Criminal Justice Reform Panel with Senator Cory Booker and Rev. Craig Hirshberg


Close to three hundred people gathered at Christ Episcopal Church on Tuesday evening, August 11, 2015. They came to hear a panel of experts discuss race, mass incarceration, and the role of faith in addressing these issues. Providing the keynote address and sitting on the panel was U.S. Senator Cory Booker.

Also sitting on the panel were U.S. Attorney for the District of NJ, Paul Fishman, Rev. Charles Boyer of Bethel AME Church, President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Jiles Ship, and our own executive director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg.

On the minds of many of the people in attendance was the recent spotlight on police brutality and the daunting statistics that indicate a culture in which minorities, particularly black men, are being unjustly charged, arrested, and incarcerated. “We can not arrest our way out this problem,” commented Director Ship. It was recognized by all on the panel that as a religious community, as a community of compassion it is up to us to engage and strengthen the reentering prison population to reduce the likelihood of recidivism. Rev. Boyer said “if anyone can help people get back into society, it is the religious community.”

A champion of prison and criminal justice reform in his first term as the junior senator from New Jersey, Cory Booker has sponsored several pieces of legislation, including the REDEEM Act which would expand expungement laws, particularly for incarcerated youth.  Seeking to cut government spending on incarcerating non-violent criminals, Senator Booker calls on his colleagues to “redirect resources into community policing and public defense” and a radical expansion of federally funded human services programs.

When asked “what can I do to help?” Rev. Hirshberg calls us all to “be a collective voice for justice” while Rev. Boyer suggests “we need a radical embrace” of the newly released prison population into our communities.

The panel was moderated by NJTV News anchor, Michael Hill who broadcastef live at the beginning of the event. View his interview with Senator Booker and Mayor of East Orange, Lester Taylor here. Were you there? See photos from the event and tag your friends!


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg Joins Criminal Justice Panel

Please join Senator Cory Booker and esteemed guests for a stimulating Forum on Criminal Justice Reform. The event will take place on August 11th from 6PM – 8PM at Christ Church in East Orange, NJ. Please feel free to share the invitation with your networks. Additional details available in the flyer below.  Please RSVP and submit a question for our panel.

The program will feature a panel, that will include UULMNJ executive director, Reverend Craig Hirshberg.


Join us in this important conversation as we learn what it means to “stand on the side of love” for this issue.

Cory Booker Town Hall

UULMNJ is Hiring Summer Interns!

Internship Program

The UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) is a State Advocacy Network whose mission is to be a courageous voice for justice, equality and compassion in New Jersey Public Policy through research, education, witness and advocacy. A largely volunteer organization, issues are addressed through six task forces and 21 congregations. UULMNJ addresses current legislation in the areas of immigration, gun violence prevention, economic justice, criminal justice reform (the new Jim Crow), environmental justice, and health care. UULMNJ won major battles this year in marriage equality, minimum wage and tuition equality for in-state DREAM Act.


We will host up to two interns. Responsibilities will vary based on the interns’ interests, but will relate to the organizing and advocacy needs of the organization. Two main project opportunities include developing video and television programs relating to the legislative priorities of the organization, with discussion guides for congregational education; and developing SALTA: Spiritual Advocacy Leaders Trained for Action, a young adult UU training and advocacy program.


Eight weeks, from June 1 to July 24, with some flexibility. Approximately 25 hours per week.


Preference will be given to applicants who are familiar with New Jersey, and those with an understanding of social justice advocacy work. Additionally, skills in videography or web design are a plus, but not required.


This placement is eligible for housing, which will be a homestay with a local family.

The selected interns are responsible for travel to and from the New York metropolitan area.

For consideration please send resume and letter of interest to Laurice Grae-Hauck at

UULMNJ Board Statement on Dismantling Racism

Unitarian Universalists have long been spiritually and morally committed to the elimination of racism and oppression.  We have a long history of coming forward to answer the call for racial justice, and UUs have shed their blood in these struggles.  In this we are motivated by the moral imperative of our covenant to affirm and promote the principles that are the uniting basis of our faith community.

