A Letter to the People of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 amidst a peaceful bible study, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church was attacked by a lone gunman and lost nine of it’s members, including two ministers, in a senseless act of hate and violence. The following letter was sent in support:


Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church

110 Calhoun Street

Charleston, SC 29401-3510


Dear Members and Supporters of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church,

On behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey and our member congregations, we would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to your congregation, the victims’ families, your members and the larger community. The tragic loss of beloved pastors and members has surely left your congregation in a state of emotional shock, tremendous grief and bewilderment over this senseless violence.

UULMNJ works continuously against racial injustice and gun violence with the hopes of bringing about a saner and more just world. We work with the hope that someday, tragedies like these will be replaced with a world united by love.

Although nothing can bring back the lives lost this week, we hope that you can find comfort and solace from the support you receive from others who share in your shock and grief. We will continue to hold you in our hearts with compassion as you move forward and try to make sense of this awful tragedy.

Please know that we stand with you on the side of love.


Rev Craig Signature

Rev. Craig Hirshberg

Executive Director

Support the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act

Dear Friends,

Many of our supporters are concerned about end of life issues.  Although this is not one of our official issues, I am sending this out for those of you who would like to support this issue.

Button Write Senator

Please take a moment to email a statement of support for S328, the Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act to your Senator. This bill would permit qualified terminally ill patient to self-administer medication to end life in a humane and dignified manner. As UUs we support the inherent worth and dignity of all people until the very end.


Rev Craig Short Signature

Rev. Craig

UULMNJ Joins the Million People’s March

mpm slider image (404x303)

UULMNJ is co-sponsoring the Million People’s March Against Police Brutality, Racial Injustice, and Economic Inequality. The march is Saturday, July 25, at 12:00 noon, beginning at the Lincoln Monument at the intersection of West Market Street and Springfield Avenue in Newark, New Jersey. This event is organized by the People’s Organization for Progress.  Flyers and additional information are being sent to your congregational liaisons and through our mailings. Bring a bus full from your congregation.  This is an excellent opportunity for UU’s across the state to stand up together in body and spirit in support for racial justice.   Don your “Standing on the Side of Love” shirts and come march behind our UULMNJ “Black Lives Matter” banner as we live out our values together.  We hope to see you there.  

Register today to:

March button

Here is important information if you will be joining us in Newark:

  • The March will begin with speakers at 12:00. The march will step off at 1:30 PM. It will be followed by more speakers at the end. If you have trouble standing for long periods of time and don’t intend to march, you may want to bring a portable folding chair;
  • The actual march will be 3 miles in length —1.5 miles to the Federal Building at 970 Broad Street and back.  You can join all or half of the event or listen to the speakers;
  • If you are taking the train, the site is approximately a 6 block walk from Penn Station;
  • Another option is to park at the Grove Street Park n Ride lot in Bloomfield then take the Light Rail from Grove Street to Washington Street. This station is two blocks from the monument. Daily parking rates at the Grove lot are $2. Light rail fair is $1.50 adult and $0.70 senior one way;
  • If you would like to march with UU’s around the state, we will meet on the corner of UNIVERSITY AVE. and WEST MARKET STREET. We will begin gathering at 11:00. We will have the UULMNJ Black Lives Matter banner and signs for you to carry. Please bring paper tube rolls (like from wrapping paper. you can also create these by tightly rolling a piece of poster board) to post and carry the signs. Also bring water, sun block if needed, and sustenance;
  • If you plan to drive there is paid parking throughout the neighborhood. Bus parking has been designated in Lot A on West Market Street. To get to the neighborhood using a GPS system use 303 University Avenue (Essex County College) or 50 West Market Street (Veterans Courthouse).
  • Just a reminder, this is a grass roots effort.  There are no corporate sponsors or celebrities.  It is truly power to the people by the people.  Accordingly, there will be a voluntary collection taken before the march to help defray costs.  So if someone approaches you with a bucket for contributions, please help out.

MPM Area Map (700x541) (2)

Download Map as a PDF

The purpose of the march is to draw attention to the problem of police brutality; to demand an end to the murder of unarmed people, the use of excessive force, and the violation of people’s constitutional rights by police; to demand justice for the victims of police brutality; to demand fundamental and significant changes in the polices, practices, procedures, laws, structures and institutions related to policing and the criminal justice system in order to prevent these abuses by the police; to demand an end to racial injustice and economic inequality which are root causes of police brutality and to highlight the interrelationship of this struggle with those related to employment, housing, healthcare, education, war, and other important issues; and to help build a mass movement in this country that can exert the political and social pressure necessary to bring about the positive societal changes we seek.

