UULMNJ & Faithify!

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FAITHIFY is a crowdfunding site where passionate people FOLLOW, SHARE, and FUND Unitarian Universalist ministries.

FAITHIFY’s purpose is to:

  • Inspire a culture of innovation that extends the reach of UU values
  • Lower the walls between existing congregation
  • Ignite ministries in new venues, formats, and communities
  • Bridge geographic and generational borders using 21st century technologies
  • Help passionate individuals invest directly in ministries that excite them
  • Help ministry innovators reach a passionate public

“We envision a people with renewed faith and a Unitarian Universalism that is more connected, relevant, and vibrant.”


faithify infographic fullThe success of a Faithify campaign is entirely dependent on the energy and excitement behind it. NOW is the time to think about and get excited by the passion that drives you to be an active part of the UU Legislative Ministry of NJ.

Did you know that one in three online donations is made through peer-to-peer fundraising? P2P fundraising is great for smaller non-profits for several reasons. It eliminates the trust issue. It takes a long time to cultivate a relationship with a supporter and potential donor. Your friends and family already know and love you. They trust that if you are dedicated to a cause that it is worthy of their time of resources. You’re not asking them to make a major donation, put to make a gift in your honor.

faithify button

Peer fundraising also gets around the lack of resources in a small organization. With only two part-time staff we can only reach so far, but by activate our 1000 emails subscribers and 700 Facebook and Twitter followers we can successfully reach thousands of people!

Do you not have a social networking account? Now’s the time to get active. For those not active online this may be an even more powerful way to say “HEY! This is important to me!” It’s easy, go to the UULMNJ page and click “share”. Not only is social media revolutionizing justice advocacy, its a great was to keep in touch with children and grandchildren (you can thank us later).  It’s easy to setup and use. You can ask someone to help you set up your account and find people in your network or you can visit this great online tutorials for seniors.

Faithify is an all-or-nothing funding platform.

All-or-nothing funding means that projects are only funded if they reach or surpass 100% of their funding goal within the duration of their campaign.  No funds will be collected from donors unless the goal is reached.

All-or-nothing funding has a number of advantages:

  • It’s less risk for everyone. If you need $5,000 but only raise $1,000 the project will not work.
  • It motivates. If people want to see a project come to life, they’re going to spread the word.
  • It works. Projects either make their goal or find little support. There’s little in-between.

So now that you know about Faithify, how do you engage and help UULMNJ have a successful campaign? We’ve come up with an easy four step plan.

Create a personal story:

Why do you support UULMNJ? What cause is nearest to your heart? Do you have a personal story to share about why this issue is so important to you? Family member in prison? Housing crisis? Healthcare issue?

Reach out to friends and family, NOT JUST UUs:

Send an email ask to your friends and family members who are likely to donate because they care about you, not the organization. You’ll be provided with basic language. You fill in the specifics.Faithify and You(1)


Do you have a Facebook or Twitter account that you don’t use?  Write a short blurb asking your friends to give up a cup of coffee or a beer (you know your friends) in support of social justice. Ask them to share it, too.

Ask your friends why they care about social justice. Ask them to share a personal story about why they support UULMNJ. Pictures are worth a thousand words! Give the organization faces and souls to connect with.

Talk about it! Bring up UULMNJ’s first Faithify campaign in conversations. It’s pledge season in most congregations so you’re already talking about money. Why not talk about this great way for UUs to give back to causes that are important to them.

Stay active! Share updates, donations, issues and more.


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.


2nd Annual MUUsic Festival Program

View the Printed Program

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Vote, New Jersey!

every v te counts!(1)

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this training and for getting out the vote in your congregations!

Are you Registered to vote

The Presidential Election is on November 8. The last day to register to vote in this primary is on October 18, 2016. Download, fill, out and submit your application by mail or deliver to the County Commissioner of Registration or Superintendent of Elections

Voter Registration Application (English)      Voter Registration Application (Spanish)

You no longer need a reason to vote by mail. Anyone can! Don’t feel like going to the polls? Need to schedule a meeting out of town? Fill out an application and have your ballot sent to you. Mail your application to your county clerk. Find your clerk here. To vote by mail in the primary, your application must be received by 3:00 on May 31, 2016.

