We are 1844 No More

“The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the denial of the right to vote “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” But New Jersey’s law that denies the right to vote to people with criminal convictions undermines the Fifteenth Amendment’s prohibition on explicit racial discrimination by linking the right to vote to a racially discriminatory criminal justice system.

New Jersey leads the nation in having the highest racial disparities in having the highest Black/white incarceration rates for both adults and youth, making the laws racially discriminatory impact particularly acute.” – New Jersey Institute for Social Justice

Please join fellow UUs on Monday, September 24 at the Rutger’s-New Brunswick Student Center to partake it what is sure to be a riveting and informative discussion!

Major Rally to Support Driver’s Licenses/Push Back Against ICE Immigration Regime

Sept. Rally Save the Date – Thurs. Sept. 6th 2018

UU FaithAction, along with many of our immigration rights allies, faith and human rights groups, will come together at 12 noon on Thurs., Sept. 6 in front of the Statehouse in Trenton to protest the continuing harsh “crackdown” on undocumented immigrants in NJ and across the US.

One important protection we can offer here in NJ is legislating a legal process (as they have already done in California, D.C. and elsewhere) for people with limited documentation to prove who they are, take the driver’s exam, purchase insurance and get back out on our roads safely and LEGALLY.

With a valid license, residents with an otherwise unblemished (or very minor) record can’t be detained and deported–simply because of a routine traffic stop.

We hope many of you will join us on Thursday, Sept. 6th at 12 noon at the NJ Statehouse.  Buses will be leaving from various locations across the state to help make transportation there and back easier–more information on that will be forthcoming.

Mobilizing for Electoral Change: UU Association (UUA) Webinar

From our “Love Resists!” partners at our denominational HQ, the Unitarian Universalist Association and UU Service Committee, this webinar series.

Please join us on Thursday, July 12th at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT for a Webinar on UUs Mobilizing Towards Electoral Justice: Strategizing for the 2018 Mid-Terms & Beyond.You will hear from Adam Eichen, democracy strategist and activist and co-author of Daring Democracy (Beacon Press 2017), one of this year’s UUA Common Reads. UUA justice staff, UU State Action Networks, and UUSJ (UUs for Social Justice: Your Voice in the Capitol) will join him. Please RSVP here

Red Hot UU Minute !

Introducing our new monthly e-newsletter: The Red Hot Minute.  Why “red hot?”  Because it provides our supporters with a short, focused overview of the hottest social justice issues facing New Jersey.

We hope you will scan through the article titles and short descriptions, following the links to go deeper on a subject that catches your eye.

Gun Violence Prevention Bills Signed

gvp collage

Governor Phil Murphy signed a package of common-sense gun safety bills that make New Jersey among the states with the strongest and most stringent gun laws in the country. Annually, more than 2,000 shootings occur in New Jersey, resulting in approximately 500 deaths each year.  

UU FaithAction NJ was one of the loudest and most persistent proponents for the passage of these bills.  Executive Director Rev. Rob Gregson, UUFANJ Board president, Nick Lewis, GVP Task Force chair Jeannine Coyne, as well as Rev. Karen Johnston and Kathy Allen Roth, testified before the legislature.

The package of bills signed by Governor Murphy are listed below.  You can log-into the provided link for a more in-depth detail of each bill.

The Bills: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bills/BillView.asp

A.1181/S.160 Mental Health Professional Warning- Firearm seizure

A.1217/S.2259 ERPO of 2018  (amended)

A.2759/S.2245 Prohibit use of armor piercing ammunition

A.2757/S.2374 Private gun sales – require background check

A.2758/S.2376 Justification for need to carry – conceal carry of handguns

A.2761/S.102 Reduce Ammunition magazines from 15 to 10  bullets (amended)

A.3129/S.2465 Restrict production of untraceable firearms

UU FaithAction NJ Plenary Success!

Thanks to everyone who attended the 7th annual UU FaithAction NJ Plenary on April 21st! For those who missed out–not to worry, we have pictures and all the pertinent information passed out to attendees.

If you did attend and haven’t yet filled out one of our Plenary Surveys, please click on the Survey link here to access a *very short* questionnaire.  Thank you and much appreciated!

NJ Legislature considering rate hike for PSEG

UU Faith Action NJ opposes Senate bill S-877, allowing PSEG to increase its rates in order to maintain the profitability of two nuclear plants. We have objected to the process, which excludes the Division of Rate Counsel from being involved in considering the necessity of the rate hike, and also to the willy-nilly addition of several environmental bills without adequate consideration of their provisions. The bill was scheduled for consideration on Monday, February 26, but was postponed. Here is a news story about it:

Nuclear Subsidy Bill Stalls in Senate 

Please call your legislator to oppose this very bad bill.