The march is organized by People’s Organization For Progress (POP), a grassroots volunteer group that works for racial, social, economic justice and peace. It has been endorsed by community, labor, student, and progressive organizations. More than 40 groups and leaders have endorsed the event thus far. Recently, a press conference was held where the march was endorsed by Ras Baraka, Mayor of the City of Newark, and Dr. Cornel West.

“We’re trying to assert our humanity. If you look at what happened in Baltimore, it’s appropriate that the march is not just about police brutality, but it’s also about economic inequality, and inequality, period.” – Ras Baraka [read more]

If you are planning to attend the march please go to the March Facebook page. Please “Join” it, “Invite Friends” to join it, and share it. Please click the links below to see articles and video clips from our most recent press conference.

Planning for the march takes place at POP meetings every Thursday, 6:30 p.m. at Abyssinian Baptist Church,224 West Kinney Street, Newark, New Jersey. I invite you and members of your organization to attend.

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My Health, My Life: Women’s Health Legislative Summit

Please join us at the 2015 My Health, My Life Legislative Summit.  The Summit will take place at the State Capitol in June and will include meetings with elected officials, a rally and press conference, and training for supporters from across the state who want to build a stronger network in their hometowns.

We will ensure our elected officials know that women and men are watching and want them to restore funding for life-saving family planning in the state budget.

To reserve your spot and get the latest updates on the Legislative Summit, REGISTER today.

Date: Monday, June 22, 2015
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

As more New Jersey residents gained access to insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 2014 marked the beginning of many great strides for women’s health care. Within the first year of open enrollment, 161,775 New Jersey residents were able to select health insurance plans through the Marketplace, and 53% of those residents were women.¹ Over 29 million women in the US, and 869,000 women in NJ are now able to receive expanded preventive services with no co-pay, including birth control, cancer screenings, and annual well-woman exams.²

Did you know NJ women's health stats PPHNJ

Although the Affordable Care Act has created additional coverage opportunities for women, it is estimated that 693,000 New Jersey residents will remain uninsured, and 1.1 million women are in need of contraceptive services and supplies.³ While the Affordable Care Act has proven beneficial for NJ women, the need for reproductive and other preventive health care is still a concern for many NJ residents.

In 2010, Governor Chris Christie cut $7.4 million in funding for family planning services in New Jersey. An investment in family planning services not only helps women access contraceptive services, but also helps them avoid sexually transmitted infections, cervical cancer, and unintended pregnancies. Read the “Women’s Health at Risk” 2015 Report released by Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey.

The foundation for the UULMNJ’s support for reproductive justice is rooted in the Unitarian Universalist principle that affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We value life and the consciences of individuals, and we are called to protect and affirm the lives of women when it comes to their reproductive choices.

1. Department of Health and Human Services USA. 2014. Addendum to the Health Insurance Marketplace Summary Enrollment Report for the Initial Annual Open Enrollment Period. http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2014/MarketPlaceEnrollment/Apr2014/ib_2014Apr_enrollAddendum.pdf
2. Department of Health and Human Services USA. 2014. Increased Coverage of Preventive Services with Zero Cost Sharing Under the Affordable Care Act. http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2014/preventiveservices/ib_preventiveservices.pdf
3. Health Affairs Blog. 2013. The Uninsured After Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: A Demographic and Geographic Analysis. http:// healthaffairs.org/blog/2013/06/06/the-uninsured-after-implementation-of-the-affordable-care-act-a-demographic-and-geographic-analysis/
4. Guttmacher Institute. 2014. Contraceptive Needs and Services, 2012 Update. http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/win/contraceptive-needs-2012.pdf


Laurice Grae-Hauck is the Outreach Coordinator of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ.

Action Alert May 31, 2015: Register for HCDN Annual Lobby Day June 15, 2015

Housing and Community Development Network (HCDN) of New Jersey Annual Lobby Day

Date: Monday, June 15, 2015
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Trenton State House ANNEX, Committee
Room 3.
Breakfast and lunch will be served.

Every year UULMNJ joins our housing partners at the HCDN Housing Lobby Day. You are invited to join us in Trenton to show our legislators that affordable homes and strong healthy communities matter.

