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The Green New Deal: Exploring the Possible

June 6, 2019 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

t has been some time since we were in contact. You were very interested in information on environment and energy issues and came to several NFRPP programs. Perhaps you recall our program with the wonderful Jim Hansen at Bergen Community College and Kevin Trenberth at the Ridgewood Library and other important programs at Ridgewood High School (and other NJ high schools, colleges)and Fairleigh Dickinson University. In any case we wanted to get back in touch because we will be conducting a major educational event covering the ideas, vision, opportunities that may be possible with the recent Green New Deal resolution.
We recognize that a resolution is not legislation but the important thing is to have a discussion and see what is feasible and how to make progress. We have had decades of contention around climate change and the solutions. As a result, not much has been accomplished. With this New Green Deal resolution, we can put aside our differences, bias, fears of change and explore what the possibilities for legislation might be. This is an opportunity. This is not the time to obstruct and deny. It is a time to share, dialogue and see what can be done.
We invite you to attend the NFRPP upcoming program on June 6th 7:30pm at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Hackensack. More information below.
We are working with outstanding experts. We encourage you to bring all your questions and get them answered. We encourage you to share this with your networks, fans, friends, customers, you get the idea.  Yes, this notice is early. June 6th may seem far off but please mark your calendars.
For those of you who represent products, services, education, advocacy – NFRPP will provide tabling opportunities. While the program will start at 7:30pm, we will have an “open house” that will start at 6pm. If this is of interest please contact
Also, if you have lost touch with us, please re-new your acquaintance with Network for Responsible Public Policy (formerly North Jersey Public Policy Network). Visit our web site and see what we have been doing. . We’d love to hear from you.


June 6, 2019
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:


Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack
Dickinson Hall, Wilson Auditorium, 140 University Plaza Drive
Hackensack, N.J., 07601
+ Google Map