Vote by Mail Application (English)      Vote by Mail Application (Spanish)

Are you currently registered as independent but want to affiliate with a party? Fill out the Declaration Form and send to the County Commissioner of Registration or Superintendent of Elections at your county clerk’s office.

Need more information? Learn more.

MUUsic Festival Confirmation

We’re excited to have you join us for the 2nd Annual New Jersey MUUsic Festival! It has been a red letter year for UULMNJ! Take a look at some of our Top 10 Moments of 2015:

Joint Boards Release Statement Dismantling Racism

The UULMNJ is committed to the Black Lives Matter movement and to ending the systematic oppression faced by people of color in our country and the State of New Jersey. In this we are motivated by the moral imperative of our covenant to affirm and promote the principles that are the uniting basis of our faith community.

Calling for Paid Sick Leave for All

Thanks to the unwavering resolve of our coalition partners, we were able to secure passage of landmark legislation including Paid Family Leave and the minimum wage increase.

A Celebration of our Faith, Equality, Compassion and Justice Through Song

The 1st Annual New Jersey MUUsic Festival at Morristown Unitarian Fellowship benefited the work of the Legislative Ministry. Over 100 musicians participated in the first ever NJ UU All-State Ensemble in March.

NJ Supreme Court Decision on Affordable Housing

In March, the New Jersey Supreme Court reaffirmed that no town in New Jersey may exclude working families, low-income seniors, and people with special needs.

Standing with Planned Parenthood for Reproductive Justice

In June, our Reproductive Justice Task Force made a statement of support for Planned Parenthood after vicious attacks hit the media. UULMNJ also allied with Planned Parenthood for a Legislative Summit at the State House with Sen. Loretta Weinberg.

Bipartisan Heroin Treatment Bill Passes

Our Criminal Justice Reform Task Force had a busy year which included work on juvenile justice, solitary confinement, and this bill for medication assisted treatment of heroin addiction.

March Against Police Brutality in Newark

1,500 people showed up in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in July. 150 UUs represented 14 congregations from across the state.

Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Domestic Gun Violence

Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, met with Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and other lawmakers to discuss legislation to protect women and children from domestic abusers with firearms.

GabbyGiffordsDV (700x350)

Rev. Craig Hirshberg Joins Criminal Justice Panel with Senator Cory Booker

Seeking to cut government spending on incarcerating non-violent criminals, Senator Booker calls on his colleagues to “redirect resources into community policing and public defense” and a radical expansion of federally funded human services programs.

First NJ Legislative Hearing on the Legalization of Marijuana

Rev. Hirshberg was the only clergy to testify in this closed Senate Judiciary hearing. She is seen below with NJ-NAACP president Richard Smith, ACLU-NJ executive director Udi Ofer, and President of the New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutor’s Association, Jon Henry Barr at a pre-hearing press conference.

NJU4MR Press Conference 1 (600x400)

Are you inspired by this work? Donate today!

ACTION ALERT: Pay Equity and Paid Sick Leave

Pay Equity (600x302)We just got word that the Pay Equity Act bill, promising equal pay for women will be coming up at this Thursday’s Senate Session (Feb 11).  Please write or call your local senator and ask him/her to support this important bill. Please share this with members of your congregation and encourage them to write as well.

S922, the New Jersey Pay Equity Act, sponsored by Senator Loretta Weinberg, is one of the most comprehensive pay equity bills pending in state legislatures around the nation. In New Jersey, women earn 80 cents on the dollar compared with 79 cents nationally, despite national legislation such as the Lilly Ledbetter Act of 2009.  States around the nation are recognizing the persistence of wage discrimination and taking similar legislative approach and remedy as New Jersey. For women of color the situation is even more dire, with African-American women earning 64 cents, and Latinas only 56 cents, for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.

button pay equity

The bill will give women formidable tools to combat pay discrimination and remedy an injustice that has gone on for far too long. With a growing number of New Jersey women responsible for supporting their families, pay equity is not only a matter of justice for themselves, but also a matter of economic security for their families.

The New Jersey Pay Equity Act :

  • Requires companies with public contracts to disclose info about the compensation by Sex (and race too) of all employees;
  • Expands the previously established prohibition against paying women less who are in identical jobs as men, to include jobs that are similar or comparable;
  • Establishes triple damages to employers who violate the law and discriminate against women;
  • Allowing employees the right to tell each other what they earn without fear of retribution from employers, prohibits employers from making people sign a contract in which they are sworn not to disclose their compensation to co-worker;
  • Extending the time in which a discrimination lawsuit can be taken (expands the statute of limitations) by making every paycheck an possible offense, thus restarting the clock on statute of limitations every time someone is paid.

