YUUR Voice in Trenton: Dec 2014

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO OUR UULMNJ FAMILY!  The heart of UULMNJ is found in the hard work of our volunteers and advocates.  As we come to the end of another calendar year, the UULMNJ staff and Board sends deepest thanks to you for all of your efforts.  2014 was a great success for UUs in New Jersey because of you!  May you have a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year!

SAVE THE DATE! April 18, 2015 is our annual meeting.  This year’s meeting will be held at UU Congregation at Montclair.  You won’t want to miss the keynote address by Junius Williams. Listed among Ebony’s “100 Most Influential Blacks in America,” Junius Williams is a prominent attorney, educator, and advocate.  His memoir “Unfinished Agenda: Urban Politics in the Era of Black Power”, which released in January, is an account of activism that combines “ivy-league sophistication and street smarts”.  Former Mayor of Detroit and National Bar Association president, Dennis Archer, calls it a book that “should be required reading for people who care about their communities and have either a sense of hopelessness or a burning desire to bring about positive change where they live.”

YUUR Voice Television Series will premiere on Princeton Community Television this Thursday, December 25 at 7:00 p.m.!  Catch this and other episodes every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.  You can also view each episode on the UULMNJ YouTube Channel.  Find links to classroom study guides in the description of each YouTube video.

“Black Lives Matter” has found a voice with Standing on the Side of Love.  Many New Jersey congregations have taken to the streets in solidarity following the decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner deaths. UULMNJ encourages everyone to stand in support of justice.  However, it is very difficult for UULMNJ to ascertain all of the activities of the state-wide events.  Please reach out to your congregation to find ways to get involved.

Congratulations to UULMNJ! We recently received a grant from the UU Funding Program.  The $12,000 grant comes with an additional $4600 matching grant and will be utilized to support UULMNJ programs and administration.   Any new contributions will be matched with this grant, essentially doubling your donation!  Please consider giving to UULMNJ this holiday season to help us reach our match goal.


YUUR Voice in Trenton: Oct. 2014

UULMNJ’s 2014 Fall Issues Conference, held Sept 27 at CUC (Paramus) was a huge success, with over 100 attendees representing sixteen of NJ’s UU congregations. Thank you to all who came out to help make the day a success, and a special thanks to our friends at the Paramus Congregation.    ACLU-NJ executive director, Udi Ofer was the keynote speaker (watch it here).  Task forces convened and set this year’s priority agenda:

  • Environmental Protection:  Environmental Sustainability with a goal of 80% renewable energy by 2050, wind energy, and fracking;
  • Economic Justice:  Affordable Housing with a focus on container housing and strengthening the partnership with the Anti Poverty Network;
  • Immigration: Partnering with First Friends ; an collaborative congregational film series; wage theft and drivers licenses for documented workers;
  • Criminal Justice Reform (Mass Incarceration):  Advocacy and Education, concerning passing of Ballot Question One, parole reform and marijuana decriminalization;
  • Healthcare and Reproductive Justice: Safe Access to Reproductive Health Services through education, buffer zone safety, and Medicaid expansion. Researching intimate partner violence.

Come To Trenton October 27, Noon:  Moral Monday Rally to “Stop the Mass Incarceration of Our People,” New Jersey State House, 125 W. State Street at 12, noon. Join UU Congregations of NJ and other concerned citizens.

Get Out and Vote on Nov. 4:  Ballot Question One:  Eliminating the requirement for bail can be a good thing.  A constitutional amendment must be passed to enact the NJ bail reform legislation passed and signed this past summer.   Your vote will determine the fate of bail reform in New Jersey.  Please get out and vote on Question 1.  For more details on this important question, please read the Star Ledger column by UULMNJ Exec. Director Rev. Craig Hirshberg here.

Are you receiving UULMNJ Action Alerts?  If not, send your email address to admin@uulmnj.org and we will get you on our UULMNJ list.

YUUR Voice in Trenton: Sept. 2014

Welcome back to the congregational year!  The year is kicking off with a bang!  We hope you can join us at these important upcoming events.

The People’s Climate March, “the largest climate march in history”, will take place in New York City on Sunday, September 21.  UUs will be gathering at 10:30 at 58th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues wearing Standing on the Side of Love gear.  Does your congregation have plans to attend the march?  Let us know on our Facebook page where you can find more event info!

Our Annual Fall Issues Workshop will be held on Saturday, September 27.  Registration is open through the 22nd.  This year’s keynote speaker is ACLU New Jersey executive director, Udi Ofer.  You will also have an opportunity to discuss and set task force focus issues and meet other social action UUs from around the state.  Plus, get a sneak peek at the new UULMNJ cable access series!

October is Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, and the Criminalization of Youth.  Many congregations have scheduled events or partnered with local organizations.  If this is a cause you are passionate about, consider joining our Criminal Justice Reform – Ending the New Jim Crow Task Force.  What is your congregation doing? We want to hear from you!

