Get Out and Vote

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) wants to remind our fellow UUs and like-minded citizens that this is an important Election Year in the State of New Jersey. In the coming months, we will have three elections in which we will select a United States Senator and then our Governor and State Legislators, as well as vote on a referendum concerning increasing the minimum wage. The UULMNJ does not endorse candidates or take a position on the referendum. However, as Unitarian Universalists, it is both an important civic duty and an expression of our UU values to participate in the electoral process. Here is how you can do that:

When are the Elections? There are actually three different election days coming up over the next three months:

  • August 13th: The Primary to select the candidates to replace the late Senator Frank Lautenberg.
  • October 16th: The Election Day for U.S. Senator only.
  • November 5th: General Election Day, where the Governor, State Senate and State Assembly will be selected and the minimum wage referendum will be either approved or voted down.

What if I am not registered to vote? It is easy to register to vote. You must submit your registration form 21 days before the election (so it is too late to register for the August 13th Primary), and there is time to register for the other two elections. The UULMNJ Liaisons should have the Statewide Registration Form in their UULMNJ Resource Boxes they received this past year.  However, it is generally preferable to register in the County where you live. Such a form can be obtained at the office of your Municipal Clerk or printed out from the State website:

Can I Vote by Mail? Do you know that you don’t have to go to the polls any more? Anyone can vote by mail. You don’t need a reason. You just need to file a Vote By Mail Application, which must be received by your County Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election. That form can be obtained from your Municipal Clerk or printed out from the State website:  A voter may also apply in person to the County Clerk until 3:00 p.m., the day before the election.

What Else Can I Do? Although the UULMNJ has no organized activities planned for this election, there are many ways to get involved. You could volunteer through the League of Women Voters, through your local political organizations, through the various candidates’ committees or through the many advocacy groups that are supporting candidates on one side or another on the minimum wage referendum. Working on an election, either in registering voters or working for a candidate or issue in which you believe, can be a gratifying way to bring your values and beliefs to the greater community.

Download this as a flyer to post for your congregation

New Jersey Comes Together for Marriage Equality – Training on June 26, Rally on June 27

The Supreme Court just struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and upheld the lower court ruling against proposition 8 (on a technicality, but still good for CA).  New Jersey still has it’s work to do, but this certainly helps.

Two important notices:

  • Come to Trenton at 11:30am on Thursday, June 27 for a rally on the capital steps.  We need LOTS of bodies.  There are times to take off work for a cause, and this is one of them. We need to demonstrate how many people feel so strongly about Marriage Equality in NJ.  Wear you Standing on the Side of Love tees if you have them. This will be a huge press event.
  • There is a marriage equality lobbying training on June 26 at the Summit congregation, 4 Waldron Ave, Summit,NJ.  This event is being co-sponsored by the ACLU and Summit church.  It is at 7 PM. Please come to be trained.  Lobbying will a major focus over the next few months as we work to overturn the Governor’s veto.

UUA President Issues Statement on Historic Decisions on Marriage Equality
June 26, 2013

The Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), issued this statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decisions on marriage equality:

“Today, the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court of our country, stood on the side of love with its decision in United States v. Windsor declaring that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment.

This is a proud and momentous day for all who have suffered under this law and felt discrimination based on their sexual orientation. It is a victory for the principle that civil rights belong to all.

In the Proposition 8 case of Hollingsworth v. Perry, the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal over same-sex marriage on jurisdictional grounds, essentially paving the way for marriage equality in California.

While I am disappointed that the Supreme Court did not declare the freedom to marry as a constitutionally-protected “equal protection” right that would apply to all states, I applaud this historic step towards equality.

The Unitarian Universalist Association joined two amicus curiae briefs in these cases with other religious organizations in support of marriage equality. In both cases, the UUA argued that a broad cross-section of religious denominations recognize the dignity of lesbian and gay people and their relationships, recognize the necessary distinction between civil and religious marriage, and recognize that civil marriages of same-sex couples will not impinge upon religious beliefs or practices, but rather will prevent one set of religious beliefs from being imposed on others through civil law.

Unitarian Universalists have been vocal supporters of marriage equality for decades.  I thank them for their dedicated commitment to our Unitarian Universalist principle of affirming the worth and dignity of every person.

There is still so much work to be done to ensure equal protection for all who live and love in our country. As we know, marriage equality strengthens families, protects children, and ensures the basic rights of citizenship for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender couples.

It remains my fervent hope that soon marriage equality is afforded to all in this country. Unitarian Universalists will continue to stand on the side of love with all families.”

UULMNJ Joins ACLU as Plantiff in Church/State Separation Suit

After careful consideration, the UULMNJ board has decided to be a plaintiff in a church/state separation case against the Secretary of Higher Education and the State Treasurer of New Jersey.  The suit was filed on Monday, June 24th.   Other plaintiffs are the ACLU and a private citizen.

