The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood
Liaisons: Ira Mendelsberg, Anita Young

Somerville  UU Congregation of Somerset Hills
Liaison: Missy Staples

Summit  Beacon – Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit
Liaison: Carol Satchell

Titusville  Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
Liaison: Michael Wilson

Wayne  Lakeland UU Fellowship
Liaison: Carol Swift

UULMNJ Liaison Training

Save the Date! September 12, 2015

Dear Liaisons and Task Force Chairs.

There is never enough time at our state-wide UULMNJ meetings to do enough training and strategizing.  Yet, this time is crucial to the effectiveness of UULMNJ efforts.  I am inviting you to a UULMNJ training and strategizing summit on September 12 to be held at Washington Crossing.  This is an opportunity for us to get feedback from around the state to see how we can serve our congregations and public policy work better.

You will be receiving training on working with media, Salsa, zoom, bill tracking service and the other tools available to you to do UULMNJ work.  There will also be ample time for task forces to plan, strategize and collaborate with the liaisons.  I am asking at least one representative from each congregation and three leaders from each task force to attend. If you have someone who might be interested in taking more of a leadership role, bring them along.  If you can’t make it, ask someone to come in your stead.  We would like to make this a huge success with full participation from all of our congregations and task forces.

Please mark your calendar and plan to join UULMNJ for this worthwhile and important meeting.   The session will be from 9:30 to 2 pm. Lunch will be served.

Please RSVP by Aug. 30 to

Thank you,


PS: While you have your calendars our, the regular Fall Issues Conference will be held Oct. 17.

June 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

June 3, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:
Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing)
Al Stawsky (Palisades)
Toby Tyler (Morristown)
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Cecilia Cosca (Montclair)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Nick (Washington Crossing): been to Counsel for Faith and Action meeting, introduced a new marijuana legalization bill. Will be a long time before they take a vote on it.
  • Toby (Morristown): UULMNJ coffee hour a couple of weeks ago. Gathered some interest. Got some pushback on the affordable housing issue with questions about Morristown in particular and how they can justify asking the town to provide more affordable housing.
  • Cecelia (Montclair): Just One Thing email goes out weekly to cover social justice issues. Has recently urged writing to legislators and about the Exxon settlement. Montclair dedicated a “Black Lives Matter” banner that is now hanging on the front of the building. The Undoing Racism Committee will be marching in the African American Heritage Day parade on Saturday.
  • Elaine (Princeton): It’s been quiet since the plenary.
  • Sally (Paramus): The teens talking about racism event was a big success.

Task Force:

  • Al ( Justice): Million Peoples March is now being cosponsored by UULMNJ. Urge attendance in your congregations and communities. Still nothing active in the legislation. Expecting things to break in a month of two. Juneteenth is Friday June 19th, celebration in Bergen County on June 20. Al’s congregation will have a booth for educating and distributing at the celebration.


  • Million Person March, Saturday, July 25 in Newark organized by the People’s Organization for Progress, cosponsored by UULMNJ, or racial and economic justice. Join the Facebook event so organizers have an idea of turn out.
  • Earned sick days legislation has been stalled but Assembly will vote before the end of the session. Senate will likely not vote until the fall.
  • Domestic violence gun seizure bill passed out of committee on Monday.
  • Driver’s license for undocumented legislation is in the works. Expect something to come down the pipeline.
  • UULMNJ has joined a bill tracking service called GovNetNJ which will streamline how quickly we are able to act on legislation that is moving forward.
  • Task Force/Liaison Training Saturday, September 12, 2015 at Washington Crossing.
  • The Board endorsed moving forward with the taxation and legalization of marijuana laws legalization and dismantaling racism work at the meeting last week.
  • UULMNJ is looking for good people to join a UULMNJ statewide committee looking at racial issues. Please send any recommendations to Rev. Craig
  • If you are going to GA, CUUSAN (Coalition of UU State Action Networks of which UULMNJ is a member. Craig is on the steering committee.) will be offering “Building New Ways:  First Annual Leadership Program  for state action networks.  It will be held Wed. 1-5 at the Double Tree Hotel.  1000 Multnomah Street, Portland.   To register, contact with Building New Ways Registration in the subject line.
  • If you would like to be an offsite delegate for GA, registration closes on June 19.  Learn more here.
  • If you would like help with a “Black Lives Matter” banner for your congregation, the UULMNJ banner can be customized for your congregation.
  • Craig will be on vacation from June 22 to July 7, for her daughter’s wedding.

