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Monthly Liaison Call

Monthly call between the Executive Director and congregational liaisons.  If you are a liaison, to join the call: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap :     US: +16465588656,,466835134#  or +16699006833,,466835134# Or Telephone:  ...

Environmental Justice Monthly Call – SEPTEMBER CALL CANCELED

Use this link to join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap :     US: +16699006833,,712490459#  or +16468769923,,712490459# Or Telephone:     Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):      ...

Voter Disenfranchisement Rally

UU Congregation at Montclair 67 Church Street, Montclair, New Jersey

A rally and march during the Month of Resistance against Mass Incarceration  Thursday, Oct. 18th  Rally and March at Church Street Plaza (GPS: 12 Church St., Montclair) Many externals invited: ministers, Solidarity Singers, leaders of NAACP, ACLU, POP. Anti-Racist Alliance of...

Annual Fall Issues Conference

NJ, United States

One of two major UU FaithAction gatherings each year.  Each fall UUs and allies from across the state gather to review the most pressing social justice, advocacy and legislative issues facing New Jerseyans that year and decide together on the...