Are you signed up?  Do you want more information about upcoming events, local legislation, and action alerts? Join our mailing list TODAY and follow us on Facebook and Twitter @UULMNJ.

YUUR Voice in Trenton: July 2014

Thank you! It has been a busy and successful legislative year for the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ. We thank all of our advocates for their hard work and dedication over the past months. We have two bills that have passed both houses and await the Governor’s signature:

  •     The Opportunity to Compete Act was passed on June 26 by both branches of the NJ Legislature.  This bill will allow the estimated one in four New Jersey adults with a criminal record to fairly compete for work based on merit by requiring the majority employers to wait until after the first interview to ask about an applicant’s criminal background. With the Governor’s anticipated signature, New Jersey will become the thirteenth state to pass such a law.
  •     The Fracking Waste Ban bill, S1041 still needs our help! This bill would prohibit the treatment, disposal, and storage of waste produced by hydraulic fracking in the state of New Jersey. Contact Governor Christie today and tell him to keep New Jersey water clean and safe!

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to have S946, a bill reducing gun magazine capacity from 15 to 10 rounds. The bill was passed by both houses but was vetoed by the Governor.

GA Workshop: UULMNJ Executive Director, Rev. Craig Hirshberg, was a speaker for “Tools for Organizing,” a State Advocacy Networks workshop at General Assembly in Providence, Rhode Island. The workshop and materials were organized by UULMNJ in conjunction with other State Advocacy Networks (SANS). Rev. Hirshberg serves on the national SANS steering committee.

Legal Advocacy Project (LAP). The mission of the LAP program is to advocate through the New Jersey State and Federal Courts to advance cases that are consistent with the seven UU principles and that generally encompass at least one of the subject matters of the UUMNJ taskforces. Gary Nissenbaum has generously agreed to be our first legal director. UULMNJ would like to express its appreciation and gratitude for his inspiration and leadership!


UULMNJ ISSUES CONFERENCE IS September 27th at Paramus. Mark you calendar!

PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH is September 21 in New York City.

Watch UULMNJ notices for more information on both of these events.

ARE YOU SIGNED UP? Do you want to get more information about upcoming events, educational events, local legislation, and action alerts? Join our mailing list at www.uulmnj.org today! Also follow us on Facebook @UU Legislative Ministry of NJ and Twitter @UULMNJ!

YUUR Voice in Trenton: June 2014

Save the date for our 2014 Fall Issues Conference!  Udi Ofer, Executive Director of ACLU of New Jersey will be our Keynote Speaker on September 27, 2014.  This year’s conference will be held at Central Unitarian Church in Paramus, NJ.

June has been a very busy legislative month.  Here is a brief look at some of the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of NJ’s activities:

  •  After first being introduced to the Assembly on January 16, 2014 and to the Senate on January 27 bill A 2006 was passed by both houses on May 22, 2014 by a vote of 44-34.  The bill introduced sought to reduce maximum capacity of ammunition magazines from 15 to 10 rounds. Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee reported favorably March 13, 2014 and was passed by a 46-31-0 vote on March 20, 2014.  It was then referred to the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee where it was reported favorably after a 3-2 vote on May 5, 2014, with amendments.  The amended bill also designated a semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds as a prohibited assault firearm. The amended bill was passed by the Senate on May 12, 2014 by a vote of 22-17.  The 2nd reading was presented to the Assembly on May 15.
  • UULMNJ is also working with New Jersey Together, urging municipalities to only purchase guns from safe and responsible manufacturers and distributers.  For more information contact Diane Finn, task force chair, finnflynn@verizon.net.
  • An important bill for our new Criminal Justice: End the New Jim Crow task force, A1910/S946 was passed by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 5, 2014.  This bill implements a constitutional amendment providing for pretrial detention of certain criminal defendants; establishes non-monetary bail alternatives for release; and authorizes Judiciary to revise fees for certain legal programs and services.  The bill was passed out of the Assembly Judiciary Committee on June 12th. A number of amendments are expected and the bill will be on its way to the Governor’s desk.
  • Senate Bill 2124, better known as “The Opportunity to Compete Act,” passed the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 5, 2014.  As amended “The Opportunity to Compete Act” provides job applicants who have a criminal record with certain protections when they seek employment.  The bill specifically prohibits employers from inquiring about a job applicant’s criminal record during the initial employment application process.  1 in 4 New Jerseyans has a criminal record, many for non-violent crimes.  It is time to “ban the box” and give these citizens an opportunity to compete.
    Both A1910/S946 and S2124 bills have support in both houses and there is a strong possibility that they could be passed through this session.  For more information contact Task Force Chair Al, Stawsky alynways@gmail.com.
  • The time to visit your legislators regarding affordable housing is NOW!  June 5 was lobby day for poverty and affordable housing in Trenton.  Current key issues include the distribution of Sandy Relief Funds to help renters and to deal with vacant homes and homes on the verge of foreclosure.
  • June 12 was Fracking Waste Ban lobby day, with events taking place in Trenton all day. UULMNJ Exec. Dir. Rev. Craig Hirshberg was the opening speaker at the rally on the State House steps.   Contact Assembly Speaker Prieto at 877-844-5384 and urge him to make bill A2108 to ban the transport of fracking waste through NJ a priority before the end of this session.