There will be no Liaison conference call in July unless there is important business breaking.  Please check email for an announcement.


  • New website is LIVE! There is a calendar for statewide congregational events. Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar to!

Adjourned at 8:46 pm

May 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

May 6, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:

Lorraine Wearley  (Summit)
Nick Mellis (Washington Crossing)
Al Stawsky (Palisades)
Edie Waill (Parmaus)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Edie (Paramus): May 15 “Inequality for All” film, Gordon McGinnis president of NJ Policy Perspective leading discussion. Teens talk about racism May 28. Showing Inconvenient Truth about charter schools run by corporation. Hosted workshop organized by the YWCA “building a multi-racial community: what can white people do”. Plating more for Bountiful Harvest.
  • Lorraine (Summit): Speaker at UCS, two groups together, author of “Give Them a Chance”.
  • Nick (Washington Crossing): Participating in the Council for Faith on Action working on marijuana legalization.
  • Al (Palisades): Minister canceled regular sermon and instead had an open discussion on recent events in Baltimore, attended by about 30.

Task Force:

  • Al ( Justice): A lot of bills but not much action except for the medical treatment bill. Bill would allow convicted addicts to go into a non-prison treatment program and use recommended drug treatment medications, not currently allowed in prison settings. Drug Policy Alliance sent request asking to contact legislators about moving this bill to a vote and to write letters to editors. Many bills have begun the process but none are currently active.
    3 recent bills on police conduct in recent months. One on use of choke holds, one on mandatory prosecutor assigned to police killings, third requiring residency for policeman giving communities five years.
  • Lorraine (Economic Justice): A dozen bills we’re following but none have moved.  Some haven’t moved since 2014. The budget is holding things up.  Courts will reevaluate in June and if the administration hasn’t moved on the affordable housing moneys the administration could face law suit. Fair Share Housing offered to do an advocate training. 10 people interested at Plenary. Lorraine will send files and LTE template to Craig to send to congregations.

What can we do at the state level to address racism?

  • Paula Jones from Joseph Priestley attended plenary and suggested some trainings.
  • We hung a Black Lives Matter banner at plenary.
  • If your congregation would like to reproduce this banner, Laurice will do minimal redesign for your congregation. Name, logo, etc.
  • Join the “Are UU Awake?” group on Facebook
  • Al suggests a NJ wide conference that deals with the question in a way that is designed to challenge participants and congregations to face up to the questions of our faith principles and how they translate into how we react to the major moral crisis of racism. Lorraine agrees if there is an action item.
  • Sallie would like to see the “Standing on the Side of Love” webinar as a Sunday service.
  • Lorraine sent a NY Times article out about how where you leave affects your ability to get out of poverty.
  • We have to be careful and consistent with the needs of the black community. If people are not sensitive with the dynamics they can make matters worse when reaching out.

Marijuana Laws

  • Craig would like congregations to have educational discussions about this as an issue of mass incarceration.
  • Nick finds it surprising that people are squeamish talking about legalizing it. This is not being favor of marijuana use. It’s about getting people out of the shadows so we can solve problems.
  • Al suggests looking at educational materials from ACLU and NJ United for Marijuana Reform.
  • As the only UU state advocacy body, by supporting this it enables congregations to speak up. We need congregations to have a forum so we know where congregations stand.
  • If people study the issue there won’t be any issues.
  • Nick asks people to call the state Democratic Committee to endorse the effort of NJUMR.
  • Trying to make a video to use in congregations.


  • Fair Share Housing training in Cherry Hill
  • Million Person March July 25 in Newark organized by the People’s Organization for Progress, for racial and economic justice.
  • Sallie brought up NJ Transit cutting service on train lines would like to see UULMNJ action.
  • Anti Poverty Network gala on
  • UULMNJ has just joined the newly formed New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.


