New! View latest UU FaithAction NJ Action Alerts!

Do you need to reference an Action Alert that was deleted from your computer?  Or would you like access to the information to pass along to other like-minded individuals?  Now there is an easy way to access past Alerts!  Click on the following link and you will be directed to the most recent Action Alerts issued by UU Faith Action NJ.

Mobilizing for Electoral Change: UU Association (UUA) Webinar

From our “Love Resists!” partners at our denominational HQ, the Unitarian Universalist Association and UU Service Committee, this webinar series.

Please join us on Thursday, July 12th at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT for a Webinar on UUs Mobilizing Towards Electoral Justice: Strategizing for the 2018 Mid-Terms & Beyond.You will hear from Adam Eichen, democracy strategist and activist and co-author of Daring Democracy (Beacon Press 2017), one of this year’s UUA Common Reads. UUA justice staff, UU State Action Networks, and UUSJ (UUs for Social Justice: Your Voice in the Capitol) will join him. Please RSVP here

Red Hot UU Minute !

Introducing our new monthly e-newsletter: The Red Hot Minute.  Why “red hot?”  Because it provides our supporters with a short, focused overview of the hottest social justice issues facing New Jersey.

We hope you will scan through the article titles and short descriptions, following the links to go deeper on a subject that catches your eye.

Registration for Plenary April 21st

Registration for April Plenary is now open! We hope you will join us for the annual UU FaithAction NJ business meeting and social justice advocacy sessions across our 6 Issues Areas: Environment, Economics, Immigration, Gun Violence Prevention, Criminal Justice Reform and Reproductive Justice.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

(Updated by vote of the Board of Trustees Sept. 2017)

Grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith, we are confronting systemic injustice and building a more compassionate society in New Jersey by:

Educating ourselves and others on social and political issues
Mobilizing individuals and congregations to act for justice
Advocating for equitable and sustainable public policy

Thanks to the ongoing participation and financial support of our 21 member congregations and individual donors, UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that both makes a real difference on issues of equity and justice, but also helps us build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state.

Vision Statement

We envision a just New Jersey free from systemic oppression and greed, full of engaged people committed to each other, to our communities, and to the earth.

For the Press

Please direct all press inquiries to:
Rev. Rob Gregson, Executive Director
Phone: (973) 908-0211
Click image to view PDF

UU FaithAction NJ coordinates grassroots advocacy and works to establish public policy that is consistent with Unitarian Universalist principles and purposes. We put this into practice by letter writing and providing testimony to legislators, grassroots lobbying and providing witness.

Thanks to the ongoing participation and financial support of our 21 member congregations and individual donors, UU FaithAction provides both the advocacy and legislative leadership that makes a real difference on issues of equity and justice and also helps build wider alliances between front-line communities, advocacy groups, legislators and key coalitions across the state.

UU FaithAction NJ takes a leadership role on three important statewide initiatives, all of which have been shared nationwide with other UU State Advocacy Networks, as models for UU social justice organizing:

  • All Faiths Justice Alliance (formerly Local Policing/Black Lives Matter) Congregational Toolkit
  • Legal Advocacy Project (LAP)
  • State Sanctuary Challenge

Current Task Force issues include Environmental Justice, Criminal Justice, Immigration Reform, Reproductive Justice, Gun Violence Prevention, and Economic Justice.

For more information, please read our flyer, “Why UU FaithAction Matters.”

UU FaithAction NJ in the News

January 23, 2018
A measure to restore state funding for family planning services is making its way through the New Jersey legislature. On January 23, 2018, Rev. Rob Gregson, Executive Director of UU FaithAction NJ, was quoted on WBGO FM radio:
“We want to stand as a religious faith voice to say that we think women’s reproductive needs need to fully addressed and fully funded in a way that they haven’t been in the last eight years in this state.”

Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal Justice Reform Task Force Chair:
Tom Moran (Morristown UU Fellowship)

As Unitarian Universalist, we believe the American criminal justice system is one that uses mechanisms of racial and social control that conflict with our UU principles, including: justice, equity and compassion in human relations; the inherent worth and dignity of every person; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.

The racial dimension of mass incarceration is its most striking feature. Here in New Jersey, Black people make up approximately 15% of the population, yet 59% of the prison population.  White people make up only 22% of the prison population.

At the annual UU FaithAction New Jersey Issues Conference, the Criminal Justice Reform task force identifies key areas of focus.  We then work with other organizations and coalitions around the state to advocate for laws and regulations that hold the promise of impacting the forces that fuel incarceration and that create inhumane conditions within our corrections facilities.

Click on the links for each of the priorities below to learn more about the issues, our coalition partners, related legislation, and to find other resources, including our “fact sheets” (position papers):

Criminal Justice Reform Books, Ted Talks, Podcasts