Webinar – March 27

The Impact of the Citizens United Decision on the Democratic Process
Featured speaker Greg Nagy

The disparity between the rich and the middle class is greater, and upward mobility lower, in the US than in any other major industrialized country in the world. There are now 45 million Americans living below the poverty line, the most in 50 years.  Undisclosed Super Pac spending is already swaying voters in the primaries. Does this sound like democracy in action to you?

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission was a 2010 Supreme Court decision that allowed unlimited corporate and union spending in elections, leading to the creation of so-called super PACs that cannot contribute to candidates but can spend money they raise to support or defeat them.

Recognized expert, published author, lecturer and longtime UU, Greg Nagy was formerly the Legal Director of the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission, where he received its lifetime achievement award.  He also served as Deputy Attorney General, Department of Law and Public Safety.

Please check back for more details on viewing the webinar with your congregation.

Marriage Equality Passes

Congratulations!  As you have probably heard by now, after prevailing in the Senate earlier this week, marriage equality legislation passed the Assembly 42 – 33 yesterday.  This was a huge victory for several reasons.

It withstood incredible pressure and backroom lobbying from the governor’s office, and  it gives us two years to find the votes needed to override a veto.  But most importantly, there is a court case pending questioning the equality of civil unions.  When the court considers the legality of a legislative action, it tries to interpret the intention of the legislature.  This has provided a clear statement about the intention of the legislature which should dramatically help the court case.  So, we have two fronts on which to pursue Marirage Equality in New Jersey.
Yesterday, several people had told me how wonderful Unitarian Universalists were.  I was told that legislators commented on our letters and emails.  I don’t know how many letters, emails and petition names we gathered, but I’m sure it was in the thousands.
Again, I want to thank everyone who helped build this historical time in the history of New Jersey.
UU’s are awesome!
With great appreciation,
Rev. Craig

Princeton: Health Insurance Exchange Forum – Feb. 26

What is the NJ Health Insurance Exchange and What Does It Mean for You?

A Forum on NJ Health Insurance Exchanges will be held on Sunday, February 26 after the second service at 12:30 pm in Fahs Theatre at the Princeton UU congregation.  The national Affordable Care Act requires the implementation of an Exchange in each state during 2014 to assist individuals and small employers in purchasing health insurance.

This Forum will discuss what a Health Insurance Exchange is and how it operates.  An Exchange gives the opportunity for lowering health care costs and allowing consumers to make better decisions on their health insurance.  Learn what the options are for states and the actions that NJ is taking.

The Forum is sponsored by the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey in cooperation with the NJ Citizen Action Health Care Campaign.

Marriage Equality Bills Introduced

In the new legislative session beginning in January 2012, the very first bills posted in the Assembly and Senate (A.1 and S.1 respectively) would establish marriage equality in New Jersey.

Check back for more information – we’ll keep you posted.

A Senate hearing is being held on Tuesday, January 24 at 11:00am in the State House in Trenton.  Join fellow UULMNJ members at the hearing – make sure to get there early!

You can also contact your legislators, see  www.njleg.state.nj.us/ for contact information.

And let us know if you would like to be part of our Marriage Equality Task Force, at director@uulmnj.org.

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday evening, January 16, I was  participating in a conference call with our congregational liaisons.   I mentioned a reading, a sermon by Martin Luther King, Jr. I heard at the Summit MLK service.  I thought I would pass it on to you.  Although it was written 50 years ago, it still rings true.


Paul’s Letter to American Christians
– Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, on 4 November 1956


And here’s an article from the local press, Unitarians to Read MLK Speech January 16


– Rev. Craig Hirshberg

Health Insurance Exchange Forum at UU Princeton

What is the NJ Health Insurance Exchange and What Does It Mean for You?

A Forum on NJ Health Insurance Exchanges will be held on Sunday, February 26 after the second service at 12:30 pm in Fahs Theatre at the UU Congregation of Princeton, located at 50 Cherry Hill Road in Princeton.

