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Gender, Justice and Reproductive Rights

December 3, 2022 @ 8:30 am

Fall Gathering 2022 | Gender Justice & Reproductive Rights Summit

The events of this year have highlighted the critical importance of speaking up for gender justice at the local, state, and national levels. The elimination of a Constitutional guarantee of full reproductive health and freedom has left women in multiple states unsure of what they will do in a wide range of scenarios, possibly criminalized for making necessary health care decisions and doing what they need to do for the sake of their own personal health and family’s survival.

What is the church’s theological response? How does the attack on reproductive freedom reflect and amplify the long-standing patriarchal agenda of minimizing the voice and power of women and non-gender conforming folks? What can communities do to condemn patriarchal and chauvinist violence, and center the needs of people who have experienced abuse and remain vulnerable to being abused?

These circumstances and questions have left many of us asking what can we do? What is the stance of the United Church of Christ? What are the resources available to us to respond to this moment in history. To help us answer some of these questions, provide information on what is happening in NY, in the Central Atlantic Conference, and at the UCC national level the NJ Association of the Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC is presenting Fall Meeting with a focus on Gender Justice.

We will be joined by the Associate General Minister of the UCC, leaders from the Central Atlantic Conference, and panelists and leaders from New Jersey. These leaders will share information and provide tools to educate, empower and inspire us to live out the message of Christ as it relates to loving and caring for our neighbors through gender justice.



NJ Association of the UCC
561 Springfield Ave
Summit, NJ 07901
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