Our Staff

Rev. Charles Loflin

Executive Director
Email: execdir@uufaithaction.org

Charles Loflin headshot
Charles Loflin, Executive Director

Charles Loflin, as Executive Director, serves as our organization’s principle link with congregations, volunteers, coalition partners and legislators in his capacity as policy director, chief administrator and advisor to the Board.

Charles joined UU FaithAction NJ staff in 2020, and he stepped into the role of Executive Director in 2021. As a member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Montclair, he had participated in events and actions since the “Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey” days.

Charles received his Masters of Divinity from Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary in 2021. He served as ministerial intern at the Morristown UU Fellowship 2020-2021. In addition to his experience in ministry, Charles brings to UU FaithAction NJ many years of technical experience as a developer of web applications and social media integrations. With all the tools of technology, covenant and grace, Charles is leading us in the Zoom age to come together as a faith movement in New Jersey to voice our values.

Rev. Rob Gregson

Executive Consultant
Email: rob@uufaithaction.org

Rev. Rob Gregson, Executive Consultant

Rev. Rob Gregson currently serves UU FaithAction NJ as Executive Consultant. Rev. Gregson previously served as the organization’s third Executive Director.

Prior to UU FaithAction, Rev. Gregson co-founded and directed SimpleGifts: Unitarian Centre for Social Action out of the Mansford St. Unitarian Chapel in East London, United Kingdom.  SimpleGifts served over 150+ children, parents, elders and recent immigrants each week at their innovative community center and also helped to create and run a national social justice training program for British Unitarian congregations.

From 2000-2007 Rev. Gregson served as the first settled minister to the rural parish of the First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County in Baptistown NJ.  From 1999-2000 he served on a pilot program as the first full-time interfaith chaplain at the Boston Alzheimer’s Center.  Prior to entering Divinity School, Rev. Gregson worked for 3 years in the early 1990s in the Dept. of Social Justice/Office of LGBT Concerns at the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston MA.

A 1990 political science graduate of Amherst College, Rev. Rob Gregson received his Masters of Divinity in 1999 from Harvard Divinity School.

Emily Parker

Communications Director
Email: emily@uufaithaction.org

Emily Parker, Communications Coordinator

Emily Parker, our Communications Coordinator, crafts communications, manages congregational outreach, and seeks to support members at the speed of trust.

Emily grew up in the old stone walls of First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County. As a youth, she served on her Religious Education Committee, Sunday Services Committee and on the Metro District Youth Adult Council. She also worked as a counselor at Murray Grove summer camp for four seasons. Prior to UU FaithAction NJ, Emily served as Outreach Coordinator for the Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona.

Emily studies at Wesley Theological Seminary; she is pursuing her Masters of Divinity and Unitarian Universalist ordination. Emily graduated Juniata College in 2018 with a B.A. in Spanish/Hispanic Cultures. She presented her undergraduate research, “Beyond the Bridge: A Study of Unitarian Universalist Emerging Adults,” at the 2018 UUA General Assembly.

Meera Rao

Email: meera@uufaithaction.org

Headshot of Meera Rao
Meera Rao, Administrator

Meera Rao has worked in the nonprofit sector for the last 25 years. Her main areas of interest have been bridging inequalities for vulnerable and marginalized populations in poor communities through mission driven organizations focusing on education, health and access to opportunities.

She has a Master’s degree in English and was enrolled in a PhD program but got distracted by the arrival of her son, who now, thanks to poetic justice, is doing his own PhD in GeoPhysics. Meera is a Tannenbaum Fellow.

Before the pandemic she enjoyed walking and hiking, travel, museums, movies and conversations over a home cooked meal. After the pandemic she enjoys the same activities, just more fiercely and less frequently.

She grew up in India and has lived in New York and New Jersey for over 35 years.

Liv Dalby

Summer Intern
Email: liv@uufaithaction.org

Liv Dalby, Summer Intern

Liv, a lifelong member of the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis, is deeply committed to serving communities and advocating for social justice. With a passion for education, political engagement, and religious studies, Liv has dedicated herself to empowering vulnerable and marginalized populations, particularly in underserved communities.

Currently pursuing majors in Education Studies and Religious Studies, along with a minor in Political Science at Macalester College, Liv is driven by a desire to bridge inequalities and create opportunities for all. Her extensive involvement with her church community, from serving as a Chalice Lighter to serving on the board of trustee for First Universalist church of Minneapolis, underscores her dedication to fostering inclusive communities and nurturing young minds.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Liv is actively engaged in national initiatives, serving as a member of the National Emerging Adult Taskforce (NEAT) with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Through her leadership roles and participation in conferences like the Regional Mid-America Conference and the Grounded and Resilient Organizers’ Workshop Conference (GROW), Liv is committed to amplifying marginalized voices and driving meaningful change.

In Liv’s free time she enjoys biking, baking and spending time with family in the garden. She looks forward to continuing her journey of service and advocacy, inspired by the principles of Unitarian Universalism and the supportive community that has shaped her upbringing.