S-799 for earned sick leave will also be called. An earned sick days law would benefit New Jersey’s working families, businesses, and the community as a whole.Enactment of a statewide earned sick days law in New Jersey is an economic and moral imperative for all families in our state. It is for this reason that UULMNJ has partnered with Working Families United for New Jersey, Inc. – a coalition of over 256 union, community, progressive, and faith organizations – and  is diligently working to ensure passage of this legislation.button Sick Leave

Thanks to the unwavering resolve of our coalition partners, we were able to secure passage of landmark legislation including Paid Family Leave and the minimum wage increase. This same commitment will ensure we are successful when it comes to earned sick days.

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Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

30 Days of Love: Towards Racial Justice

We at UULMNJ are excited to be a part of the 2016 Thirty Days of Love campaign, observed from Saturday, January 16 through Sunday, February 14, 2016, culminating on the 7th Annual National Standing on the Side of Love Day! Thirty Days of Love 2016: Towards Racial Justice will lift up the ways Unitarian Universalists and many of our partner organizations are building and organizing by taking bold, courageous action for intersectional racial justice.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for articles on social justice, words to inspire your commitment, and a look at what other UUs are doing across the country to ensure that there is liberty and justice FOR ALL.

Look for the hashtag #30DaysOfLove and this logo in your newsfeed and share the love with YOUR community!

“How We’re Priming Some Kids for College- and Other for Prison” – February 9, Day 25

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Remembering Sandra Bland – February 7, Day 23

#‎SandyStillSpeaks‬ and today, on her birthday, we dedicate ‪#‎30DaysOfLove‬ to her memory and racial justice. ‪#‎SayHerName‬ “I want Sandy to be remembered as an activist—sassy, smart and she knew her rights.” Read more.

“Where is the Love?” – February 6, Day 22

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West Orange 6th Grader on Ellen – February 4, Day 20

Marley Davis is on a mission to collect 1000 books featuring black girls as the main character. Her work caught the eye of funny lady Ellen Degeneres. Watch Marley on Ellen. Read more about Marley and her mission here.

“Does Racism Affect How You Vote?” – February 3, Day 19

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Showing Up and Support: Black Lives Matter – January 31, Day 16

Leslie MacFadyen, Kenny Wiley and Lena Gardner talk with The VUU team about showing up and supporting. The VUU is weekly Church of the Larger Fellowship web program hosted by Meg Riley and Joanna Fontaine Crawford.

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“We Need to Talk About an Injustice” – January 29, Day 14

Spiritual Practices for White Allies – January 26, Day 11

“These are practices that decenter our egos and help us to learn and grow while being compassionate with ourselves and faithful to our values.” A blog post written by Rev. Annie Gonzalez on the practices of radical faith and deep discernment for white people in the times of the Movement for Black Lives.

“I Love Being A Police Officer, But We Need Reform” – January 24, Day 9

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Why America Needs a Slavery Museum – January 23, Day 8

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14 Ways to Mobilize – January 20, Day 5

How can you mobilize? Learn more at http://www.standingonthesideoflove.org/ourstories/fourteen-steps-forward-together-for-americas-third-reconstruction

14 Ways to Mobilize(1)


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

President Obama’s Executive Order on Gun Control

90% support gun checks

President Barack Obama just concluded his announcement of a new Executive Action to Reduce Gun Violence. In an effort to expand background checks for buyers and close the “gun show loop hole” this action will include a new requirement for individuals “in the business of selling firearms” to register as licensed gun dealers. Currently most small sellers are exempt from keeping formal sales records. President Obama not only called upon second amendment rights, which remain in tact, but on the “right of all of us, for life and liberty.” The president asked for “responsible gun owners to join with us and demand something better.” We are proud to have a president who is daring enough to take action and we are proud of a president who is willing to be emotional with the rest of us when recounting the tragedy at Sandy Hook. We feel your pain, President Obama.

“Congress still needs to act. The folks in this room will not rest until Congress does. Because once Congress gets on board with common-sense gun safety measures, we can reduce gun violence a whole lot.”

