Member congregations act, along with the task forces, as the action groups for UU FaithAction education and advocacy activities.
Our aim? For every congregation to have an active social justice liaison passing along essential information and serving as the key “point person” for UU FaithAction and their home congregation.
A congregational liaison will:
- Attend monthly (one-hour) congregational liaison calls on Zoom.
- Bring the work of UU FaithAction NJ to their home congregation, by relaying information and by coordinating a regular presence at coffee hour, Sunday morning worship, and/or congregational events.
- Bring social action news from their home congregation to our statewide network.
- Mobilize congregants by connecting them with our Task Forces, First Fridays Action Hour, and social action opportunities.
- Collaborate with their congregation’s Social Action Team (or Social Justice Committee), minister(s) and others to coordinate efforts.
- Notify our staff of changes in congregational leadership.
- Attend key annual events—the Fall Issues Conference and the Spring Annual Meeting—in-person or on Zoom.
Current Congregational Liaisons:
Baptistown First UU Fellowship of Hunterdon County
Liaison: Andrea Cavallaro
Bordentown Dorothea Dix Unitarian Universalist Community
Liaison: John DeMasi
Cherry Hill UU Church in Cherry Hill
Liaison: Rohn Hein
East Brunswick The Unitarian Society: A UU Congregation
Liaison: Cheri Tibberts
Hackettstown Skylands UU Fellowship
Liaison: Jen Palmer
Lanoka Harbor, Unitarian Universalist Ocean County Congregation
Liaison: Barry Bendar
Lincroft UU Congregation of Monmouth County
Liaison: Judy Stevens
Montclair The UU Congregation at Montclair
Liaison: Georgiana Hart
Morristown Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
seeking liaison
Newton UU Fellowship of Sussex County
Liaison: Christine Dunbar
Orange First UU Church of Essex County
Liaison: Bill Slezak
Paramus Central Unitarian Church
Liaison: Sally Gellert
Pomona UU Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Liaison: Kaulette Johnson
Princeton UU Congregation of Princeton
Liaison: Suzanne Apel
Ridgewood The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood
Liaisons: Ira Mendelsberg, Anita Young
Somerville UU Congregation of Somerset Hills
Liaison: Missy Staples
Summit Beacon – Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit
Liaison: Carol Satchell
Titusville Unitarian Universalist Church at Washington Crossing
Liaison: Michael Wilson
Wayne Lakeland UU Fellowship
Liaison: Carol Swift