The national Affordable Care Act requires the implementation of an Exchange in each state during 2014 to assist individuals and small employers in purchasing health insurance.  This Forum will discuss what a Health Insurance Exchange is and how it operates.  An Exchange gives the opportunity for lowering health care costs and allowing consumers to make better decisions on their health insurance.  Learn what the options are for states and the actions that NJ is taking.

The Forum is sponsored by the UU Legislative Ministry of New Jersey in cooperation with the NJ Citizen Action Health Care Campaign.

Statements on Occupy Wall Street and a Faithful Budget

UUA President the Rev. Peter Morales issued a statement on Occupy Wall Street and accompanying protests around the country. The statement says, in part: “Unitarian Universalism embodies a long tradition of working for economic justice and workers’ rights. Today is another opportunity for us to live our faith, and the Occupy protests are a first step on the road to repairing our country. “I reach out to Unitarian Universalists everywhere to consider how you might be of service to any among us who are struggling to provide for their families, those who have been cheated and abused by financial institutions, and all those whose backs ache under a burden of debt, unemployment, and fading hope. Let the world see the power of our faith in action.” http://www.uua.org/news/pressroom/pressreleases/188405.shtml.

UUA Witness Ministries Director the Rev. Craig Roshaven also issued a statement on Occupy Wall Street announcing his participation in a national prayer vigil –  a Super Vigil – urging the Congressional Super Committee to develop a proposal for a “faithful budget.”

Read a sermon by the Rev. Charles Ortman, of the Unitarian Universalist Church at Monclair, “Occupy Main Street.”

Read the statement recently issued by UULMNJ’s Economic Justice Task Force.

Health Care Task Force Update – Nov. 2011

On October 11, Health Care Task Force Chair Carolyn Baldacchini attended a Medical Advisory Council meeting at the NJ State offices of the Dept. of Health and Human Services.   Commissioner Jennifer Valez and members of her staff were at the meeting to discuss the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver that the State of New Jersey had applied for.

Members of the Medical Advisory Council and the audience expressed many concerns with the waiver.  We were the only religious organization at the meeting, and many appreciated our presence.  Many said that individual letters, as well as one from Rev. Craig Hirshberg, would be meaningful.

The task force also sent letters to the State of NJ and the Center for Medicaid and Medicare, explaining our concerns with the Section 1115 Comprehensive Waiver application.  The letters reflected our beliefs and how we wished to see a waiver be used.

Environmental Justice Council Starting in Metro NY District

From the NY Metro District:

The Metro NY District is starting our our Environmental Justice Council. The primary purpose of this Council is to educate UU leaders in global, regional, and local environmental justice issues. By gathering and training members of each congregation, we hope to concentrate our efforts at community organizing and begin to impact the critical issues of our day.

Environmental Justice identifies ecological issues as they relate to questions of race and class. To address these issues adequately, our District’s Racial and Social Justice Consultant, the Rev. Peggy Clarke, and Right Relations Consultant, Dr. Frances Sink, have partnered to educate, organize, and empower our congregations to address these complex and critical issues.

The Environmental Justice Council will have its first meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2012, at the First Unitarian Society of Westchester in Hastings on Hudson NY at 10:30 am. We are asking every congregation to send at least one representative to this meeting.

The Council will meet three times in 2012; one of those sessions will center on the nationally acclaimed GreenFaith Environmental Justice Tour in the Ironbound section of Newark NJ.

If you have questions, please contact either Dr. Frances Sink at frances.sink@gmail.com or the Rev. Peggy Clarke at pclarke@uuma.org. RSVP before January 10.

No Fracking Rally – Nov. 21

Late breaking news: The Delaware River Basin Commission’s November 21, 2011 vote has been cancelled.  The vote was to seek approval of regulations that would have allowed shale gas drilling (fracking) in the Delaware River Basin.  The cancellation is the second time the vote has been put off.  This time it is believed to be in response to an announcement by the Governor of Delaware that he would vote against the regulatory/drilling proposal.  There will still be a rally in Trenton on November 21.  http://www.delawareriverkeeper.org or www.fwwatch.org for more information on the day’s events.

Rohn Hein is serving as the point person for UULMNJers attending the rally.