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations

The work to eliminate racism continues to be a litmus test of the strength of our principles and the authenticity of our faith.

The appearance and practice of racism in our society has in many ways radically changed, yet its basic manifestations remain the same.  The illusion of a “color blind” society after the victories of the great civil rights movement and the historic election of an African American president has fully dissolved.  Even though attention is being paid to the continuing epidemic of unpunished killings of people of color by police, it took a series of increasingly disturbing incidents before anyone paid attention to a long-established pattern of violence. This demonstrates that we have far to go to address the problems of racism.  While it could be unfair to compare police killings to lynchings, the simple fact is that the rate of such killings in the last 15 years matches or exceeds the rate of some 5,000 recorded lynchings between 1882 and 1968. About 60 of these have been recorded to be of victims while in police custody. Currently the rate of police officer killings of people of color is reported to be at a rate of about two or more per week in the United States.  The divide that exists between the criminal justice system and people of color is not an accident. It is a direct result of institutional racism.

This seemingly easy and all-too-common resort to lethal force in the moment of confrontation between police and persons — usually men of color — is only the most brutal aspect of the “New Jim Crow”.  To the cry ”Black Lives Matter” we hear the casual and cynical reply “All Lives Matter.”   The problem with proclaiming that all lives matter is that it denies the particular need to focus on black lives.  Fundamentally, until our society accepts that black lives matter, the call that all lives matter is simply a denial of reality based on the limited experience of privileged people.

A basic condition of American racism is that the realities of life of people of color are not known well enough.  In all aspects of American life, already drowning in inequality, people of color, as a group, continue to be victimized in the denial of human and civil rights, employment and income, health, reproductive services and life expectancy, wealth accumulation and home ownership, and in de facto residential and educational inequality and continued segregation. African American author Neely Fuller, Jr., has written,

“No major problem that exists between the people of the known universe can be eliminated until racism is eliminated.”

Racism continues today to be a key, interactive force affecting all issues in the struggle for social progress. Issues of race and racism infect all issues that the UULMNJ and Unitarian Universalists feel strongly about. From Criminal Justice Reform and ending Mass Incarceration to Fair Housing, to Immigration, to Gun Violence, to Health Care, to the Impact of Environmental Degradation, it is crucial for us to recognize that people of privilege experience these issues in an utterly different way from people of color.  We must commit to expanding connection and understanding in order to unleash the full transformational power of a multicultural, multiracial alliance for meaningful and lasting change.

We continue to work to build the Beloved Community of all people, regardless of race, regardless of economic condition, regardless of sexual preference or gender identity, and of other seeming differences.  The differences among us are not categories for separation; they only serve to show the amazing variations and possibilities of the human race.   Seeing, understanding, and appreciating different realities and experiences is the major goal for achieving the transformational power of the Beloved Community.

The UULMNJ will continue to address the dismantling of racism on every issue and in all aspects of its activity.  We ask that the New Jersey Unitarian Universalist Congregations we serve join us in this endeavor.

The Boards of
The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey
The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey Public Policy Network
April 14, 2015

Update on Affordable Care Subsidies

Many of us have been concerned about the recent court rulings concerning health care.  We would like to share some insight from our friends at Families USA:

Court Ruling Withdrawing Affordable Care Act Premium Subsidies from Low- and Moderate-Income Families ‘Will Never Go Into Effect’ Court Ruling Likely to be ‘Stayed’; Rehearing by Full Appeals Court Probable and Likely to Reverse Decision; and 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Also Expected to Dismiss Lawsuit
[Last week], in a 2-1 split decision, a three-judge panel of the federal D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that low- and moderate-income families, residing in 36 states with health insurance marketplaces run by the federal government, should be denied Affordable Care Act tax-credit premium subsidies. The following is the statement of Ron Pollack, Executive Director of the consumer health organization Families USA, about today’s court decision:

“It is most likely that today’s split decision, which would take away premium subsidies for almost five million low- and moderate-income people, will never go into effect.