ACLU news release

UUA resolution concerning public education, religious liberty, and the separation of church and state.

Our UULMNJ position is as follows:

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) represents Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout the state of New Jersey.  The organization is part of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations  (UUA) that represents Unitarian Universalist congregations throughout the United States.  Unitarian Universalists have stood for the separation of church and state for centuries, passing six national resolutions to that effect since 1961.  Specifically, Unitarian Universalism opposes all forms of direct and indirect public aid to support sectarian private schools and upholds the principle enunciated by the United States Supreme Court that all levels of government must remain respectfully neutral with regard to all religions.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey recognizes and respects the importance of education and training of clergy and faith leaders in all faith traditions.   The use of New Jersey public education bond funds in support of faith institutions violates the very important separation of government and religion that is guaranteed by the Constitution of the State of New Jersey.  When the government financially supports certain religious groups, it awards privileges to some and thereby discriminates against others, giving undue influence of one faith over another.  This practice also magnifies the influence of the said privileged faith community in the democratic process and the potential influence of government involvement in that religious community.  The resulting co-mingling of influence threatens the very principle of religious freedom and democratic process.

Therefore, the purpose of this suit is not to place limits on the funding of two faith institutions, but to ensure the freedom of all faiths.  Specifically, the Unitarian Unversalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey is a plaintiff in this suit because the awarding of the Education Bond funds as proposed will violate our principles in the following ways:

  1. It is a clear violation of our protections guaranteed by New Jersey Constitution
  2. It threatens religious freedom of all faiths by privileging a few with government support
  3. It diverts designated public taxpayer funds away from programs that should be benefitting all New Jersey citizens.

Thank you for your constant and continued support as we uphold our UU Values.

Summer – Time Needed for Rest and Reflection

First, I would like to dedicate the work we do to the late Senator Frank Lautenberg.  Sen. Lautenberg was a New Jersey son from humble beginnings who understood what it meant to govern.  He understood the responsibilities of a government responsive to the pressing needs of its people and dedicated his life to addressing those needs.  He set an exemplary model for every senator who will follow him.  His presence in New Jersey will be missed, but as we continue to benefit from his legacy, he will live on in our hearts.  Rest in peace Sen. Lautenberg and thank you.

There was a time not too long ago when summertime was a time for rest and relaxation, a time for reflection and renewal.   Rest, relaxation, reflection and renewal are all imperative to being a truly grounded social advocate.  What we do is important, and how we are able to be present as we stand for our beliefs is equally important.  Our work is not a microwaveable process.  We are long haul people and to sustain that effort, there needs to be time for rest and reflection.

This fall will be a busy one. Immigration reform, minimum wage, marriage equality, fracking, just to name a few.  You will see the beginnings of organizing this summer for many of these issues and it is all very compelling.  Please take time to take care of yourself and rest.  May you have a peaceful and relaxing summer.

UULMNJ Annual Meeting – New Board Members Elected

New Board Members Elected at UULMNJ Annual Meeting

About 70 UUs gathered in Titusville at the UU Church at Washington Crossing to carry out the business of the UULMNJ and the UULMNJ Public Policy Network.  New board members were elected, the 2013 – 2014 budget was adopted, and the past year’s highlights and accomplishments were reviewed.  Annual reports from Rev. Craig and the task forces, as well as other materials included in the participants’ packets, are posted on the UULMNJ website.

Rev. Bob Moore, Executive Director of the Coalition for Peace Action, gave an energizing keynote address.  He reminded us of the importance of putting our faith into action for to bring about a halt in gun violence, and for other issues that speak to us.

New members were elected to serve on the UULMNJ Board of Trustees, effective July 1, 2013:

  • Nick Lewis (Montclair)
  • Lorraine (Missy) Staples (Somerset Hills)
  • Doug Cocuzza (Sussex Co)
  • Rev. Allison Miller, (Morristown)
  • Judy Strackan (Montclair)

Continuing to serve on the board will be Rev. Virginia Jarocha-Ernst (Monmouth Co), Rev. Kathleen Green (Ridgewood), Frances Prestianni (Princeton), Gail Marsh Saxer (Ocean Co), and our youth representative Adam Green (Ridgewood).

Rohn Hein, Elaine Nigam, and Lynne Quinto, and Rev. Charles Ortman, four of our founding members, are ending their terms on the board.   Their contributions to UULMNJ and ULMNJPPN have been monumental in establishing and guiding our organization. We will miss their board participation, but are heartened to know that they will continue helping in many ways.