  • New website is LIVE! There is a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar to!

Adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator

April 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

April 1, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:

Toby Tyler (Morristown)
Lorraine Wearley  (Summit)
Diane Finn (Montclair)
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Al Stawsky (Palisades)
Edie Waill (Parmaus)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Bill Potter (Princeton)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Sally (Paramus): “Escape Fire” film screening was snowed out. Community Garden raised $6,000 for Center for Food Action.  Lots of things coming up for Earth Day.
  • Lorraine (Summit): Has been taking emails and names from people during tabling and forwarding them the sick days action alert later in the day.
    Last fall effort, interfaith organization.  Minister Emilie is the chair.  Monthly discussion on race.  19 faith based organizations participating.  Claudia Cohen facilitating the discussion.  5 African-American churches in Summit involved.  Green Earth Ministry, chaired by Margaret Babcock, a new environmental group being formed with a mission statement in the process.  Group will focus on local issues.
  • Diane (Montclair): Not been very active with UULMNJ lately. A program on campaign finance reform this Monday and have a very active Green Sanctuary committee.
  • Elaine (Princeton): Tabling the last couple of weeks for paid sick days. 87 letters out to legislators, using the SALSA template that was sent out as an Action Alert.  Tabling for annual meetings and coordinating carpooling. Spring sale proceeds will go to social justice activities, $27,000. Various activities on the Campaign to end the New Jim Crow with other organization.
  • Al (Palisades): Topic “You, Me and Black History” service being led by Al this Sunday, snowed out in February.  Bergen County joint social justice event over the weekend. Film screening Friday, “The House I Live In” good attendance and discussion.  Dinner with a panel on Saturday night.  Service in Ridgewood on Sunday by a MUF member, Elias Ortega.  Well attended events.
  • Toby (Morristown): Morristown has not done a lot specifically with UULMNJ recently, but did host the MUUsic Festival.  A member started a discussion group on Justice, using a book, A Theory of Justice by Harriett Rawls.

Task Force:

  • Al ( Justice): No urgent activity at the moment as far as legislation. Only exception being some of the bills in the 21 bill package for treatment with opioid addiction. Medical Assisted Treatment bill is waiting for an Assembly vote, passed the senate last week. NJ Campaign Against Torture working on solitary confinement.  Dialogue likely in committee post hearing.  Call your legislators, especially those on the law and public safety committee.  We don’t know what behind the scenes discussion are happening. Presumptive Parole Act, parole reform bill in both assembly and senate committees.  Top bills the Drug Policy Alliance has been pushing. Marijuana decriminalization is becoming more and more an issue of interest, making an impact on mass incarceration in the United States.  8 states have decriminalize, with 4 legalizing. A coalition for marijuana reform has been formed in NJ, The New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform.  A change in marijuana criminalization would make a big dent on the number of people incarcerated in New Jersey.    A bill to defelonize 2oz or less of marijuana from last year has gone nowhere.  Alex Shalom from ACLU-NJ will be speaking in the task force meeting on April 18 in Montclair. Urging congregations to get their congregational activities on the event calendar on the new UULMNJ website. S2806 is being supported by Deb Ellis of NJ Coalition to End Homelessness removes restrictions on convicted drug offenders receiving general assistance benefits under Work First New Jersey program.  Could be a great opportunity for the Legal Advocacy Project.
  • Lorraine (Economic Justice): Have been thinking about ways to make it easier for people to contact legislators.  Want to start making EJTF action alerts more letter friendly.  Focused on two main issues. Active housing issue in the legislator, around 10 bills having to do with foreclosure.  The reason there are so many is NJ has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country.  It took until now to work their way through the courts.  Many empty houses, sheriff sales, etc. causing whole neighborhoods to turn into slum zones.  Progressing at a reasonable pace.  New software developed for town to keep on top of these foreclosures, working with the banks. Earned sick days bill has had absolutely no action.  Disappointing because we were hoping to push it through before March because of election season.  If you have suggestions on how to condense info on the foreclosure laws Lorraine would love to hear your ideas.
  • Bill (Environment): NJ Free agenda began a year ago. Had a presentation about how to achieve 80% renewable energy in Princeton by Lyle Rawlings, president of MidAtlantic Energies. Legislation in both houses to achieve these goals. RETA renewable energy transition act, and another to modify an existing unnamed law.  These are enforceable goals with annual milestones.  Letter writing campaign starting soon to get support for the position in municipalities.  Odds of enacting this year are not great.  Don’t believe Gov. Christie will support the bipartisan legislation.  Very active on fracking.  Draft letter links fracking and renewable energy.
  • Diane (Gun Violence): Bill introduced about removing weapons from people with domestic violence restraining orders at the temporary restraining order (TRO) phase. Currently weapons are removed when a final restraining order is issued (FRO).