“It will inevitably be placed on hold pending further proceedings; will probably be reheard by all of the 11-member active D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals members, who predictably will reverse it; and runs contrary to an expected ruling on a similar case in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Today’s decision represents the high-water mark for Affordable Care Act opponents, but the water will recede very quickly.

“The likelihood that today’s decision will not be implemented does not obscure the harm it could cause. It would eliminate help fot almost five million low- and moderate-income people who currently receive subsidies so they can afford health insurance. Millions of other low-income families, who are also entitled to such assistance but have not yet received it, would also be denied help.

“It is ironic that the law’s opponents are invoking the very statute they are trying to destroy for the proposition that Congress intended to withhold premium subsidies for families in states with federally run health care marketplaces. That proposition clearly contradicts congressional intent.

“The chairmen of the committees that crafted the legislation (Senators Baucus and Harkin, and Representatives Waxman, Levin, and Miller) made this clear in a court brief they submitted, saying that this  ‘assertion is inconsistent with the text and history of the statute, and with its fundamental purpose – to make health insurance affordable for all Americans, wherever they reside.’

“We expect that future court decisions will look at the entire statute, and clear congressional intent behind it, and dismiss this desperate attempt to destroy the Affordable Care Act.”

Families USA is the national organization for health care consumers. It is nonprofit and nonpartisan, and its mission is to secure high-quality, affordable health coverage and care for all Americans.

Comments on Medicaid Waiver Application

These comments are filed on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ), and address New Jersey’s Section 1115 Demonstration Comprehensive Waiver Application that was made available to the public on September 12, 2011.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) represents the Unitarian Universalists throughout the State of New Jersey. As a faith based community, we believe that access to affordable health care in New Jersey is a human necessity and that Medicaid is an important safety net at all times, especially in these troubling economic times. We believe that any Waiver Application should increase Medicaid recipients and increase coverage and benefits. We believe that recipients should not have any co-pays or out of pocket expenses.

As Unitarian Universalists, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We believe that we should act with justice, equity and compassion in all human relations, and that we must speak for those without a voice. We believe that we must act with compassion towards our most vulnerable residents, so that they may receive the care they need; a level of care that should be provided to everyone in a civil industrialized modern society….

Full text of comments [tt_vector icon=”fa-file-pdf-o”] submitted on January 30, 2012.

Health Insurance Exchanges Testimony

On February 6, 2012 task force chair Carolyn Baldacchini  presented testimony at the Assembly Health and Senior Services committee meeting on  A2171, pertaining to the creation of the new Health Insurance Exchanges.

The creation of Health Insurance Exchanges is the next step in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  States must come up with their own exchange or the Federal Government will create one for them. New Jersey will receive money to create these exchanges.

The Health Care Task Force is concerned that the exchanges be organized so that, among many other aspects, the Exchanges:

  • Are consumer and patient friendly
  • Are transparent
  • Have boards that have equal advocacy representation as industry representation
  • That, in creating the exchanges, NJ do more than what is required by law.


My name is Carolyn Baldacchini.  I am a volunteer and represent the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey.  I am also self-employed.  Health Insurance exchanges will be wonderful for our state and for everyone in New Jersey.

In the interest of brevity, I would like to say that we support Ray Castro’s comments.

The cost of health insurance for the self-employed and small business owners is prohibitive.  Because of this, few New Jerseyeans can afford to start a small business. Because of this, many innovative and creative small business ideas, as well as science and technology innovations, have been lost to our state.  These are innovations that would have benefitted our state and our state’s economy.

