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Brady and Team ENOUGH National Conference: Fed up and Fired up to End Gun Violence

Virtual Conference

Learn more and register at RSVP for our three-day national conference (day three is open to Brady and Team ENOUGH members only) to hear from Brady President Kris Brown, special guests like author Nancy Kislin, and more. We’ll educate...


Coalition of UU Social Action Networks (CUUSAN) monthly conference call

Rev. Rob Gregson joins other paid and volunteer staff on this monthly networking call.  CUUSAN is the national organization that coordinates state-level UU social justice witness in 25 states across the U.S.   If interested in joining the discussion, please reach...

UUFANJ Board Meeting


Members/supporters of UU FaithAction NJ are welcome to attend our monthly all-volunteer Board meetings.  To access online meetings (all meetings from March 2020 onward will be conducted online) via the Zoom conferencing platform, please contact Board President Mia Morse, at...

Jubilee 3 Anti-Racism Training


You Are Invited to Participate in Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training: Learning Together About Systemic Racism, Acclaimed Program, Experienced Trainers Do you wish to deepen your understanding of how race and ethnicity play out in our institutions and our daily lives?...