  • Wind of the Spirit sponsored a march to the Governor’s mansion protesting his immigration policy.
  • UULMNJ has just joined the newly formed New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.


  • New website will be launched in the coming weeks! There will be a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar to!
  • Registration is now open for the Spring Plenary in Montclair on April 18. Register at  Stay up to date with information and attendees, invite friends or share the event at  Keynote address is “The Inconvenience of Modern Racism”. Same numbers of delegates your congregation would have at district meeting at our annual meeting.  Get your delegates lined up!

Adjourned at 9:09 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator

March 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

March 4, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:

Toby Tyler (Morristown)
Lorraine Wearley  (Summit)
Cecilia Cosca (Montclair)
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Al Stawsky (Palisades)
Edie Waill (Parmaus)
Jeri Doherty (Sussex)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Edie (Paramus): Lunch raised $593 for Center Food Action. Co-sponsoring a social justice weekend with Ridgewood March 27-29 racial justice at Ridgewood.  Book discussion on the New Jim Crow, co-sponsored by CUC, Palisades and Ridgewood. Discussion about having a “Black Lives Matter” sign outside CUC.  Fear of attracting vandalism, so was suggested a sign saying “All Lives Matter” but decided that could be interpreted as pro-life.  The matter is going before the board.  Gas Lamp 2 movie screening last month.  Teens Talk About Racism at Fairleigh Dickenson University-Hackensack on Thursday, May 28.
  • Lorraine (Summit): Request to help man a homeless overnight shelter in Newark.  Volunteer day at the food bank.
  • Jeri (Sussex): Regular soup kitchen, homeless shelter program.  There hasn’t been any legislative action as of recent.
  • Cecilia (Montclair): Undoing Racism Committee presenting “Black & White: Beyond Black History Month” this Sunday at 12:30 at UU Montclair. Dionne Ford will present from her award winning paper with poetry and jazz performances.  Tabling on letters regarding solitary confinement. Third in a series of Restore Democracy programs March 30 at 7:30, discussion on campaign finance legislation.  Representatives from Public Campaign and the Brennan Center representatives will be present.
  • Elaine (Princeton): Work on campaign to end New Jim Crow. 2 members are liaisons to the Princeton chapter. Email to congregants to write senators in support of solitary confinement legislation.  Working on a sustainability program.  Will be tabling on the recent action alert sent by Craig.  Princeton book discussion “Change the World Book Club” 8 weeks starting in late March–exact date not yet set. Participant sign up is beginning now. Also there will be some speakers on some of the issues. Books: The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen by Kwame Anthony Appiah; World Changing 101: Challenging the Myth of Powerlessness by David LaMotte; and The Green Boat: Reviving Ourselves in Our Capsized Culture by Mary Pipher.
  • Al (Palisades): The three Bergen county congregations are sponsoring two events. Friday March 6 at Ridgewood, also co-sponsored by Bergen Co. YWCA.  See Edie’s brief.
  • Toby (Morristown): Miller will be leading discussion on the New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.  MUF is hosting the New Jersey MUUsic Fest on Sunday.

Craig Updates:   (8:28pm)

  • Al and Craig went to a racism training last Friday and Saturday. Working on a statement to bring to the annual meeting on ways the task forces can do their part to undo racism.