Consultants, making up the vast majority of the self-employed, cannot afford the high cost of an individual health insurance policy.  The youth of New Jersey, graduating from college, cannot afford start a consulting business because of the cost of health insurance.  And, that SAT tutor?  Cannot afford health insurance.

With the Health Insurance Exchanges, these businesses will be able to go forward.  We will see a rebirth of creativity and innovation in business.  Our downtown family owned businesses will be able to invest more money and we will be able to fill our downtown Main Streets with wonderful stores.

I am a self-employed businesswoman.  In the fall of 2010 was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I had no insurance.  It was a frightening moment when I felt the lump in my breast.  I could not get a mammogram without a referral.  Because I could not afford doctor visits, I had no doctor to give me a referral.  It was thanks to the compassion of a wonderful doctor who saw me and gave me a referral that I was able to have a mammogram.  I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey hopes that, with these health insurance exchanges, no man, woman or child will ever again have to face cancer without insurance. The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey supports A2171 with certain suggested recommendations:

  • That there be two or more consumer health care advocates on the board of directors.
  • We notice that there is an amendment that establishes an Advisory Board.  The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey would like to see an equal number of health care advocate groups to the other groups on this board.
  • That the term “provider” be defined as only one doctor in only one location, not one doctor in multiple locations.
  • The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey supports only Health Benefit Plans certified by the Boards, Boards with 50% representation by health care advocacy groups.
  • We support the inclusion of a Basic Health Benefits Plan in this Bill.
  • We support the inclusion of a larger pool, with business up to 100 employees and businesses over 100 employees.
  • And that any and all communication be at a sixth grade reading and comprehension level.

I thank you for this opportunity to speak.

Health Care: Letter Concerning Medicaid Waiver Application


On October 11, Health Care Task Force Chair Carolyn Baldacchini attended a Medical Advisory Council meeting at the NJ State offices of the Dept. of Health and Human Services.   Commissioner Jennifer Valez and members of her staff were at the meeting to discuss the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver that the State of New Jersey had applied for.

Members of the Medical Advisory Council and the audience expressed many concerns with the waiver.  We were the only religious organization at the meeting, and many appreciated our presence.  Many said that individual letters, as well as one from Rev. Craig Hirshberg, would be meaningful.

The task force also sent letters to the State of NJ and the Center for Medicaid and Medicare, explaining our concerns with the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver application.  The letters reflected our beliefs and how we wished to see a waiver be used. You can read the letter here.

Health Care: Priority Issues – Fall 2011

At the Fall 2011 Issues Workshop, the Health Care Task Force agreed that the Health Insurance Exchanges would be their first priority, and discussed ways in which UU congregations can host forums, led by the NJ for Health Care Coalition, in order to educate the public on the future of Health Insurance Exchanges.

The Medicaid Waiver letter writing would be the task force’s second priority.

Women’s Health funding is a very important goal for the task force.  However, there is nothing happening right now in Trenton.


The current administration wanted to lower eligibility for New Jersey residents for FamilyCare to 29% of the Federal Poverty Level, meaning that an uninsured parent with two children earning more than $5,317 a year would no longer be eligible for health coverage.  This would require a federal waiver to release New Jersey from its Maintenance of Effort of eligibility.   UULMNJ was active in raising public concern over such a stark reduction.  New Jersey’s final waiver request recently submitted removed the 29% request.  This is a victory for UULMNJ.

One of the most important provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the establishment of health insurance exchanges. These exchanges will allow the self-employed, individuals and small businesses to find and compare options for high quality, comprehensive health insurance.  The Healthcare Task Force, as part of the NJ for Health Care [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link”] coalition, is monitoring legislation to structure the exchanges to make sure that their implementation follows our UU values, and would like to try to hold regional meetings to inform local congregations on this issue.

The Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey [tt_vector icon=”fa-external-link”] is holding a forum on both of the above issues on October 11.

For more information, and to become involved with the Health Care Task Force, please contact