Open Letter from Reproductive Justice Task Force, to Religious Educators

“As Unitarian Universalists we have a long and proud history of leadership in promoting comprehensive sexuality education for people of all ages.  Beginning with About Your Sexuality (AYS), and then with the development & implementation of the Our Whole Lives curriculum, our UU children and youth have benefited greatly from sexuality education that is fact based, non-judgemental, and life affirming.

#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Reproductive Justice

A Conversation with Carol Loscalzo and Jami Thall, Co-Chairs of the Reproductive Justice Task Force

With the sudden reversal of Roe v. Wade brought on by the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision, UU FaithAction NJ’s Reproductive Justice Task Force has been engaged in protecting and expanding abortion access in New Jersey.

#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Immigration Justice

New Jersey, which leads the nation in percentage of people of immigrant heritage, has a long history of welcoming immigrants, refugees, and those seeking asylum from unthinkable dangers and oppression. UU FaithAction NJ, through the work of its Immigration Justice Task Force, has sought to educate the public on immigration issues and advocate for legislation that accounts for the dignity and civil rights of immigrants.

#GivingTuesday Spotlight: Criminal Justice Reform

UU FaithAction NJ is fortunate to have two passionate new leaders of the Criminal Justice Reform Task Force: first-time Co-Chair Claudia Sanders, and former Board Member, long-time volunteer, and Chair, Tom Moran. Both are drawn to the work because the safety and humane treatment of those incarcerated can positively change lives and impact society as whole, and they enjoy working with a robust coalition of partner organizations.

When asked about their priorities, Moran says, “Being a presence in the regulatory space, making sure laws passed are being implemented, is one way we can make a difference.”

Summer Intern Reflection

By Taylor Epps, Criminal Justice Reform Summer Intern

My experience working as an intern for UU FaithAction NJ has been eye-opening.

When I started my college career, I never intended to receive  a master’s degree, especially not in Nonprofit Management, but it was the route I ended up taking. After my first semester of studying nonprofits, I knew I wanted to incorporate this type of organization into my career field.

postcard front example

Reproductive Justice Task Force Launches Postcard Campaign

Coming to a UU congregation near you—our Reproductive Justice Task Force has launched a Postcard Campaign for Reproductive Equity, and we need all-hands-on-deck to distribute, sign and stamp postcards!

Postcard campaigns build a steady, strong voice to back a stagnant piece of legislation.  The Reproductive Equity Act (S2918/A4350) is a top priority of reproductive justice advocates across the state.  To move this legislation forward, we don’t need an urgent, one-time action: we need a steady, incessant stream of support.