Task Force: 8:30

  • Al ( Justice): Latest issue of UU World has a number of articles on race and multiculturalism.  The task force is focused this legislative session on 4 areas. Two most active are 1) solitary confinement legislation S2588. Feb 12 committee session heard testimony to restrict solitary confinement.  A vote has not happened yet. 2) Package of 21 bills presented to support rehabilitation and treatment for drug addiction.  S2381 is coming up in the budget appropriations committee on Monday, March 9.  Craig sent a statement supporting this bill.  These bills have a good chance of being passed. 3) Heroine addiction rehabilitation.  4) Parole reform, bill in September of last year has been held up in committees.  Senate and assembly looking into the legalization of marijuana which would have a tremendous impact on mass incarceration.  Christie has sworn that he would never allow such a law to pass.  Alex Shalom from ACLU-NJ will be speaking at the task force meeting at the annual meeting.
  • Lorraine (Economic Justice): Earned sick days bill is in early legislature stages. Conference call by Citizen Action, urgency to pass this bill by March.  Legislators want to vote well before the next election.  Ten bills having to do with foreclosure/recovery and a hearing on March 16 at the State House about what communities are doing to recover.

News: (8:45)

  • We are researching the legalization of marijuana and working on a statement. We are looking at this as a justice issue that pertains to mass incarceration and the impact that minor drug arrests have.
  • If you have new issues you would like to have looked at on the YUUR Voice TV program please send ideas. There is an opportunity to put programming together.
  • (post call) 1st Annual MUUsic Festival to benefit UULMNJ at Morristown Unitarian Fellowship. Congregations on Sunday, March 8 was a huge success.  Over 200 choir members and choir appreciators gathered to hear great music and join in the first UULMNJ All state chorus.  UULMNJ raised $5000 from the generosity of the participants.
  • New website will be launched in the coming weeks! There will be a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar!
  • Registration is now open for the Spring Plenary in Montclair on April 18. Register at  Stay up to date with information and attendees, invite friends or share the event at  Keynote address is “The Inconvenience of Modern Racism”. Same numbers of delegates your congregation would have at district meeting at our annual meeting.  Get your delegates lined up!

Adjourned at 8:56

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator

February 2015

Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

February 4, 2015, 8 PM

In Attendance:

Peggy Wood (Lakeland)
Lorraine Wearley  (Summit)
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.


Congregations Check-in: 

  • Peggy Wood (Lakeland): Co-presidents want UULMNJ to do a lay led service. (This is arranged for 3/22/15.  Fighting the Pilgrim Pipeline. Resolution did not pass in Wayne.  Town council is working on a more specific resolution now.
  • Lorraine Wearley (Summit): Summit had previously fought off the pipeline in their community.

Craig Updates:   (8:28pm)

  • Solitary confinement bill S2588 is in the senate law and safety committee next Thursday, February 12. Craig will be testifying. There is not yet a companion bill in the Assembly.  They’d like to fill the room.
  • A case went before the Supreme Court last week to keep immigrants covered with NJ Family Care. Christie’s law eliminated NJFamily Care for legal immigrants.  Waiting to hear the verdict.  UULMNJ has filed an amicus brief in this case.

Lorraine (EJTF update):

  • Senator Lesniak taking on food stamps and hunger issues. SNAP program has not been fully funded and additional requirements have been tacked on, including submission of heating bills to receive food stamps. The Task Force is taking this on at the urging of the Anti-Poverty Network.
  • The Economic Justice Task Force has a new Policy Statement concerning current foreclosure bills. A copy of the statement is attached to these minutes.

New Business

  • 1st Annual MUUsic Festival to benefit UULMNJ at Morristown Unitarian Fellowship. Congregations from across the state will participate. Sunday, March 8 at 3:00. Tickets are on sale now at  Please spread the word in your congregations and online! PR materials are attached to this email.  Invite friends on the Facebook event page at
  • New UULMNJ website will be launched in the coming weeks! There will be a calendar for statewide congregational events.  Plan on submitting community events to be added to the statewide calendar!
  • New Development Director, Dianne Connell, was hired and has started work. She has lots of UU experience and is excited to work toward long-term growth for UULMNJ. She can be reached at
  • Registration is now open for the Spring Plenary in Montclair on April 18. Register at  Stay up to date with information and attendees, invite friends or share the event at


