Reproductive Justice Workshop – Plainfield, March 1

The First Unitarian Society of Plainfield (FUSP) I would like to invite you and members of your congregation to attend our 4th Annual Social Action Weekend.

On Saturday March 1st, 2014 we are planning a one day workshop on Reproductive Justice (RJ) called “From Rights to Justice” 9:30am-3:00pm.  The program is adapted from the six-week UUA curriculum “Reproductive Justice: Expanding our Social Justice Calling” concentrating on the human rights aspects of RJ.

It will be a wonderful opportunity to get a foundation in this UUA Congregational Study Issue (CSI), and to connect with other UUs in New Jersey. The program is free, but donations are welcome to help cover the cost of the workshop. Child-care is available for those who request in advance.

If members of your congregation have not had an opportunity to study this UUA CSI….. THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY!

Please extend this invitation to members of your congregation. For your information we have attached a flyer. Please promote this event in your newsletter, order of service, on your community events board, and any other medium your congregation uses to promote neighboring UU congregation events.

Pre-registration is encouraged but not required.  Please encourage members to RSVP to assist with our planning. (Please see my contact information on the attached flyer).

YUUR Voice in Trenton: Jan 2014

YUUR Voice In Trenton

Happy New Year from UULMNJ.   New Jersey politics are always interesting and the most recent revelations of Bridgegate are no exception. The New Jersey Legislature is a little preoccupied right now with fact-finding investigations. But UULMNJ just keeps its coarse, focusing on the issues rather than the politics. And here is the latest:

  • A new Reproductive Justice sub committee is forming to address women’s health issues in New Jersey. If you are interested or can be a resource to this group, please email Rev. Kathleen Green, Chair to be included
  • A new Criminal Justice Reform: The New Jim Crow Task Force is forming to address mass incarceration and all that it entails. If you would like to join or be a resource to this task force, please email Al Stawsky, Chair
  • You can now receive UULMNJ Action Alerts directly. If you haven’t received on already, it means you are not in our database. If you would like to receive these in the future, please send your contact information to and we will sign you up.
  • New Liaison Conference Call time: Our liaison conference calls are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8 PM. Each liaison should be receiving notices. If you are a liaison and are not receiving notifications from our Executive Director, please email Rev. Craig Hirshberg at
  • And finally, Save the Date, APRIL 5, 2014 for the 5th Annual UULMNJ Plenary, at the Princeton Unitarian Universalist Church in Princeton. Mark your calendars today. More details will follow shortly.
  • If you find that UULMNJ involvement is calling your inner best self, give is a call 609.672.7331. We can always use more volunteers.

As the New Year begins, we would like to extend a note of gratitude to all the people around the state who supported UULMNJ over the past year. It is your work and involvement that makes UULMNJ possible.

In faith,

Rev. Craig Hirshberg

The Spirit of Humanity Shines

On April 2 , 2011, Senator Loretta Weinberg and Rev. Bruce Davidson were recipients of the first Spirit of Humanity Awards, given by the UULMNJ Public Policy Network for exemplifying a commitment to justice, compassion and equality in New Jersey public affairs.

The beautiful etched glass awards were given at a Champagne Reception, where both Rev. Davidson and Senator Weinberg noted that our organization has made a large impact in a short period of time.

Senator Weinberg urged us to continue to provide support and encouragement for legislators who share our values, and Rev. Davidson reminded us that we are a necessary counterbalance to the strong conservative religious voices that are already out there.  Funds were raised to support the work of the Public Policy Network.

UULMNJ Fall Issues Conference – October 19, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 9:00am – 2:30pm

Hosted by the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield
724 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ
(see for directions)

This gathering will be a working session to:

  • Discuss the determine UULMNJ focus issues for the coming year
  • Learn how you can work with UULMNJ in your home congregation
  • Meet with justice leaders from other congregations

Special Guests

  • Keynote speaker, Sue Fulton, a 1980 West Point graduate and part of the first class to admit women, and a key player in the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
  • Giving Voice, a women’s a cappella chorus founded by Penny Gnesin, will provide musical inspiration

Who should attend?

  • People who want to make a difference by putting their faith into action
  • Anyone interested in the work of UULMNJ
  • Congregational liaisons, action team members, leaders and staff
  • Task Force members

Liaison and Volunteer Training

  • Immediately following the conclusion of the workshop – stay for an hour and learn how to use UULMNJ resources to take action in your congregation.

Check-in at 9:00am with coffee and bagels; the meeting will begin promptly at 9:30am.

There will be a working lunch provided.  We rely on your donations to cover the cost of food and materials for this event.

 Please reigster by October 16.  Click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Download a flyer to post in your congregation.  Bring a friend!


Keynote Speaker – Sue Fulton

Brenda S. “Sue” Fulton is a 1980 West Point graduate, part of the first class to admit women. She was commissioned in the Army, served for five years in Germany, and was honorably discharged at the rank of Captain.

Sue Fulton is a founding Board member of Knights Out, an organization of LGBT West Point graduates, and helped found OutServe, the association of actively-serving LGBT military members.

As the Executive Director and co-founder of Knights Out, and Communications Director for OutServe, Fulton was a key player in the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

In 2011, President Obama appointed her as the first openly gay member of the West Point Board of Visitors. She married her longtime partner, Penny Gnesin, at the Cadet Chapel at West Point on December 1, 2012.