White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett told reporters “The President isn’t circumventing Congress — he is doing what is clearly in his authority to do.” Still, experts predict that law suits will have these action tied up in courts throughout the remainder of the president’s administration, similar to his Executive Action on immigration last year.

One look at CNN’s “The Story in Charts and Graphics” will tell you why action is necessary and why our gun violence prevention task force is mobilizing and rededicating in 2016.

Get involved in the conversation using the hashtag #StopGunViolence. Follow us and our partners at Center for American Progress on social media. Re-tweet and thank President Obama for taking action.

Below is the fact sheet released by the White House yesterday, January 4, 2015.

FACT SHEET: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer

Gun violence has taken a heartbreaking toll on too many communities across the country. Over the past decade in America, more than 100,000 people have been killed as a result of gun violence—and millions more have been the victim of assaults, robberies, and other crimes involving a gun. Many of these crimes were committed by people who never should have been able to purchase a gun in the first place. Over the same period, hundreds of thousands of other people in our communities committed suicide with a gun and nearly half a million people suffered other gun injuries. Hundreds of law enforcement officers have been shot to death protecting their communities. And too many children are killed or injured by firearms every year, often by accident. The vast majority of Americans—including the vast majority of gun owners—believe we must take sensible steps to address these horrible tragedies.

The President and Vice President are committed to using every tool at the Administration’s disposal to reduce gun violence. Some of the gaps in our country’s gun laws can only be fixed through legislation, which is why the President continues to call on Congress to pass the kind of commonsense gun safety reforms supported by a majority of the American people. And while Congress has repeatedly failed to take action and pass laws that would expand background checks and reduce gun violence, today, building on the significant steps that have already been taken over the past several years, the Administration is announcing a series of commonsense executive actions designed to:

1. Keep guns out of the wrong hands through background checks.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is making clear that it doesn’t matter where you conduct your business—from a store, at gun shows, or over the Internet: If you’re in the business of selling firearms, you must get a license and conduct background checks.

ATF is finalizing a rule to require background checks for people trying to buy some of the most dangerous weapons and other items through a trust, corporation, or other legal entity.

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch has sent a letter to States highlighting the importance of receiving complete criminal history.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is overhauling the background check system to make it more effective and efficient. The envisioned improvements include processing background checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and improving notification of local authorities when certain prohibited persons unlawfully attempt to buy a gun. The FBI will hire more than 230 additional examiners and other staff to help process these background checks.

2. Make our communities safer from gun violence.

The Attorney General convened a call with U.S. Attorneys around the country to direct federal prosecutors to continue to focus on smart and effective enforcement of our gun laws.

The President’s FY2017 budget will include funding for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws.

ATF has established an Internet Investigation Center to track illegal online firearms trafficking and is dedicating $4 million and additional personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network.

ATF is finalizing a rule to ensure that dealers who ship firearms notify law enforcement if their guns are lost or stolen in transit.

The Attorney General issued a memo encouraging every U.S. Attorney’s Office to renew domestic violence outreach efforts.

3. Increase mental health treatment and reporting to the background check system.

The Administration is proposing a new $500 million investment to increase access to mental health care.

The Social Security Administration has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to include information in the background check system about beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.

The Department of Health and Human Services is finalizing a rule to remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing States from reporting relevant information about people prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons.

4. Shape the future of gun safety technology.

The President has directed the Departments of Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security to conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology.

The President has also directed the departments to review the availability of smart gun technology on a regular basis, and to explore potential ways to further its use and development to more broadly improve gun safety.

Congress should support the President’s request for resources for 200 new ATF agents and investigators to help enforce our gun laws, as well as a new $500 million investment to address mental health issues.

Because we all must do our part to keep our communities safe, the Administration is also calling on States and local governments to do all they can to keep guns out of the wrong hands and reduce gun violence. It is also calling on private-sector leaders to follow the lead of other businesses that have taken voluntary steps to make it harder for dangerous individuals to get their hands on a gun. In the coming weeks, the Administration will engage with manufacturers, retailers, and other private-sector leaders to explore what more they can do.