Adjourned at 8:43

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae, UULMNJ Administrator


Monthly Meeting and YUUR Voice Video Information

Liaison meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month. At 8 PM.   Please mark your calendars.  The link and call in information never changes from meeting to meeting.  This information is below for your convenience.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Or phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll;   Meeting ID: 466 835 134

October 2014


Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes

October 5, 2014, 8 PM

In Attendance:
Cecilia Cosca (Montclair)
Toby Tyler (Morristown)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Peggy Wood (Lakewood)
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Al Stawsky (Palisades)
Nick Mellis  (Washington Crossing)
Lorraine Wearley (Summit)
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Congregations Check-in: 8:05
  • Peggy: a pipeline is going through and wants to announce a global frack down. 610 Ramapo Valley Rd, Mahwah, Saturday Oct 11, 11:00am
  • Lorraine: UCS having a committee fair. Carolyn and Lorraine are putting together poster info for UULMNJ.
  • Elaine: Sunday legislative ministry organizational meeting; mass incarceration participation on Oct. 11 at prison rally and encouraging lobby day in Trenton; October 19 film showing, Oct 26 Rev. Neely leading book group; preliminary gun violence prevention work
  • Al: showing of “the House I live in” on October 16; lay service on Mass Incarceration
  • Toby: partner with Montclair on Citizens United; 1st serving up justice activity last week and another tomorrow, seems to be broadening awareness of UULMNJ
  • Nick: Rev Kim is having a special social action group meeting on Saturday Oct 11 to better coordinate what everyone is doing; new settled minister is wonderful, passionate and exciting!
  • Laurice (Montclair): a month of Sunday sermons dedicated to Month of Resistance including Ed Barocas, Legal Director for ACLU-NJ on October 19; March and Rally on Oct. 22 from 4-8; UUCM contingent at Trenton on the 27th
  • Sally: annual rummage sale 16-18th turning it orange for Month of Resistance
Issues Workshop Summary:
  • The keynote address by Udi Ofer and the morning worship will be available on YouTube soon.
  • Al, Criminal Justice Reform: urgency of the vote on November 4; very pleased that the keynote speaker, Udi Ofer, addressed mass incarceration, 5.5% of the African American population cannot vote due to incarceration; action agenda coming from the task force to include all of the NJ congregational activities for the Month of Resistance; response to Ferguson was a disappointment to the task force, there seemed to be a general lack of understanding and lack of appreciation of the presence of racism.
  • Lorraine posed a question pertaining to the ability to recommend people vote a certain way.  In a subsequent conversation with the board, it was decided that UULMNJ needs to maintain an educational stance.  Materials (see attached) are available for congregational use.
  • Lorraine, Economic Justice: proposed legislation by the governor clarified by Arnold Cohen, by the governor taking that action communities can still collect from contractors for affordable housing; moratorium expires the end of 2014; a lot of new people at the task force meeting
  • Laurice, Reproductive Justice: the task force will focus on “safe access to reproductive health services” to be inclusive of men and women, abortion, women’s health services.  The task force will also include domestic violence in the research stage, but will be ready to take action should the need arise.  This may likely happen as the Assembly unanimously passed a 6 bill domestic violence package last week.
  • Nick: an override of the veto on the fracking waste ban is possible, Senator Carnalli could be on board and have a domino effect for other supporters
  • Craig, Immigration: Sally Pillay from First Friends addressed the problem of migrant children, needing school supplies, volunteer visitors; trying to get drivers licenses for documented workers
  • Laurice:  please go on Facebook and look at the photo album from the workshop, tag friends and congregation members, share the fun with your friends!
Video Project:
  • Videos are being edited.  Will hopefully in the congregations by the end of the month

Climate March Continues:  To stay current with  UU Climate activities, the UUA is launching a new collective campaign for climate justice called Commit2Respond. Be sure to sign up.