Lobby Day is an opportunity to:

  • Speak with your representatives about supporting public policy that improves our communities and moves NJ forward. Talking points and materials will be provided in advance of lobby day. [Note: If you wish to set up an appointment with your legislators, please contact Arnold Cohen at acohen@hcdnnj.org.]
  • Have a stronger voice by connecting with others in the housing and community development sector.
  • Tour the State House and get an insider’s view of the legislative process from where it all happens.
  • Hone your advocacy skills and learn tricks of the trade for communicating with decision-makers.
  • Witness democracy in action by attending legislative hearings.

The event is free but registration is required

Please help spread the word by using the HCDN Lobby Day 2015 Flyer in your congregations.  YUUr voice and your presence make an impact! 

 If you are planning on registering for Lobby Day and would like to get familiar with the issues,
sign up for our Lobby Day Prep Webinar scheduled for June 11 at 10am.

 Remember to bring proper ID to enter the State House and allow sufficient time to go through the new State House security process.

YUUR Voice in Trenton: May 2015


It is hard to believe that Memorial Day is around the corner.  Where did the month of May go?

Here are some things that are happening at UULMNJ this month:

  • The Legislative Ministry has a new, mobile friendly website! Explore and learn at UULMNJ.org. While you are there click around and see what we’re up to on social media!
  • Write to your NJ Assembly representative as soon as possible to ask them to put forward the bill allowing for earned paid sick days. They need your encouragement
  • Send a letter to your mayor reminding him/her that your town has until July 8 to submit a Fair Share Housing plan to incorporate affordable housing in you town. Your congregation’s Liaison has copies to sign.  For more information, please contact the UULMNJ Economic Justice chair, Lorraine Wearley.
  • Planning worship for next year already? Remember that Rev. Craig Hirshberg is available to come to your congregation and share information on Public Policy in New Jersey.  You can contact her at director@uulmnj.org
  • UULMNJ IS HIRING! Are you a college student or recent graduate looking for an internship? Are you passionate about social justice? Do you know a young adult who fits this description? UULMNJ is hiring a summer intern! The summer intern will work closely with task forces to produce our original series YUUR Voice that airs on Princeton TV. The intern will also have the opportunity to work on our upcoming young and emerging adult program SALTA!: Spiritual Advocacy Leaders Trained for Action.
  • June 15 is Housing and Community Development Network of NJ’s Annual Lobby Day in Trenton, Community Development at the Capitol. Participants will meet with their legislative representatives to educate them about housing and community development issues like foreclosure and the budget. Groups may also attend legislative hearings in addition to individual legislative meetings. The event is free but registration is required. Register today!

Important Dates to Remember!  Mark your calendar now:

  • July 31 – Aug 1: UULMNJ Leadership Retreat
  • October 17: UULMNJ Issues Conference. Details to follow.
  • April 16, 2016, UULMNJ Plenary and Annual Meeting. Details to follow.

Action Alert May 20, 2015: Fair Share Housing in Your Municipality

As the result of a recent NJ Supreme Court decision, New Jersey municipalities have to comply with the mandates of creating their fair share of affordable housing in their towns. Here is a letter that can be filled out by you or members of your congregation to send to your municipality’s mayor.  The letter will help make them aware of the Supreme Court decision requiring every municipality to have an affordable housing plan by July 8th.  You do not need to meet with the mayor unless you would like to.   For more information and facts, contact the Fair Share Housing Center. The letter contains a reference link that connects with the FSHC’s website and also provides the phone number for FSHC.

By mailing letters to your mayor, it will put pressure on the town to be in compliance with the court order in a timely way, eliminating penalties for your town.

Please distribute within the congregation, have letters signed, and send directly to your mayor.  Once downloaded, the letter is editable in Word so you can also send it via email.

Thanks you for your support of this important initiative!

Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Exec. Director
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ

Action Alert May 15, 2015: Assembly support Earned Sick Days

We recently received the information below from our NJ Time to Care coalition asking us to organize Assembly support Earned Sick Days.  Many in NJ can not afford to be sick, literally.  If they miss a day of work, they miss a day of wages.  This bill will allow the accumulation of earned sick days.  The announcement below is designed for electronic advocacy.  If you would like to do a letter campaign on Sunday mornings, here is an Assembly support Paid Sick Leave letter that you can use by filling in your representative’s name and address.  This is an Assembly only letter.  Please collect as many as possible and send to your ASSEMBLY representatives directly.  Please let me know about your success.