New Actions by the Federal Government

Keeping Guns Out of the Wrong Hands Through Background Checks

The most important thing we can do to prevent gun violence is to make sure those who would commit violent acts cannot get a firearm in the first place. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which was created by Congress to prevent guns from being sold to prohibited individuals, is a critical tool in achieving that goal. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the background check system has prevented more than 2 million guns from getting into the wrong hands. We know that making the system more efficient, and ensuring that it has all appropriate records about prohibited purchasers, will help enhance public safety. Today, the Administration is announcing the following executive actions to ensure that all gun dealers are licensed and run background checks, and to strengthen the background check system itself:

  • Clarify that it doesn’t matter where you conduct your business—from a store, at gun shows, or over the Internet: If you’re in the business of selling firearms, you must get a license and conduct background checks. Background checks have been shown to keep guns out of the wrong hands, but too many gun sales—particularly online and at gun shows—occur without basic background checks. Today, the Administration took action to ensure that anyone who is “engaged in the business” of selling firearms is licensed and conducts background checks on their customers. Consistent with court rulings on this issue, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has clarified the following principles:
    • A person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms regardless of the location in which firearm transactions are conducted. For example, a person can be engaged in the business of dealing in firearms even if the person only conducts firearm transactions at gun shows or through the Internet. Those engaged in the business of dealing in firearms who utilize the Internet or other technologies must obtain a license, just as a dealer whose business is run out of a traditional brick-and-mortar store.
    • Quantity and frequency of sales are relevant indicators. There is no specific threshold number of firearms purchased or sold that triggers the licensure requirement. But it is important to note that even a few transactions, when combined with other evidence, can be sufficient to establish that a person is “engaged in the business.” For example, courts have upheld convictions for dealing without a license when as few as two firearms were sold or when only one or two transactions took place, when other factors also were present.
    • There are criminal penalties for failing to comply with these requirements. A person who willfully engages in the business of dealing in firearms without the required license is subject to criminal prosecution and can be sentenced up to five years in prison and fined up to $250,000. Dealers are also subject to penalties for failing to conduct background checks before completing a sale.
  • Require background checks for people trying to buy some of the most dangerous weapons and other items through a trust or corporation. The National Firearms Act imposes restrictions on sales of some of the most dangerous weapons, such as machine guns and sawed-off shotguns. But because of outdated regulations, individuals have been able to avoid the background check requirement by applying to acquire these firearms and other items through trusts, corporations, and other legal entities. In fact, the number of these applications has increased significantly over the years—from fewer than 900 applications in the year 2000 to more than 90,000 applications in 2014. ATF is finalizing a rule that makes clear that people will no longer be able to avoid background checks by buying NFA guns and other items through a trust or corporation.
  • Ensure States are providing records to the background check system, and work cooperatively with jurisdictions to improve reporting. Congress has prohibited specific categories of people from buying guns—from convicted felons to users of illegal drugs to individuals convicted of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence. In the wake of the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, Congress also created incentives for States to make as many relevant records as possible accessible to NICS. Over the past three years, States have increased the number of records they make accessible by nearly 70 percent. To further encourage this reporting, the Attorney General has written a letter to States highlighting the importance of receiving complete criminal history records and criminal dispositions, information on persons disqualified for mental health reasons, and qualifying crimes of domestic violence. The Administration will begin a new dialogue with States to ensure the background check system is as robust as possible, which is a public safety imperative.
  • Make the background check system more efficient and effective. In 2015, NICS received more than 22.2 million background check requests, an average of more than 63,000 per day. By law, a gun dealer can complete a sale to a customer if the background check comes back clean or has taken more than three days to complete. But features of the current system, which was built in the 1990s, are outdated. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will take the following steps to ensure NICS operates more efficiently and effectively to keep guns out of the wrong hands:
    • FBI will hire more than 230 additional NICS examiners and other staff members to assist with processing mandatory background checks. This new hiring will begin immediately and increase the existing workforce by 50 percent. This will reduce the strain on the NICS system and improve its ability to identify dangerous people who are prohibited from buying a gun before the transfer of a firearm is completed.
    • FBI has partnered with the U.S. Digital Service (USDS) to modernize NICS. Although NICS has been routinely upgraded since its launch in 1998, the FBI is committed to making the system more efficient and effective, so that as many background checks as possible are fully processed within the three-day period before a dealer can legally sell a gun even if a background check is not complete. The improvements envisioned by FBI and USDS include processing background checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to improve overall response time and improving notification of local authorities when certain prohibited persons unlawfully attempt to purchase a firearm.