UULMNJ Welcomes New Administrator and Summer Interns

  • UULMNJ is excited to announce the hiring of a new office administrator.  Laurice Grae, a member of the Montclair congregation, joined the staff June 1.  Laurice brings a great deal of talent and energy to the position.  She can be reached at admin@UULMNJ.org.
  • UU College of Social Justice has coordinated two interns for UULMNJ this summer.  Richelle Perry, from Missouri and Elana Cohen from Washington state will be living with local families and will be working on  task force research, rapid response development, and the development of an educational public access TV series.

UULMNJ is on Facebook and Twitter!  Get the most current information and help mobilize your favorite causes by following and “liking” us today!

YUUR Voice in Trenton: Mar 2014

UULMNJ is gearing up for the new legislative session. Here are a few of the highlights this month:

  • A new task force Criminal Justice: Ending the New Jim Crow was approved by the board at its February meeting. The chair is Al Stawsky from our Palisades congregation. If you would like to get involved on this active task force, contact Al at alynways@gmail.com. To view the UULMNJEnding Jim Crow policy brief,Go to the UULMNJ website www.uulmnj.org.
  • The immigration task force is launching a 1000 letter campaign to address the detention conditions in New Jersey. UU’s across the state are asked to sign letters at coffee hour during the month of March. The letters, addressed to Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security, will be collected at the April 5 plenary. After a news release is issued, the letters will be sent.
  • The Gun Violence Prevention Task force is supporting new proposed state legislation to reduce magazines to a maximum of ten rounds. It is also promoting resolutions within local town councils, requiring the town to purchase guns only from socially responsible gun manufacturers. Three Gun Violence Prevention educational events are being planned at Summit, with the capability of other congregations participating via teleconferencing. The dates are March 23, April 27 and May 18. Watch for more detailed information coming soon. For more GVP information, contact Diane Finn, chair at finnflynn@verizon.net
  • From our environmental task force: The Delaware River Basin Commission is meeting on March 11, and the Obama administration holds one of five key votes on the commission’s decision whether or not to allow fracking in the Delaware River Basin. Will you tell the president to shut the door on drilling in one of our best places” Go to http://www.webaction.org/site/R?i=AdyuMpSsQK_iSTHJGsfCsA to send your letter.
  • We had to say goodbye to our issues organizer, Jame deBoer. James left to become the full time minister of a UCC congregation in Livingston. We will miss him! We wish him the very best.

UULMNJ will be hosting its 5th Anniversary Annual Plenary Meeting on April 5 at the Princeton Congregation. The keynote speaker is Gordon MacInnes, President of New Jersey Policy Perspective. Each registrant will get a free copy of the 2014 League of Women Voters Guide. To register go to plenary14@uulmnj.org

YUUR Voice in Trenton: Jan 2014

YUUR Voice In Trenton

Happy New Year from UULMNJ.   New Jersey politics are always interesting and the most recent revelations of Bridgegate are no exception. The New Jersey Legislature is a little preoccupied right now with fact-finding investigations. But UULMNJ just keeps its coarse, focusing on the issues rather than the politics. And here is the latest:

  • A new Reproductive Justice sub committee is forming to address women’s health issues in New Jersey. If you are interested or can be a resource to this group, please email Rev. Kathleen Green, Chair to be included
  • A new Criminal Justice Reform: The New Jim Crow Task Force is forming to address mass incarceration and all that it entails. If you would like to join or be a resource to this task force, please email Al Stawsky, Chair alynways@gmail.com
  • You can now receive UULMNJ Action Alerts directly. If you haven’t received on already, it means you are not in our database. If you would like to receive these in the future, please send your contact information to admin@uulmnj.org and we will sign you up.
  • New Liaison Conference Call time: Our liaison conference calls are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8 PM. Each liaison should be receiving notices. If you are a liaison and are not receiving notifications from our Executive Director, please email Rev. Craig Hirshberg at director@uulmnj.org
  • And finally, Save the Date, APRIL 5, 2014 for the 5th Annual UULMNJ Plenary, at the Princeton Unitarian Universalist Church in Princeton. Mark your calendars today. More details will follow shortly.
  • If you find that UULMNJ involvement is calling your inner best self, give is a call 609.672.7331. We can always use more volunteers.

As the New Year begins, we would like to extend a note of gratitude to all the people around the state who supported UULMNJ over the past year. It is your work and involvement that makes UULMNJ possible.

In faith,

Rev. Craig Hirshberg