Dear paid sick days supporter,

New Jersey is at the forefront of paid sick days protections, but the NJ State Assembly has not advanced state legislation. For months, the passage of this incredibly important worker protection has been delayed and we now need to make a big push to progress the bill forward!

We cannot allow the New Jersey legislature to continue to sideline the concerns of 1.2 million New Jersey workers who have no access to paid sick days!

CLICK HERE to enter your details to send a letter to your NJ Assemblymember to take action!

Yesterday in the Star-Ledger, guest columnist Rosa, a mother of three, wrote about her difficulties making ends meet working two jobs. For Mother’s Day she just wanted the right to care for her children when they get sick without fear of losing her job or a day’s pay. She called on NJ legislators to pass a statewide earned sick days law.

You can join her by adding your name to those calling on NJ Legislators to advance the state bill.

Adoption of a strong earned sick days policy is long overdue and necessary to support today’s working families.

CLICK HERE to tell the New Jersey legislature to put the earned sick days bill up for a vote now! Working families have waited long enough.

For progress!


UULMNJ 6TH ANNUAL PLENARY – April 2015: Welcome new board members, materials

Welcome to Our New Board Members
About  90 UUs gathered at the UU Congregation at Montclair for UULMNJ’s Annual Plenary.  Meeting business included electing new board members and adopting a 2015 – 2016 budget.

New board members elected to serve on the UULMNJ and UULMNJPPN Boards of Trustees, effective July 1, 2015:

  • Amy Tiedemann (Hunterdon County)
  • Lessie Culmer-Nier (Summit)
  • William Slezak (Essex County)
  • Rev. Tracy Sprowls (Plainfield)

Continuing to serve on the boards are Frances Prestianni (Princeton), Alison Miller (Morristown), Andrea Lerner (NY Metro District Executive), Rev. Bill Neely (Princeton), Carolyn Baldacchini (Summit), Al Stawsky (Palisades) and Judy Strachan (Montclair).   Ethan Anderson (East Brunswick) will continue to serve as our young adult representative.

Nick Lewis (Montclair), Rev. Kathleen Green (Ridgewood), Toby Tyler (Morristown), and Missy Staples (Somerset Hills) will be rotating off of the boards.

Read the annual reports from the Executive Director and Board Presidents.

Materials from the Annual Meeting packets are posted below.

Plenary Agenda
Bio for Keynote Speaker Junius Williams
Plenary Task Force Meeting Process
Nominating Committee Report
UULMNJ Board Statement on Dismantling Racism
UULMNJ Background Statement on the Marijuana Laws
Legal Advocacy Project Report

Task Force Reports

Black Lives Matter Banner
Paid Sick Leave
Policy Brief:Environment – Energy

YUUR Voice in Trenton: January 2015


Happy New Year from UULMNJ!  Here are a few UULMNJ highlights:

  • Legislation: UULMNJ supported the following legislation and initiatives this past quarter.  Thank you to all who helped make some of this legislation a reality:  Bail Reform Legislation and Constitutional Amendment, Opportunity to Compete, Presumptive Parole, Earned Sick Days, Affordable Housing/COAH and Sandy Relief.
  • Stamp Out Despair Appeal:  Many of our Congregations participated in the First Friends “Stamp Out Despair” Appeal sponsored by our Immigration Task Force.  Although we don’t have exact numbers, we estimate that materials for about 75 writing packets and over $1000 in phone card contributions were provided to NJ immigration detainees.  Thank you all for your generosity.
  • UULMNJ Sumer Internship Program is looking for two college students who would like to work with UULMNJ next summer.  These are sponsored by the UU College for Social Justice.  The work is 25 hrs./wk. and has a $1500 stipend.  For more information contact director@uulmnj.org or apply directly to www.uucsj.org/internships
  • UULMNJ Educational Video Program “YUUR Voice” is available to be shown in your congregations.  Five programs on immigration, mass incarceration, climate change and Affordable housing are available on the UULMNJ YouTube Channel.See the attached flyer for more complete information.  The video program can be viewed on PrincetonTV, Channel 30 on Tuesday mornings at 7 AM and Thursday evenings at 9 PM.

Save the Dates:

  • March 8:  New Jersey MUUsic Festival, Morristown Fellowship.  Come hear UU musicians from around New Jersey come together to benefit UULMNJ.
  • April 18:  UULMNJ Annual Meeting, Montclair UU Congregation.  Keynote Speaker: Junius Williams.  See our task forces in action.