Making Our Communities Safer from Gun Violence

In order to improve public safety, we need to do more to ensure smart and effective enforcement of our gun laws and make sure that criminals and other prohibited persons cannot get their hands on lost or stolen weapons. The Administration is therefore taking the following actions:

  • Ensure smart and effective enforcement of our gun laws. In a call earlier today, the Attorney General discussed the importance of today’s announcements and directed the Nation’s 93 U.S. Attorneys across the country to continue to focus their resources—as they have for the past several years under the Department’s Smart on Crime initiative—on the most impactful cases, including those targeting violent offenders, illegal firearms traffickers, and dangerous individuals who bypass the background check system to acquire weapons illegally. During the call, the Attorney General also emphasized ongoing initiatives to assist communities in combating violent crime, including ATF’s efforts to target the “worst of the worst” gun crimes. These efforts will also complement the following actions announced today:
    • The President’s budget for FY2017 will include funding for 200 new ATF agents and investigators who can help enforce our gun laws, including the measures announced today. Strategic and impactful enforcement will help take violent criminals off the street, deter other unlawful activity, and prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands
    • ATF is dedicating $4 million and additional personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN). The NIBIN database includes ballistic evidence that can be used by analysts and investigators to link violent crimes across jurisdictions and to track down shooters who prey on our communities. In February 2016, ATF is standing up the National NIBIN Correlation and Training Center—which will ultimately provide NIBIN matching services at one national location, rather than requiring local police departments to do that work themselves. The Center will provide consistent and capable correlation services, making connections between ballistic crime scene evidence and crime guns locally, regionally, and nationally. These enhancements will support ATF’s crime gun intelligence and enforcement efforts, particularly in communities most affected by violent crime.
    • ATF has established an Internet Investigations Center (IIC) staffed with federal agents, legal counsel, and investigators to track illegal online firearms trafficking and to provide actionable intelligence to agents in the field. The IIC has already identified a number of significant traffickers operating over the Internet. This work has led to prosecutions against individuals or groups using the “dark net” to traffic guns to criminals or attempting to buy firearms illegally online.
  • Ensure that dealers notify law enforcement about the theft or loss of their guns. Under current law, federal firearms dealers and other licensees must report when a gun from their inventory has been lost or stolen. The regulations are ambiguous, however, about who has this responsibility when a gun is lost or stolen in transit. Many lost and stolen guns end up being used in crimes. Over the past five years, an average of 1,333 guns recovered in criminal investigations each year were traced back to a licensee that claimed it never received the gun even though it was never reported lost or stolen either. Today, ATF issued a final rule clarifying that the licensee shipping a gun is responsible for notifying law enforcement upon discovery that it was lost or stolen in transit.
  • Issue a memo directing every U.S. Attorney’s Office to renew domestic violence outreach efforts. In the event of an emergency, victims of domestic violence should call 911 or otherwise contact state or local law enforcement officials, who have a broader range of options for responding to these crimes. To provide an additional resource for state, local, and tribal law enforcement and community groups focused on domestic violence, the Attorney General is issuing a memo directing U.S. Attorney’s Offices around the country to engage in renewed efforts to coordinate with these groups to help combat domestic violence and to prevent prohibited persons from obtaining firearms.

Increase Mental Health Treatment and Reporting to the Background Check System

The Administration is committed to improving care for Americans experiencing mental health issues. In the last seven years, our country has made extraordinary progress in expanding mental health coverage for millions of Americans. This includes the Affordable Care Act’s end to insurance company discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, required coverage of mental health and substance use disorder services in the individual and small group markets, and an expansion of mental health and substance use disorder parity policies, all of which are estimated to help more than 60 million Americans. About 13.5 million more Americans have gained Medicaid coverage since October 2013, significantly improving access to mental health care. And thanks to more than $100 million in funding from the Affordable Care Act, community health centers have expanded behavioral health services for nearly 900,000 people nationwide over the past two years. We must continue to remove the stigma around mental illness and its treatment—and make sure that these individuals and their families know they are not alone. While individuals with mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators, incidents of violence continue to highlight a crisis in America’s mental health system. In addition to helping people get the treatment they need, we must make sure we keep guns out of the hands of those who are prohibited by law from having them. Today, the Administration is announcing the following steps to help achieve these goals:

  • Dedicate significant new resources to increase access to mental health care. Despite our recent significant gains, less than half of children and adults with diagnosable mental health problems receive the treatment they need. To address this, the Administration is proposing a new $500 million investment to help engage individuals with serious mental illness in care, improve access to care by increasing service capacity and the behavioral health workforce, and ensure that behavioral health care systems work for everyone. This effort would increase access to mental health services to protect the health of children and communities, prevent suicide, and promote mental health as a top priority.
  • Include information from the Social Security Administration in the background check system about beneficiaries who are prohibited from possessing a firearm. Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a mental health issue, they are either a danger to themselves or others or are unable to manage their own affairs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS. The reporting that SSA, in consultation with the Department of Justice, is expected to require will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits, and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent. The rulemaking will also provide a mechanism for people to seek relief from the federal prohibition on possessing a firearm for reasons related to mental health.
  • Remove unnecessary legal barriers preventing States from reporting relevant information to the background check system. Although States generally report criminal history information to NICS, many continue to report little information about individuals who are prohibited by Federal law from possessing or receiving a gun for specific mental health reasons. Some State officials raised concerns about whether such reporting would be precluded by the Privacy Rule issued under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Today, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a final rule expressly permitting certain HIPAA covered entities to provide to the NICS limited demographic and other necessary information about these individuals.

Shaping the Future of Gun Safety Technology

Tens of thousands of people are injured or killed by firearms every year—in many cases by guns that were sold legally but then stolen, misused, or discharged accidentally. Developing and promoting technology that would help prevent these tragedies is an urgent priority. America has done this in many other areas—from making cars safer to improving the tablets and phones we use every day. We know that researchers and engineers are already exploring ideas for improving gun safety and the tracing of lost or stolen guns. Millions of dollars have already been invested to support research into concepts that range from fingerprint scanners to radio-frequency identification to microstamping technology.

As the single largest purchaser of firearms in the country, the Federal Government has a unique opportunity to advance this research and ensure that smart gun technology becomes a reality—and it is possible to do so in a way that makes the public safer and is consistent with the Second Amendment. Today, the President is taking action to further this work in the following way:

  • Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, and Department of Homeland Security to take two important steps to promote smart gun technology.
    • Increase research and development efforts. The Presidential Memorandum directs the departments to conduct or sponsor research into gun safety technology that would reduce the frequency of accidental discharge or unauthorized use of firearms, and improve the tracing of lost or stolen guns. Within 90 days, these agencies must prepare a report outlining a research-and-development strategy designed to expedite the real-world deployment of such technology for use in practice.
    • Promote the use and acquisition of new technology. The Presidential Memorandum also directs the departments to review the availability of smart gun technology on a regular basis, and to explore potential ways to further its use and development to more broadly improve gun safety. In connection with these efforts, the departments will consult with other agencies that acquire firearms and take appropriate steps to consider whether including such technology in specifications for acquisition of firearms would be consistent with operational needs.

We Believe

We Believe Holiday

Dear UULMNJ Family,

The fifteen-foot sign on the front of Macy’s flagship store says “Believe.” It doesn’t indicate what we should believe, just believe. Perhaps it is in response to the season, but despite the commercialism, the sign does make me pause and reflect. One belief I hold most dear is that our role as people of faith is to be a positive force in the world, and that this role is intrinsic to our being. It doesn’t matter what religion we profess. I believe human beings are inherently wired to do good. The endorphins released when we commit an act of kindness is a good indication of our true human nature.

Sometimes believing in the goodness of human beings is hard.  Looking over the past year, there are too many episodes of violence, cruelty and human depravity, too many mongers of hate and cynicism. Our deepest doubts and fears are fed every time we read the paper or hear a newscast. Sometimes it is hard to believe in the goodness of people. But I can’t stop believing.

Everyday, I am filled with hope. Everyday, I am surrounded by people who manifest their goodness through actions designed to benefit perfect strangers. Everyday, I see people so moved by their compassion that they give tirelessly to bring about a little change. Everyday, I see people carve a little time out of their overly complicated and committed lives, to move our society a little closer toward a more just world. This is because everyday, I get to work with you, our UULMNJ community. And I believe.