Annual Meeting Materials

Executive Director’s Report

Environment Task Force Annual Report

Gun Violence Prevention Annual Report

Immigration Reform Task Force Annual Report

Marriage Equality Task Force Annual Report

UULMNJ Hires New Administrator

UULMNJ bid farewell to our first administrator, Leanne McGowan, at the end of April, following her decision to pursue other interests.

We are pleased to announce the recent hiring of our new administrator Tara Wildhagen.  We received applications from several well-qualified individuals, but Tara’s technical skills and enthusiasm and commitment to what we are doing set her apart from the rest.  Tara was most recently a research analyst at the City University of New York, and came to us as she was looking for part-time work in conjunction with starting her own business.  Welcome Tara!

Marriage Equality Rally at District Meeting

Marty Rothfelder (Summit) and Toby Tyler (Morristown), and Rev. Alison Miller (Morristown), along with Rev. Craig, coordinated a Marriage Equality Rally, held on Morristown Green on May 3 in conjunction with the UU Metro District Annual Meeting.  Under the initiative of several NJ UU congregations, delegates also approved a resolution supporting marriage equality.

Watch a YouTube video of the rally: .

Immigration Reform Forum – April 21

SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1-2:30 PM
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Princeton 50 Cherry Hill Road, Princeton

The Forum will explore through dialog and presentations the immigration issues of paths to citizenship, labor conditions, employer verification systems, border security, and visa backlogs.


  • Lou Kimmel, co-founder of New Labor, a workers rights organization
  • Marisol Conde-Hernandez from the New Jersey DREAM Act Coalition
  • Ted Fetter, chair of the Immigration Task Force of the Legislative Ministry

The forum will be moderated by Ted Fetter, chair of the Immigration Task Force of the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey.

The Forum is sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ and the UU Congregatin of Princeton Social Justice Committee.

UULMNJ Seeks Admin. Asst.

The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of New Jersey (UULMNJ) is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant to begin no later than April 1.  Duties of the position include but are not limited to:

  • Administrative support
  • Assist with Board, plenary and issues workshop preparation
  • Attendance at annual Plenary Conference and Issues Workshop
  • Organizational and donor data keeping
  • Maintaining organization files
  • Social media maintenance (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Assist in preparation of Salsa advocacy materials and congregational alerts

Qualifications:  Previous office administration experience; good office organizing skills; knowledge of Facebook and social media; strong technical skills; basic Salsa and computer graphics are helpful.

This person needs to be able to work independently.

Compensation:   $15 /hour  10 hours/week

Resumes should be submitted to:

Rev. Craig Hirshberg, Executive Director
Contact:  609.672.7331

Applications may be submitted until March 30, 2013.

Please help us and post the job description in your congregation.

The Unitarian Universalist Ministry of New Jersey, a Public Policy Network of New Jersey’s 21 UU congregations, provides a comprehensive structure, network and resources to empower the moral voice and actions of our Unitarian Universalist principles and values in the public arena.  UULMNJ engages in impacting social justice and public policy issues important to our state through Education, Research, Advocacy, Witness, and Service. UULMNJ works to facilitate communications among the NJ UU congregations and aims to be a resource to encourage and strengthen their social justice programs.  UULMNJ is an equal opportunity employer.

Supported in part by a grant from the UU Funding Program

Annual Meeting – April 20

Saturday, April 20, 9:00am – 2:00pm

Hosted by the UU Church at Washington Crossing
(see for directions)

Featuring a keynote address by Rev. Robert Moore:

“The Faith Community’s Role in Preventing Gun Violence”

The Rev. Robert Moore, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, has served since 1981 as the Executive Director of the Princeton, NJ-based Coalition for Peace Action, a regional organization dedicated to abolition of nuclear weapons, a peace economy, and a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.  Since 1989, he has also served as part-time Pastor of East Brunswick Congregational Church.  Rev. Moore contributed the preface and first chapter of the book Breaking Silence: Pastoral Approaches to Creating an Ethos of Peace (August, 2004 from Pilgrim Process).  He has traveled widely in his various peacemaking ministry roles, including trips to Hiroshima and Nagaski, the former Soviet Union, Germany, Scandinavia, Greece, Holland, Canada, and Mexico.

Please join us at the 2013 UULMNJ annual meeting:

  • UUs from all over New Jersey will be gathering to discuss past and future actions on key issues.
  • Delegates from Affiliated Congregations will be voting on the new budget and members of the Board of Trustees.
  • A great opportunity to meet in person with justice leaders from other congregations.

Check-in starts at 9:000am with coffee and bagels; the meeting will begin promptly at 9:30am.

There will be a working lunch provided.  We rely on your donations to cover the cost of food and materials for this event.

Download a flyer for your congregation.


Register online at

or Contact us at 609-672-7331 or

Check back for more details, coming soon!