Sue and Penny live in Asbury Park, NJ.

Job Announcement – Faith Organizer for Marriage Equality

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey in collaboration with New Jersey United for Marriage, is offering a full-time 3-4 month organizing position to bring about Marriage Equality in New Jersey by the end of this legislative session (January 2014).  The position description is below, and may also be downloaded here.  Priority will be given to applications received by Sept. 6.   Please distribute as widely and as quickly as you can to anyone interested.  For more information, I can be contacted below.

Thank you for your help,
Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ
(609) 672-7331

Job Announcement: Faith Organizer

New Jersey United for Marriage, the coalition of local, state and national organizations working to win the freedom to marry for all New Jersey families and the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ, a non-partisan, not-for-profit advocacy network of Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations of New Jersey which upholds UU values of justice, equality, and compassion by championing human dignity in public policy and legislation, are collaborating to offer the following position. Position Description

This is an immediate opening for a full-time Faith Organizer. The Faith Organizer will work as part of a dynamic field and outreach team and will be responsible for helping to manage the faith engagement program of NJUM. The Faith program focuses on work that builds strong relationships with clergy, people of faith and faith communities, supports organizing initiatives, and manages volunteer teams of people of faith. The Faith Organizer will work under the supervision of the Faith Director of NJUM and the Executive Director of the UULMNJ and will work closely with field staff to set goals, show broad support across denominations, and activate clergy and people of faith to lobby the legislature.


  • Grounding in the Unitarian Universalist faith and experience in faith organizing with the ability to understand UU social justice values, and be able to speak with authenticity in the UU faith community; affiliation with a UU congregation a plus.
  • Demonstrated experience in recruiting, motivating, and training volunteers and/ or paid staff.
  • Attention to measurable results. Grassroots lobbying experience, especially working with volunteers to produce constituent contacts is strongly desired.
  • Ability to be a team player and work in a highly collaborative, fast-paced environment.
  • Experience in grassroots organizing strongly desired, preferably within the faith community, including event production, 
coalition management and direct voter contact through door-to-door canvassing and phone banking.
  • Curiosity about all aspects of the LGBT community. Prior experience working in LGBT community is strongly desired.
  • Top-notch “people skills,” including excellent oral and written communication skills, are a must.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Work with the UULMNJ Marriage Equality task force and through UU congregations and volunteers to expand marriage equality support in local targeted communities.
  • Work with local faith leaders to lobby elected officials around marriage equality through constituent meetings, phone calling, visibility events, etc.
  • Work with Faith Director to implement a multi-faith outreach strategy designed to engage people of faith and increase support for marriage equality with legislators.
  • Accurately track and assess leader and volunteer engagement.
  • Help field team research and understand elected officials faith concerns regarding marriage equality, work with Faith staff, faith volunteers and field staff to address these concerns through constituent meeting, visibility events, faith specific communications strategies, etc.

Other requirements:

  • Ability to work evenings and weekends
  • Valid Driver’s License and reliable transportation

Send cover letter and resume electronically to: Amelia Nugent at
Priority given to applications received by Sept. 6, 2013.

The position is open to all qualified applicants regardless of race, age, gender, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, partisan and religious affiliations, etc. Women, people of color and members of the LGBTQ community are strongly encouraged to apply.

March on Washington – August 24

From Standing on the Side of Love

On Saturday, August 24th, activists from all over the country will gather in Washington, DC to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic I Have A Dream speech.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down part of the Voting Rights Act and the acquittal of George Zimmerman for Trayvon Martin’s death, it has become clear that our work for racial justice and equity in the country is far from finished. Rev. Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III have called this “National Action to Realize the Dream” to galvanize the American people to take action.

UUSC: Social Justice Opportunities for Your Congregation

From the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee:

UUSC is committed to providing you with engaging opportunities for your congregation and its members to advance justice in the year ahead. If you are already starting to look at your congregation’s activities for August and early September, here are some helpful resources and upcoming events:

2013–2014 Calendar of Social Justice Opportunities: UUSC’s action calendar, running through July 2014, explains the how individuals and congregations can connect with UUSC’s justice work at different points in the year. We will continue to update these resources as new opportunities become available. When you begin planning for the upcoming months, please take a look at the calendar to see how your congregation can participate in UUSC’s work.

Water Communion: Does your congregation practice water communion or another water ritual in August or September? If so, this is a chance to raise awareness that access to safe, clean, affordable water for basic needs is a human right — and that many people around the world are being denied that right. During your congregation’s water ritual, consider symbolically pouring an empty vessel into the communal bowl and making a simple statement such as the following: “This container, empty of water, reminds us of all who lack access to safe and affordable water.” (See more sample statements from congregations around the country.)

If you make a place in water communion to recognize water as a human right this year, please let us know.

Guest at Your Table: Watch for a Guest at Your Table planning packet coming by mail in early September — expect exciting congregational program updates as well as a special anniversary incentive as Guest at Your Table approaches its 40th year.

And this year, we are also introducing a new online fundraising feature for participants in Guest at Your Table!

Guest at Your Table is an annual fundraising and education program that supports UUSC’s human rights work. Guest at Your Table raises awareness of human rights leaders around the world who are working closely with UUSC to advance social justice. By sharing stories about these grassroots leaders and raising money for UUSC, you can welcome these leaders to be your “guests” — in your lives, homes, and congregations.