By launching Commit2Respond, we will join all of our faithful efforts together to accelerate the shift to clean, renewable energy; grow the climate justice movement; and advance the human rights of marginalized communities in the face of climate change.  The UUA is building a timeline of events from now through 2017, including a month of commitment and action in spring 2015 and a climate justice public witness event at General Assembly 2015 in Portland, OR.

And the first event is starting now. Join the UU contingent in New York, participate in a local action in your area, and/or follow and amplify this weekend’s message on social media through the hashtags #Commit2Respond and #PeoplesClimate.

Adjourned at 9:03

Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator

Next call on November 5 at 8:00pm.
We are beginning to utilize Zoom teleconferencing.  Please see the info below.  You may join either by phone or computer.  Please use the meeting ID below when prompted.

Topic: Craig Hirshberg’s Monthly Liaison Meeting

Time: this is a recurring meeting

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

Or join by phone:

+1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll

Meeting ID: 468 835 613

September 2014


Monthly Liaison Conference Call Minutes
September 3, 2014, 8 PM

In Attendance:
Cecilia Cosca (Montclair)
Frances Prestianni (Princeton)
Sally Gellert (Paramus)
Peggy Clark, Racial and Justice Consultant for Metro District
Elaine Nigam (Princeton)
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Dir.
Laurice Grae-Hauck, Administrator
Congregations Check-in: 8:05
  • Cecilia (Montclair) Sunday high coffee after service with committees tabling and providing info.  UULMNJ representing.  Talking about climate day on September 21 and the plan for October’s mass incarceration protest.
  • Frances (Princeton) Program tabling next week.  Office sent a notice to all members on the Issues Workshop.  Showing “Broken on Both Sides” at a local synagogue.
  • Sally (Paramus) Plans for an organic vegetable garden for donations to Food Action.
 Issues Workshop:
  • Please distribute the flyer to your congregations. (Download flyer here)
  •  Udi Ofer will be our keynote speakers.
  • Three task forces have speakers in breakout sessions right now; immigration, mass incarceration, environment.

Reminder in the coming weeks.  Urge people to register

Video Project:
  • Leaders in the fields came in to record an educational/training program for each task force to be shown on Princeton TV and to be used in congregations.  The videos are 30 minutes in length and include immigration detention, climate change, affordable housing, and mass incarceration.
  • Hope to be finished editing by the end of September, October at the latest.
  • Will be available on YouTube and study guides will also be available.
  • We had two summer interns through the UUA College of Social Justice from Washington State and Missouri
  • One worked closely on the video project
  • One intern helped to prepare for the GA session on State Advocacy Networks and also preparation for rapid response teams, which did not progress as well as hoped
Zoom Conferencing:
  • Very easy cloud meet up for visual conference calling
  • Free program
  • Inviting all liaisons to a Zoom conference trial to see how it works.
  • Can be used for task force meetings, liaison calls, and congregational meeting
  • Up to 50 people, depending on level of membership
  • Bandwidth needs is not known right now.  Craig will ask when she speaks to a representative.
New Business
  • October 27 in Trenton.  Protest for the Month of Resistance.  More information will be coming.
  • Cecilia would like to invite everyone to a Citizens United presentation at UU Montclair on September 11 at 7:30.  Please see information Craig sent to all liaisons.  Contact Cecilia for more information.
People’s Climate March, Peggy Clark
  • Every UU needs to sign up through the meet up for the Climate March
  • Expecting hundreds of thousands of people.  Thousands of UUs
  • Interfaith service prior to march
  • Collective action after the march
  • Housing is currently being covered.  There is expected to be a last minute need.
  • There is a congregational and individual system for housing.
  • Timeslots for buses to drive in, then they will have to leave and come back.
  • Sally will get lists of local phone banks to Craig to alert people to the climate march.
  • Craig offered to put out a call for day of volunteers and Peggy will put the volunteers where needed
  • Morristown, Summit and Paramus are planning buses
  • Check for information on transportation
  • UULMNJ can be an information resource
  • If you sign up on be sure to also sign up through the UU meet up

Next call on October 1 at 8:00pm.  MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW

Adjourned at 8:48
Minutes submitted by Laurice Grae-Hauck, UULMNJ Administrator