Your generosity fills my heart with awe, wonder, and gratitude. I am in awe of our collective capabilities. I wonder what our world will look like for tomorrow’s generation because of our work today. And most of all, I am grateful for the goodness of your human spirit. Thank you for your gifts.

May your New Year be filled with all that the season inspires. May you be in awe of what good people can accomplish together. May you be filled with the human capacity to love. And above all, may you always, always believe.

Rev Craig Signature
Rev. Craig Hirshberg
Executive Director, UULMNJ

2015 Top 10 UULMNJ Moments

It has been a red letter year for UULMNJ! Despite a fairly inactive legislative year, the Legislative Ministry remained hands on in advocating for a more just New Jersey. Take a look at some of our Top 10 Moments of 2015:

Joint Boards Release Statement Dismantling Racism

The UULMNJ is committed to the Black Lives Matter movement and to ending the systematic oppression faced by people of color in our country and the State of New Jersey. In this we are motivated by the moral imperative of our covenant to affirm and promote the principles that are the uniting basis of our faith community.

Calling for Paid Sick Leave for All

Thanks to the unwavering resolve of our coalition partners, we were able to secure passage of landmark legislation including Paid Family Leave and the minimum wage increase.

A Celebration of our Faith, Equality, Compassion and Justice Through Song

The 1st Annual New Jersey MUUsic Festival at Morristown Unitarian Fellowship benefited the work of the Legislative Ministry. Over 100 musicians participated in the first ever NJ UU All-State Ensemble in March.

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NJ Supreme Court Decision on Affordable Housing

In March, the New Jersey Supreme Court reaffirmed that no town in New Jersey may exclude working families, low-income seniors, and people with special needs.

Standing with Planned Parenthood for Reproductive Justice

In June, our Reproductive Justice Task Force made a statement of support for Planned Parenthood after vicious attacks hit the media. UULMNJ also allied with Planned Parenthood for a Legislative Summit at the State House with Sen. Loretta Weinberg.

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Bipartisan Heroin Treatment Bill Passes

Our Criminal Justice Reform Task Force had a busy year which included work on juvenile justice, solitary confinement, and this bill for medication assisted treatment of heroin addiction.

March Against Police Brutality in Newark

1,500 people showed up in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in July. 150 UUs represented 14 congregations from across the state.

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Bipartisan Bill to Prevent Domestic Gun Violence

Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, met with Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and other lawmakers to discuss legislation to protect women and children from domestic abusers with firearms.

GabbyGiffordsDV (700x350)

Rev. Craig Hirshberg Joins Criminal Justice Panel with Senator Cory Booker

Seeking to cut government spending on incarcerating non-violent criminals, Senator Booker calls on his colleagues to “redirect resources into community policing and public defense” and a radical expansion of federally funded human services programs.

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First NJ Legislative Hearing on the Legalization of Marijuana

Rev. Hirshberg was the only clergy to testify in this closed Senate Judiciary hearing. She is seen below with NJ-NAACP president Richard Smith, ACLU-NJ executive director Udi Ofer, and President of the New Jersey State Municipal Prosecutor’s Association, Jon Henry Barr at a pre-hearing press conference.

NJU4MR Press Conference 1 (600x400)

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A Meditation for Our Planet

The greatest threat to our planet quote image (600x300)

As we gather here in this loving and peaceful place, let us remember that in Paris, leaders from approximately 200 nations of the world have gathered in that city of light which was so recently wracked by terrorist violence, to do something which has never happened before in the history of the planet but which may be necessary for preventing catastrophic climate change around the world.

Our thoughts, our hearts, and our prayers go out to those negotiators engaged in with some called last best hope for humanity.

This time we are not talking about nuclear weapons but about the need for the nations, led by the United States and China, to craft a treaty for the enforceable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions that are already melting the ice caps and threatening to make much of the earth uninhabitable, such as our great coastal cities they will be flooded within the lifetimes of our children if not our own, and — as Pope Francis has reminded us — which threaten the poorest people and the poorest nations with disaster.

We are encouraged by Pres. Obama’s leadership in the face of strident deniers whom we must embrace and work to convince them of the collective needs of all humanity for success in Paris and in our daily lives.

-Bill Potter, Environmental Protection Task Force, Chair


Follow the events in Paris at http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en/